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Python module for recovering Aranet4 sensors data from the Aranet Cloud


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This repository contains the module, which allows recovering data of the Aranet4 CO₂ sensors from the Aranet Cloud.


After loading the module with

import aranet_cloud

a configuration object is needed to call the module functions. This configuration object will store the credentials to the Aranet Cloud as well as some other parameters.

The configuration object is a ConfigParser object which may be created from a configuration file with the read_aranet_conf function, e.g.:

aranet_conf = aranet_cloud.read_aranet_conf("aranet_cloud.conf")

A template for this configuration file is included in this repository in the file aranet_cloud.conf.template (see the following section for a description of the available settings)

Configuration file

The configuration file admits the following settings in the DEFAULT section:

  • endpoint: endpoint of the Aranet Cloud, default value:
  • login_cache_file: File to store the login information for reuse. If not provided each data request will need to do first a login request.
  • password: Aranet Cloud password for the user.
  • username: Aranet Cloud username.
  • space_name: The organization name set in the Aranet Cloud.

Aranet Cloud Query Functions


Get information about a sensor. Usage:

    aranet_conf, fields=['metrics', 'telemetry', 'name'],
    **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:

where fields is a list of str with the field names of the data to request. The fields available in the Aranet Cloud are:

  • alarms: Alarms raised by the sensor.
  • devices: List of base stations to which the sensor is paired.
  • files: Number of files stored in the sensor.
  • integrations: ?
  • metrics: Latest data captured by the sensor, e.g., CO2, temperature, humidity, pressure.
  • name: Name of the sensor.
  • position: Localization of the sensor.
  • rules: Alarm rules for the sensor.
  • skills: ?
  • tagids: Tags identifiers for the tags of the sensor.
  • telemetry: Telemetry data, e.g., battery, RSSI.
  • txint: ?
  • virtual: ?

The function will return a dictionary object with the representation of the JSON data returned by the Aranet Cloud. An example output for two sensors with names "1.01", and "1.02" is the following:

{'params': {'lastModified': '2022-02-07T11:01:33.391'},
 'data': {'lang': 'en',
  'currentItemCount': 2,
  'items': [{'id': '4196648',
    'metrics': [{'id': '1',
      't': 1644231619,
      'v': 21.2,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '2',
      't': 1644231619,
      'v': 46,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '3',
      't': 1644231619,
      'v': 1059,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '4',
      't': 1644231619,
      'v': 1030,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}}],
    'name': '1.01',
    'telemetry': [{'id': '61',
      't': 1644231619,
      'v': -98,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '62',
      't': 1644231619,
      'v': 56,
      'v%': 56,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}}],
    'type': {'id': 'S4V2'}},
   {'id': '4196666',
    'metrics': [{'id': '1',
      't': 1644231655,
      'v': 19.6,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '2',
      't': 1644231655,
      'v': 50,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '3',
      't': 1644231655,
      'v': 1066,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '4',
      't': 1644231655,
      'v': 1030,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}}],
    'name': '1.02',
    'telemetry': [{'id': '61',
      't': 1644231655,
      'v': -93,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}},
     {'id': '62',
      't': 1644231655,
      'v': 50,
      'v%': 50,
      'novelty': {'id': '1', 'name': 'New'}}],
    'type': {'id': 'S4V2'}}]}}

For each object in the metrics and the telemetry arrays, the measured value will be returned in the v field, and the id field will indicate the metric (e.g., CO₂, temperature, etc). The possible values of id for the metrics and telemetry data can be queried with the get_metrics function.


Query the recorded data of an Aranet4 sensor during a certain time interval. Usage:

    aranet_conf, sensor_id, from_time, to_time, timezone="0000",
    metrics=list(DEFAULT_METRICS_DICT.keys()), **kwargs) -> pandas.DataFrame:


  • sensor_id is the sensor ID as a str or an int.
  • from_time is the earliest time of the sensor data, as a str in the ISO 8601 format, for example 2022-01-31T12:00:00Z. Note: currently it seems that the Aranet Cloud only allows times in UTC, specified with the timezone Z specification or without any timezone information. A different timezone specification will make the request fail.
  • to_time is the latest time of the sensor data, as a str with the same format as from_time.
  • timezone is the timezone string of the datetime field of the retrieved data, with format hhmm, being hh the hours and mm the minutes.
  • metrics is a list of the metrics identifiers to query. The default is list(DEFAULT_METRICS_DICT.keys()), which is ["1", "2", "3", "4"].

For example,

df = aranet_cloud.get_sensor_data(
    aranet_conf, 4196648, '2022-02-01T12:00:00Z', '2022-02-01T12:20:00Z')

may return the following data

          datetime(UTC)  temperature(C)  humidity(%)  co2(ppm)  atmosphericpressure(hPa)
0   2022.02.01 12:00:01            21.0         41.0       743                      1033
1   2022.02.01 12:01:03            21.1         41.0       769                      1033
2   2022.02.01 12:02:01            21.1         41.0       775                      1033
3   2022.02.01 12:03:01            21.1         41.0       772                      1033
4   2022.02.01 12:04:03            21.1         41.0       770                      1033
5   2022.02.01 12:05:03            21.0         41.0       769                      1033
6   2022.02.01 12:06:02            21.1         41.0       760                      1033
7   2022.02.01 12:07:05            21.1         41.0       765                      1033
8   2022.02.01 12:08:06            21.1         41.0       742                      1033
9   2022.02.01 12:09:06            21.0         41.0       741                      1033
10  2022.02.01 12:10:07            21.0         41.0       736                      1033
11  2022.02.01 12:11:07            21.0         41.0       726                      1033
12  2022.02.01 12:12:05            21.0         41.0       710                      1032
13  2022.02.01 12:13:05            21.0         41.0       707                      1032
14  2022.02.01 12:14:06            21.0         41.0       712                      1032
15  2022.02.01 12:15:06            21.0         41.0       697                      1032
16  2022.02.01 12:16:05            21.0         41.0       688                      1032
17  2022.02.01 12:17:05            21.0         41.0       681                      1032
18  2022.02.01 12:18:05            21.0         41.0       675                      1032
19  2022.02.01 12:19:06            21.0         41.0       668                      1032


Get available metrics in the Aranet Cloud. Usage:

get_metrics(aranet_conf, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:

The output may be the following:

{'data': {'lang': 'en',
  'currentItemCount': 6,
  'items': [{'id': '1',
    'name': 'Temperature',
    'units': [{'id': '1',
      'name': '°C',
      'precision': 1,
      'selected': True,
      'default': True,
      'overrides': [{'type': 2, 'variant': 10, 'precision': 2}]},
     {'id': '102',
      'name': 'K',
      'precision': 1,
      'overrides': [{'type': 2, 'variant': 10, 'precision': 2}]},
     {'id': '101',
      'name': '°F',
      'precision': 1,
      'overrides': [{'type': 2, 'variant': 10, 'precision': 2}]}]},
   {'id': '2',
    'name': 'Humidity',
    'units': [{'id': '2',
      'name': '%',
      'precision': 1,
      'selected': True,
      'default': True}]},
   {'id': '3',
    'name': 'CO₂',
    'units': [{'id': '3',
      'name': 'ppm',
      'precision': 0,
      'selected': True,
      'default': True}]},
   {'id': '4',
    'name': 'Atmospheric Pressure',
    'units': [{'id': '104',
      'name': 'hPa',
      'precision': 0,
      'selected': True,
      'default': True},
     {'id': '114', 'name': 'inHg', 'precision': 2},
     {'id': '103', 'name': 'mmHg', 'precision': 1},
     {'id': '105', 'name': 'bar', 'precision': 3},
     {'id': '106', 'name': 'psi', 'precision': 2},
     {'id': '117', 'name': 'atm', 'precision': 3},
     {'id': '4', 'name': 'Pa', 'precision': 0}]},
   {'id': '61',
    'name': 'RSSI',
    'units': [{'id': '11',
      'name': 'dBm',
      'precision': 0,
      'selected': True,
      'default': True}]},
   {'id': '62',
    'name': 'Battery voltage',
    'units': [{'id': '132',
      'name': '%',
      'precision': 0,
      'selected': True,
      'default': True},
     {'id': '16', 'name': 'V', 'precision': 2}]}]}}


Get rules defined in the Aranet Cloud. Usage:

get_rules(aranet_conf, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:

In the Aranet Cloud there is a low battery built-in rule, thus if no other rules are defines, the output of the function will be similar to the following:

{'data': {'lang': 'en',
  'currentItemCount': 1,
  'items': [{'id': '289',
    'title': 'Low battery',
    'selection': {'type': {'id': 'all', 'name': 'All sensors'}, 'sensors': 57},
    'metric': {'id': '62'},
    'state': {'id': '1', 'name': 'Enabled'},
    'lastAction': '2022-03-03T11:47:53Z',
    'notes': 'This is a built-in rule that controls sensor battery levels. Battery level thresholds depends on the sensor type. This rule cannot be deleted or copied.'}]}}


Get gateways (base stations) registered into the Aranet Cloud. Usage:

get_gateways(aranet_conf, **kwargs) -> Dict[str, Any]:

For example, with two gateways in the Aranet Cloud the output may be the following:

{'devices': [{'id': '123',
   'device': 'Aranet-AAAAAA',
   'serial': '111111111111',
   'regdate': '2020-01-01T08:00:00Z',
   'files': 0},
  {'id': '456',
   'device': 'Aranet-BBBBBB',
   'serial': '222222222222',
   'regdate': '2021-01-01T08:00:00Z',
   'files': 0}]}


This repository includes several exemplary scripts in the examples folder. These are described below.

Queries the Aranet Cloud for the most recent data of the Aranet4 sensors and returns them in a JSON format. The script may be called in the following way:

$ PYTHONPATH="." python3 | jq

then, considering two sensors with names "1.01", and "1.02", the output of the command may be the following:

    "num_sensors": 2,
    "1.01_time": 1644228737,
    "1.01_temperature": 21.3,
    "1.01_humidity": 45,
    "1.01_CO2": 1289,
    "1.01_pressure": 1030,
    "1.01_RSSI": -96,
    "1.01_battery": 56,
    "1.02_time": 1644228711,
    "1.02_temperature": 19.2,
    "1.02_humidity": 50,
    "1.02_CO2": 1136,
    "1.02_pressure": 1030,
    "1.02_RSSI": -89,
    "1.02_battery": 50

Queries the Aranet Cloud and returns the list of sensor IDs and names in CSV format. The script may be called in the following way:

$ PYTHONPATH="." python3

and the output may be the following:


Queries the Aranet Cloud and returns a list with the data of each sensor and the gateway to which each one is paired. Moreover, old pairings are also shown. The script may be called in the following way:

$ PYTHONPATH="." python3

then, considering two sensors with names "1.01", and "1.02" and two base stations, the output of the command may be the following:

Found 2 paired sensors

    name       id             pair_date gw_id           gw_name     gw_serial
0   1.01  4196648  2020-01-01T10:00:00Z   123     Aranet-AAAAAA  111111111111
1   1.02  4196666  2021-01-01T10:00:00Z   456     Aranet-BBBBBB  222222222222

Found 0 removed pairings

Creates Home Assistant configuration files to integrate the Aranet sensors by querying the Aranet Cloud.

This script creates the following files:

  • ha_aranet_cloud_main.yaml: Main configuration file. Creates an aranet sensor entity which stores all the sensor data as attributes
  • ha_aranet_cloud_templates.yaml: Templates configuration file. Creates a sensor entity for each Aranet sensor retrieving the corresponding attribute from the aranet entity.

Also, an additional configuration file of statistics sensors may be created with the --stats option.

Creates Home Assistant configuration files to integrate the Aranet sensors from the MQTT messages sent by the Aranet base stations.

This script by default creates the files ha_aranet_mqtt_main.yaml. Also, an additional configuration file of statistics sensors may be created with the --stats option.


This code is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.


Python module for recovering Aranet4 sensors data from the Aranet Cloud






