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Martijn edited this page Sep 23, 2023 · 4 revisions

Below is a list of all configuration settings. The configuration for Gale can be found in:

  • Global settings: config/gale-global.yml
  • World settings:
    • defaults in config/gale-world-defaults.yml
    • overriding settings for a specific world can be defined in <world name>/gale-world.yml

Many settings have a recommended value, which is chosen so that it doesn't affect players, but provides good optimization or a valuable benefit.

Global settings

Global settings can be changed in config/gale-global.yml.

  • small-optimizations

    • reduced-intervals

      • increase-time-statistics

        The interval, given in ticks, at which to increase the time-related statistics such as total playtime, time since the last death, etc.
        Changing this value does not change the speed with which statistics increase from vanilla.

        For example:

        • If this value is set to 20, the total playtime in ticks will be increased by 20 every second.
        • If this value is set to 100, the total playtime in ticks will be increased by 100 every 5 seconds.

        If a value ≤ 0 is given, it will default to the same as Paper.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        100 20 1 1
        Values for goals
        Optimization 100
        Vanilla behavior Lower is more like vanilla
        (20 is fine though, 1 is normally unnecessary)
      • update-entity-line-of-sight

        The interval, given in ticks, at which to update whether one entity is within another entity's line of sight.
        If a value ≤ 0 is given, it will default to the same as Paper.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        4 4 1 1
        Values for goals
        Optimization 10
        Vanilla behavior 1
    • use-xor-shift-random

      Whether to use a xor-shift random number generator instead of the Java default.

      • auto-replenish-lootable-refill

        Whether to use a xor-shift random generator for refilling lootables for the Paper auto-replenish feature. This does not affect normal Minecraft lootable chests.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true true false -
        Values for goals
        Optimization true
        Paper behavior - (players can't notice the difference anyway)
      • elytra-firework-speed

        Whether to use a xor-shift random generator for the speed boost of using a rocket while gliding.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true true false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization true
        Vanilla behavior false
      • entity-wake-up-duration

        Whether to use a xor-shift random generator for variation in entity activation durations.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true true - -
        Values for goals
        Optimization true
      • generate-tree-with-bukkit-api

        Whether to use a xor-shift random generator to generate trees with the Bukkit API (World#generateTree).

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true true false -
        Values for goals
        Optimization true
        Paper behavior false
  • gameplay-mechanics

    • enable-book-writing

      Whether books should be writeable.
      If set to false, players with the permission gale.writebooks (default: op) can still use books.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      - true true true
      Values for goals
      Optimization -
      Vanilla behavior true
  • log-to-console

    Whether to log specific text and events to the console and the log files.

    Setting Description Recommended         Gale Paper
    ignored-advancements When a player's data is loaded and they have advancements that don't exist anymore false true true
    invalid-statistics When a player's data is loaded and they have statistics that don't exist anymore false true true
    legacy-material-initialization When a very old Bukkit plugins is loaded false false true
    null-id-disconnections When a player did not send a valid profile during login
    (this usually indicates a hacker is trying to flood your server's joining capacity)
    - true true
    player-login-locations Whether to include a player's coordinates in the join message logged to the console - true true
    set-block-in-far-chunk When a player attempts to set a block that is very far away
    (this usually indicates a hacker is trying to get information about other players' locations)
    false true true
    unrecognized-recipes When a player's data is loaded and they have recipe book recipes that don't exist anymore false false true
    • chat

      Setting Description Recommended         Gale Paper
      empty-message-warning When a player sends a message packet that is empty
      (this is harmless, it usually happens when the player's client is outdated)
      false false true
      expired-message-warning When a player's message packet has expired
      (this is harmless, it usually happens when the player's client's chat is a bit out-of-sync)
      false false true
      out-of-order-message-warning When a player's message packets are out of order
      (this is harmless, it usually happens when the player's client's chat is a bit out-of-sync)
      false false true
      not-secure-marker Whether to add a [NOT SECURE] marker in front unsigned chat packets - true true
    • plugin-library-loader

      Setting Description Recommended         Gale Paper
      downloads When the plugin library loader starts downloading libraries true true true
      start-load-libraries-for-plugin When the plugin library loader starts loading libraries for a plugin true true true
      library-loaded When the plugin library loader finished loading a library true true true
    • invalid-pool-element-error-log-level

      The logging level for errors when the server encounters invalid pool elements in world data. Invalid pool elements are parts of generated structures (such as mineshafts) that are corrupted or not updated from old versions properly. The errors generated by this are huge, and happen often on old servers that have updated across many Minecraft versions. The error logs are usually pointless: there is nothing you can do about it.

      The valid values for this setting are "none", "info", "warn" and "error".

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      "none" 🛈 "info" "error" "error"

      🛈 = The default value is "info" to prevent any errors going unnoticed by default, but the recommended value is "none" because these errors are usually meaningless and unsolvable anyway.

  • misc

    • ignore-null-legacy-structure-data

      Whether to ignore any legacy structure data, for which the NBT tag parser returns null for some reason.

      • If true, no warning will be given when this happens.
      • If false, an exception will be thrown in the console when this happens.
      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      true 🛈 false false false
      Values for goals
      Optimization -
      Vanilla behavior false

      🛈 = The default value is false to prevent any errors going unnoticed by default, but the recommended value is true because these errors are usually meaningless and unsolvable anyway.

    • keepalive

      • send-multiple

        Whether to send more frequent keepalive packets than vanilla.

        • If true, a keepalive packet is sent to every client every second, and they are not kicked if they respond to at least one of them within 30 seconds.
        • If false, a keepalive packet is sent to every client every 15 seconds, and they are kicked if they do not respond to it within 30 seconds.
        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true true false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Vanilla behavior - (this doesn't affect gameplay)
    • last-tick-time-in-tps-command

      • enabled

        Whether to include the time that the last tick took in the /tps command. The time that the last tick took only represents that one tick, so it is normally not very useful.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        false false false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Paper behavior false
      • add-oversleep

        Whether to add the oversleep portion of the last tick's time to the /tps command. This only has any effect if enabled above is true.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        - false false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Paper behavior -
    • premium-account-slow-login-timeout

      The maximum time, given in ticks, that a premium account login can take.
      If this time is exceeded, the connection is closed.
      If a value ≤ 0 is given, it will default to the same as vanilla, which is currently 600 ticks (30 seconds). \

Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
- -1 -1 -1
Values for goals
Optimization -
Vanilla behavior -1
  • verify-chat-order

    Whether to verify the order of chat messages.

    • If this option is set to true, and a player sends an out-of-order chat packet, they will be kicked.
    • If this option is set to false, no verification will occur, and players will not be kicked. \

Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
- true true true
Values for goals
Optimization -
Vanilla behavior true
  • include-in-timings-report

    Whether to include certain information in timings (/timings) reports.
    • hardware-specs

      Whether to include hardware specs.
      Property Description Recommended         Gale Paper
      cpu CPU true true false
      disks Storage true true false
      gpus Graphics cards true true false
      memory RAM true true false
    • server-properties

      Whether to include certain settings from the vanilla configuration file.
      Property Recommended         Gale Paper
      data-packs true true false
      enable-rcon false false false
      generator-settings true true false
      level-name - false false
      motd - false false
      query-port false false false
      rcon-port false false false
      resource-pack-and-resource-pack-sha1 - false false
      resource-pack-prompt - false false
      server-ip - false false
      server-port - false false
      text-filtering-config - false false

World settings

The default settings for each world can be set in config/gale-world-defaults.yml, and overriding these settings for a specific world can be done in <world name>/gale-world.yml.

  • small-optimizations

    • save-fireworks

      Whether fireworks are saved when saving a chunk.
      Fireworks can bug out and not detonate, and an automated launcher can very easily fill a chunk. If this value is set to true, chunk unloads will remove any fireworks, preventing this scenario.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      (See Optimization below)
      true true true
      Values for goals
      • Normally: - (doesn't matter much)
      • If you expect players to try to break your server: false
      Vanilla behavior true
    • use-optimized-sheep-offspring-color

      Whether to use a (much) faster way to choose a color when a new baby sheep is born.
      The color chosen is exactly the same as vanilla. However, in vanilla, it is possible to change the new color by changing the crafting recipe for combining dyes using a data pack. If this value is set to true, any such crafting recipe changes will be ignored.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      true true false false
      Values for goals
      Optimization true
      Vanilla behavior false
    • load-chunks

      Whether to load chunks at certain times.

      • to-spawn-phantoms

        Whether to load chunks to spawn phantoms.
        If this value is set to false, when the server attempts to spawn a phantom in an unloaded chunk, nothing happens.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        false false true true
        Values for goals
        Optimization false
        Vanilla behavior true
      • to-activate-climbing-entities

        Whether to load chunks to activate climbing entities.
        In Paper, entities, like zombies, that are "climbing" (e.g. going down a ladder) get priority to be activated. To check whether an entity is climbing, the block it is in must be checked. This can lead to the entire server having to wait for a chunk to load when an entity moves just over the edge.

        If this value is set to false, this is prevented: the server will not check the "climbing" priority for entities that are in unloaded chunks. This prevents unnecessary server hangs.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        false false true -
        Values for goals
        Optimization false
        Paper behavior true
    • max-projectile-chunk-loads

      Settings for loading chunks for projectiles (e.g. when an arrow, trident or ender pearl enters an unloaded chunk).

      • per-tick

        The maximum number of chunks that can be synchronously loaded by all projectiles in one world in a tick.
        If a value < 0 is given, this setting is disabled: i.e. the number of chunks loaded by projectiles per tick will be unlimited.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        10 10 -1 -1
        Values for goals
        Optimization 2
        Vanilla behavior -1
      • per-projectile

        • max

          The maximum number of chunks that can be synchronously loaded by a projectile throughout its lifetime.
          If a value < 0 is given, this setting is disabled: i.e. the number of chunks loaded by a projectile will be unlimited.

          Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
          10 10 -1 -1
          Values for goals
          Optimization 10
          Vanilla behavior -1
        • reset-movement-after-reach-limit

          Whether to set the planar velocity of projectiles that cross the max threshold (described above) to zero, so that they stop attempting to cross chunk boundaries.
          This has no effect if remove-from-world-after-reach-limit (described below) is true.

          Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
          - false false false
          Values for goals
          Optimization true
          Vanilla behavior false
        • remove-from-world-after-reach-limit

          Whether to remove projectiles that cross the max threshold (described above) from the world entirely.
          Removing projectiles from the world is risky, because this will also affect projectiles such as tridents that are valuable to players, so it is not recommended to set this value to true unless you accept that risk.

          Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
          false false false false
          Values for goals
          Optimization true in extreme circumstances, but this is risky (see above)
          Vanilla behavior false
    • reduced-intervals

      • acquire-poi-for-stuck-entity

        The extra interval (on top of the regular interval), given in ticks, for entities that are stuck (e.g. in a vehicle) to attempt to acquire a POI (such as a villager job block).
        If they become unstuck during this time, they will immediately be free to acquire a POI again.
        For example, if this value is set to 100, stuck entities will try to find a POI every 5 seconds.

        If a value < 0 is given, it will default to the same as Paper.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        60 60 200 0
        Values for goals
        Optimization 200
        Vanilla behavior 0
      • check-stuck-in-wall

        The interval, given in ticks, at which to check whether an entity is stuck in a wall, to deal suffocation damage.
        Since after dealing damage, there is an interval (this may change in the future, but approximately 1 second) at which entities cannot take repeated damage, delaying the suffocation check by less than 1 second is almost unnoticeable.
        For example, if this value is set to 10, entities will check whether they are being suffocated every ½ second.

        If a value ≤ 0 is given, it will default to the same as Paper.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        10 10 1 1
        Values for goals
        Optimization 10
        Vanilla behavior 1
      • villager-item-repickup

        The minimum delay, given in ticks, for items dropped by villagers to be picked up by (other) entities.

        • Prevents villagers picking up farmed items before hoppers do in certain farm designs, that would otherwise be broken by the check-nearby-item.hopper setting described below.
        • Reduces lag from villagers continuously throwing many items at each other when their inventories are full.

        For example, if this value is set to 100, items dropped by villagers can be picked up by entities after 5 seconds.

        If a value < 0 is given, it will default to the same as vanilla, which is currently 10 ticks (½ second).

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        100 100 -1 -1
        Values for goals
        Optimization 100
        Vanilla behavior -1
      • check-nearby-item . hopper

        Frequency with which hoppers check for items to pick up.
        This only affects picking up in-world (e.g. dropped) items, not pulling items from chests or other storage blocks.

        • interval

          Frequency, given in ticks, with which hopper blocks check for items to pick up.
          For example, if this value is set to 20, hoppers will check for items above them every second.

          If a value ≤ 0 is given, it will default to the same as Paper.

          Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
          20 20 1 1
          Values for goals
          Optimization 50
          Vanilla behavior 1
        • minecart
          • interval

            The same as the interval setting above, but for hopper minecarts.

            Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
            20 20 1 1
            Values for goals
            Optimization 20
            Vanilla behavior 1
          • temporary-immunity

            Hopper minecarts can have temporary immunity from the interval setting above. While a minecart is immune, it can check for items every tick.

            • duration

              The duration, given in ticks, of temporary immunity from the interval setting for hopper minecarts.
              If a value ≤ 0 is given, hopper minecarts will never have temporary immunity from the interval setting.

              Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
              100 100 - -
              Values for goals
              Optimization 75
              Vanilla behavior - (for vanilla behavior, interval must be set to 1)
            • nearby-item-max-age

              Items with an age (given in ticks) higher than this value will not cause nearby hopper minecarts to become immune from the interval setting.
              If a value ≤ 0 is given, it means no minimum age: in other words, all items can give nearby hopper minecarts temporary immunity from the interval setting.

              Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
              1200 1200 - -
              Values for goals
              Optimization 600
              Vanilla behavior - (for vanilla behavior, interval must be set to 1)
            • check-for-item-near-minecart-interval

              How often, given in ticks, to check for hopper minecarts near items, to give the minecarts temporary immunity from the interval setting.
              If a value ≤ 0 is given, it behaves like 1.

              Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
              20 20 - -
              Values for goals
              Optimization 20
              Vanilla behavior - (for vanilla behavior, interval must be set to 1)
            • check-for-minecart-near-item-while-inactive

              Whether to check for hopper minecarts near items that are inactive, to give the minecarts temporary immunity from the interval setting.

              Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
              (setting this value to false is strongly not recommended)
              true - -
              Values for goals
              Optimization true
              Vanilla behavior - (for vanilla behavior, interval must be set to 1)
            • max-item-horizontal-distance

              The maximum horizontal distance a dropped item can be away from a hopper minecart be to give it temporary immunity from the interval setting.
              If a value < 0 is given, hopper minecarts will never have temporary immunity from the interval setting.

              Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
              24.0 - -
              Values for goals
              Optimization 24.0
              Vanilla behavior - (for vanilla behavior, interval must be set to 1)
            • max-item-vertical-distance

              Same as max-item-horizontal-distance, but this is the maximum distance vertically.

              Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
              4.0 - -
              Values for goals
              Optimization 4.0
              Vanilla behavior - (for vanilla behavior, interval must be set to 1)
  • gameplay-mechanics

    • arrow-movement-resets-despawn-counter

      Whether the despawn counter of arrows will restart when the arrow starts falling (e.g. when the block it is stuck in gets broken).

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      true true true
      Values for goals
      Optimization false
      Vanilla behavior true
    • entities-can-random-stroll-into-non-ticking-chunks

      Whether entities that are wandering around randomly can also pathfind into non-ticking chunks.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      true true true
      Values for goals
      Optimization -
      Vanilla behavior true
    • entity-wake-up-duration-ratio-standard-deviation

      If this value is set to any value > 0, waking up inactive entities happens spread over time, instead of many entities at once. This makes entities feel and behave more natural.
      This setting is the coefficient of variation, or σ / μ (the ratio of the standard deviation to the mean) of the inactivity duration.

      In other words, this setting is the value σ, so that the regular inactivity duration will be multiplied by a factor normal_distribution(μ = 1, σ).
      If a value ≤ 0 is given, variable entity wake-up is disabled.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      0.2 0.0 -
      Values for goals
      Optimization -
      Paper behavior 0.0
    • hide-flames-on-entities-with-fire-resistance

      Whether to hide visual flames for entities that are on fire, but also have the Fire Resistance potion effect.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      false false false
      Values for goals
      Optimization -
      Vanilla behavior false
    • player-max-interaction-distance

      The maximum distance for blocks with which a player can interact with left- or right-clicking.
      Increasing this value makes the game more playable for players with bad connections, as sometimes a bad connection can lead to the server rejecting block breaks or placements due to desynchronization of the player's position.

      However, increasing this value also makes it possible for players with a hacked client to reach further than normal.
      If a value ≤ 0 is given, it will default to the same as vanilla, which is currently 6.0.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      -1.0 -1.0 -1.0
      Values for goals
      Optimization -
      Vanilla behavior -1.0
    • try-respawn-ender-dragon-after-end-crystal-place

      Whether to attempt to respawn the ender dragon after an end crystal has been placed in one of the right positions on the fountain.

      Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
      true true true
      Values for goals
      Optimization -
      Vanilla behavior true
    • fixes

      • sand-duping

        Whether to fix sand duping.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true true false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Vanilla behavior false
      • tripwire-duping

        Whether to fix tripwire duping.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true true false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Vanilla behavior false
      • broadcast-crit-animations-as-the-entity-being-critted

        Whether to broadcast crit animations as the entity being critted.
        This does not affect where the crit animation is shown: it is always shown on the entity being critted. However, normally (if this setting is set to false), the crit animation is broadcast as the player doing the crit, meaning anyone who cannot see the player cannot see the crit.

        If this setting is set to true, the crit animation is broadcast as the entity being hit, meaning anyone that can see the entity can see the crit.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        false false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Vanilla behavior false
      • check-can-change-dimensions-before-use-end-gateway

        Whether to check if entities can change dimensions when they use an end gateway.
        Note that setting this to true means that vehicles (like boats or horses) and passengers of vehicles can no longer use end gateways.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        false false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Vanilla behavior false
      • keep-mooshroom-rotation-after-shearing

        Whether to make mooshrooms keep their rotation after being sheared (fixes part of MC-88967).

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        true false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization -
        Vanilla behavior false
      • mc-...

        Whether to fix some Minecraft bugs/inconsistencies.

        Property Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        mc-31819 true true false false
        mc-110386 true true false false
        mc-121706 true false false false
        mc-238526 - false false false
    • technical

      • load-portal-destination-chunk-before-entity-teleport

        Whether to fully load chunks before teleporting an entity, when an entity enters a portal.

        This forces the entire server to wait for the chunk to be loaded.

        Recommended         Gale Paper Vanilla
        false false false
        Values for goals
        Optimization false
        Vanilla behavior false

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