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A REST server to provide measures for geospatial datasets, using the OSHDB


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The library Measures REST OSHDB provides an extension to the library Measures REST. It aids with implementing a measure that consumes data from the OpenStreetMap History Database (OSHDB).

Scientific Publications

The following publication is related to this framework and the used DGGS:

Implementing a Measure

A measure that consumes data from the OSHDB extends the class MeasureOSHDB<R, O extends OSHDBMapReducible>. Here, R is a generic parameter that refers to the result of the measure; and O is the class to be mapped. As an example, one may extend the class MeasureOSHDB as follows:

public class MeasureLengthOfElements extends MeasureOSHDB<Number, OSMEntitySnapshot> {
    public SortedMap<GridCell, Number> compute(MapAggregator<GridCell, OSMEntitySnapshot> mapReducer, OSHDBRequestParameter p) throws Exception {
        return mapReducer
                .osmTag("highway", "residential")
                .map(snapshot -> Geo.lengthOf(snapshot.getGeometry()))

Instead of the function compute(BoundingBox bbox), the function compute(MapAggregator<GridCell, O> mapReducer, OSHDBRequestParameter p) can be overwritten in order to implement the actual measure. As a parameter, a mapReducer object is provided that already refers to the corresponding bounding box and the corresponding point in time or time span. The mapReducer can be used to filter and aggregate the data, as is described in the documentation of the OSHDB. Whether the measure refers to one point in time or a time span is determined by the method refersToTimeSpan (see below).

Using REST URL parameters

Parameters from the REST URL can easily be used in the same way as in Measure REST. As an example, p.get("hello").toString() provides the value for the key hello provided in the URL.

To simplify the filtering by a tag (key and value) in the OSHDB, one can filter like follows:


In this case, the key and value provided in the URL will be used for filtering. If only a key is available, the data is only filtered by the key. In some cases, one might want to provide the parameters using other keys in the URL. In this case, the keys can manually be provided, e.g., as follows:

mapReducer.osmTag(p.getOSMTag("newKey", "newValue"));

The URL should accordingly contain ...&newKey=highway&newValue=residential).

Default values

The default values for the measure can be defined in the class MeasureOSDHB. Further information can be found in the documentation of the library Measures REST.

public Boolean refersToTimeSpan() {
    return false;

public ZonedDateTime defaultDate() {

public ZonedDateTime defaultDateFrom() {
    return null;

public Integer defaultDaysBefore() {
    return 3 * 12 * 30;

public Integer defaultIntervalInDays() {
    return 30;

Computing using the MapReducer result

In some cases, the data computed using the mapReducer need to be used in further computations. In order to do so, the function can be used, for example, as follows:

        s -> 2 * s.doubleValue()

Here, the function given in the second argument only refers to the values of the SortedMap, while the keys (in our case the grid cells) stay unchanged.

Another option is to use the function Index.mapStream, which maps in a similar way to but provides a stream as argument for the mapping function:

return Index.mapStream(,

While the function Index.mapStream is usually not necessary, there arise cases in which the OSHDB API does not provide the flexibility of the class Stream. In such cases, the function Index.mapStream can be helpful.


If a measure refers to a time span, the data are examined at different points in time. These points in time are all in the time span provided by the URL or the default values given within the implementation (see below). The interval – the number of days between two such points in time – can be defined in the implementation of the measure by overriding the method intervalInDays.

By default, the interval is 30 days. The points in time used for the measures are computed as follows: the last timestamp is the date determined by the parameter date; the second last one, 30 days before; the third last one, 60 days before; etc. The first date is always larger than the date determined by the parameters dateFrom and daysBefore. In case of other intervals, the points in time are computed accordingly.

When the data have been aggregated manually by the timestamps, two indices are used: one for the grid cells and one for the timestamps. Technically, this results in a OSHDBCombinedIndex. To hide the first index by the grid cells, there is offered a function Index.reduce that consumes two arguments. The first argument refers to the result of the mapReducer after having aggregated by timestamps, and the second argument refers to how the list of values for the different timestamps shall be used for computing the final result. Thereby, the second argument is used for each grid cell separately. A measure applying the saturation principle to highways looks, for example, as follows:

public SortedMap<GridCell, Number> compute(MapAggregator<GridCell, OSMEntitySnapshot> mapReducer, OSHDBRequestParameter p) throws Exception {
    return Index.reduce(
                    .map(snapshot -> Geo.lengthOf(snapshot.getGeometry()))

The function Lineage::saturation already provides the needed computation needed to conclude the saturation from a list of road network lengths at different points in time. In this example, the function consumes a value of type SortedMap<OSHDBTimestamp, Number> and results in a Number. Such functions can be inserted manually but different nearby choices already exist:

Function Input Output Description
Lineage::min SortedMap<I, Number> Number minimum for all timestamps
Lineage::max SortedMap<I, Number> Number maximum for all timestamps
Lineage::sum SortedMap<I, Number> Number sum for all timestamps
Lineage::average SortedMap<I, Number> Number average for all timestamps
Lineage::saturation SortedMap<I, Number> Number saturation principle

Casting the result

The result of a measure is a SortedMap with grid cells as keys and numbers as values, that is, it is of type SortedMap<GridCell, Number>. Many commands like mapReducer.sum() return exactly this type, while others like mapReducer.count() return the result as SortedMap<GridCell, Integer>. While Integer is a subclass of Number and can thus be casted, this does not automatically work for the SortedMap. Instead, the value has to be casted manually:

return Cast.result(mapReducer.count())

This works for all SortedMap<GridCell, R> with X being castable to Number. When using Index.computeCombinedWithAggregate for aggregation, there should be no need to use Cast.result because this is already handled by computeCombinedWithAggregate and the corresponding function in the second argument.

Aggregation by grid cells

The data is automatically aggregated by the MapAggregator into grid cells (ISEA 3H DGGS). If, however, the data shall be aggregated manually, the method gridCell offers a simple way to aggregate. It accepts either a OSMEntitySnapshot, a OSMContribution, or a geometry. A geometry needs to be provided if different ways of aggregation are of interest, for example, when the data should not be aggregated by the centroid of the geometry but rather by the first node of the geometry, by the centroid of the convex hull, etc.

Instantiation of the Measure

In contrast to the class Measure, the constructor of the class MeasureOSHDB accepts an OSHDB object as a parameter. A typical way of running the REST server is as follows:

OSHDBDatabase oshdb = new OSHDBH2(...);
RestServer restServer = new RestServer();
restServer.register(new MeasureLengthOfElements().setOSHDB(oshdb));;

Instead of using only one database for the data as well as for the keytables, also two separate databases can be used (compare the documentation of the OSHDB):

OSHDBDatabase oshdb = new OSHDBH2(...).multithreading(true);
OSHDBJdbc oshdbKeydb = new OSHDBH2(...);
RestServer restServer = new RestServer();
restServer.register(new MeasureLengthOfElements().setOSHDB(oshdb, oshdbKeydb));


This software is archived at HeiGIT gGmbH and not further maintained.

In 2017–2019, this software has been developed and maintained by Franz-Benjamin Mocnik,, GIScience Research Group, Institute of Geography, Heidelberg University. The development has been supported by the DFG project A framework for measuring the fitness for purpose of OpenStreetMap data based on intrinsic quality indicators (FA 1189/3-1).

(c) by Heidelberg University, 2017–2019.


The code is licensed under the MIT license.


A REST server to provide measures for geospatial datasets, using the OSHDB








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