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Fix printing of parse errors in enumeration sequences.
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Previously, raw AST would be printed instead of pretty-printed syntax
Also tweak the indentation for multiline parse errors.

Fixes #975
  • Loading branch information
robdockins committed Feb 10, 2021
1 parent 022dfeb commit 44ef743
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Showing 3 changed files with 46 additions and 30 deletions.
60 changes: 30 additions & 30 deletions src/Cryptol/Parser/ParserUtils.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ lexerP k = P $ \cfg p s ->
case sTokens s of
t : _ | Err e <- tokenType it ->
Left $ HappyErrorMsg (srcRange t) $
case e of
[case e of
UnterminatedComment -> "unterminated comment"
UnterminatedString -> "unterminated string"
UnterminatedChar -> "unterminated character"
Expand All @@ -79,14 +79,15 @@ lexerP k = P $ \cfg p s ->
T.unpack (tokenText it)
MalformedSelector -> "malformed selector: " ++
T.unpack (tokenText it)
where it = thing t

t : more -> unP (k t) cfg p s { sPrevTok = Just t, sTokens = more }
[] -> Left (HappyOutOfTokens (cfgSource cfg) p)

data ParseError = HappyError FilePath {- Name of source file -}
(Located Token) {- Offending token -}
| HappyErrorMsg Range String
| HappyErrorMsg Range [String]
| HappyUnexpected FilePath (Maybe (Located Token)) String
| HappyOutOfTokens FilePath Position
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -123,7 +124,7 @@ ppError (HappyOutOfTokens path pos) =
text "Unexpected end of file at:" <+>
text path <.> char ':' <.> pp pos

ppError (HappyErrorMsg p x) = text "Parse error at" <+> pp p $$ nest 2 (text x)
ppError (HappyErrorMsg p xs) = text "Parse error at" <+> pp p $$ nest 2 (vcat (map text xs))

ppError (HappyUnexpected path ltok e) =
text "Parse error at" <+>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -159,13 +160,13 @@ happyError = P $ \cfg _ s ->
case sPrevTok s of
Just t -> Left (HappyError (cfgSource cfg) t)
Nothing ->
Left (HappyErrorMsg emptyRange "Parse error at the beginning of the file")
Left (HappyErrorMsg emptyRange ["Parse error at the beginning of the file"])

errorMessage :: Range -> String -> ParseM a
errorMessage r x = P $ \_ _ _ -> Left (HappyErrorMsg r x)
errorMessage :: Range -> [String] -> ParseM a
errorMessage r xs = P $ \_ _ _ -> Left (HappyErrorMsg r xs)

customError :: String -> Located Token -> ParseM a
customError x t = P $ \_ _ _ -> Left (HappyErrorMsg (srcRange t) x)
customError x t = P $ \_ _ _ -> Left (HappyErrorMsg (srcRange t) [x])

expected :: String -> ParseM a
expected x = P $ \cfg _ s ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,19 +232,19 @@ intVal :: Located Token -> ParseM Integer
intVal tok =
case tokenType (thing tok) of
Num x _ _ -> return x
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange tok) "Expected an integer"
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange tok) ["Expected an integer"]

mkFixity :: Assoc -> Located Token -> [LPName] -> ParseM (Decl PName)
mkFixity assoc tok qns =
do l <- intVal tok
unless (l >= 1 && l <= 100)
(errorMessage (srcRange tok) "Fixity levels must be between 1 and 100")
(errorMessage (srcRange tok) ["Fixity levels must be between 1 and 100"])
return (DFixity (Fixity assoc (fromInteger l)) qns)

fromStrLit :: Located Token -> ParseM (Located String)
fromStrLit loc = case tokenType (thing loc) of
StrLit str -> return loc { thing = str }
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange loc) "Expected a string literal"
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange loc) ["Expected a string literal"]

validDemotedType :: Range -> Type PName -> ParseM (Type PName)
Expand All @@ -264,14 +265,14 @@ validDemotedType rng ty =
TParens t -> validDemotedType rng t
TInfix{} -> ok

where bad x = errorMessage rng (x ++ " cannot be demoted.")
where bad x = errorMessage rng [x ++ " cannot be demoted."]
ok = return $ at rng ty

-- | Input fields are reversed!
mkRecord :: AddLoc b => Range -> (RecordMap Ident (Range, a) -> b) -> [Named a] -> ParseM b
mkRecord rng f xs =
case res of
Left (nm,(nmRng,_)) -> errorMessage nmRng ("Record has repeated field: " ++ show (pp nm))
Left (nm,(nmRng,_)) -> errorMessage nmRng ["Record has repeated field: " ++ show (pp nm)]
Right r -> pure $ at rng (f r)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,7 +326,7 @@ eFromTo r e1 e2 e3 =
(Nothing, Just (e2', t), Nothing) -> eFromToType r e1 (Just e2') e3 (Just t)
(Nothing, Nothing, Just (e3', t)) -> eFromToType r e1 e2 e3' (Just t)
(Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) -> eFromToType r e1 e2 e3 Nothing
_ -> errorMessage r "A sequence enumeration may have at most one element type annotation."
_ -> errorMessage r ["A sequence enumeration may have at most one element type annotation."]
asETyped (ELocated e _) = asETyped e
asETyped (ETyped e t) = Just (e, t)
Expand All @@ -345,9 +346,9 @@ exprToNumT r expr =
Just t -> return t
Nothing -> bad
bad = errorMessage (fromMaybe r (getLoc expr)) $ unlines
bad = errorMessage (fromMaybe r (getLoc expr))
[ "The boundaries of .. sequences should be valid numeric types."
, "The expression `" ++ show expr ++ "` is not."
, "The expression `" ++ show (pp expr) ++ "` is not."

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,21 +414,21 @@ mkTypeInst x | nullIdent (thing (name x)) = PosInst (value x)

mkTParam :: Located Ident -> Maybe Kind -> ParseM (TParam PName)
mkTParam Located { srcRange = rng, thing = n } k
| n == widthIdent = errorMessage rng "`width` is not a valid type parameter name."
| n == widthIdent = errorMessage rng ["`width` is not a valid type parameter name."]
| otherwise = return (TParam (mkUnqual n) k (Just rng))

mkTySyn :: Located PName -> [TParam PName] -> Type PName -> ParseM (Decl PName)
mkTySyn ln ps b
| getIdent (thing ln) == widthIdent =
errorMessage (srcRange ln) "`width` is not a valid type synonym name."
errorMessage (srcRange ln) ["`width` is not a valid type synonym name."]

| otherwise =
return $ DType $ TySyn ln Nothing ps b

mkPropSyn :: Located PName -> [TParam PName] -> Type PName -> ParseM (Decl PName)
mkPropSyn ln ps b
| getIdent (thing ln) == widthIdent =
errorMessage (srcRange ln) "`width` is not a valid constraint synonym name."
errorMessage (srcRange ln) ["`width` is not a valid constraint synonym name."]

| otherwise =
DProp . PropSyn ln Nothing ps . thing <$> mkProp b
Expand All @@ -436,12 +437,12 @@ polyTerm :: Range -> Integer -> Integer -> ParseM (Bool, Integer)
polyTerm rng k p
| k == 0 = return (False, p)
| k == 1 = return (True, p)
| otherwise = errorMessage rng "Invalid polynomial coefficient"
| otherwise = errorMessage rng ["Invalid polynomial coefficient"]

mkPoly :: Range -> [ (Bool,Integer) ] -> ParseM (Expr PName)
mkPoly rng terms
| w <= toInteger (maxBound :: Int) = mk 0 (map fromInteger bits)
| otherwise = errorMessage rng ("Polynomial literal too large: " ++ show w)
| otherwise = errorMessage rng ["Polynomial literal too large: " ++ show w]

w = case terms of
Expand All @@ -455,8 +456,7 @@ mkPoly rng terms

mk res (n : ns)
| testBit res n = errorMessage rng
("Polynomial contains multiple terms with exponent "
++ show n)
["Polynomial contains multiple terms with exponent " ++ show n]
| otherwise = mk (setBit res n) ns

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -540,17 +540,17 @@ mkPrimTypeDecl mbDoc (Forall as qs st ~(Just schema_rng)) finK =
Just (n,xs) ->
do vs <- mapM tpK as
unless (distinct (map fst vs)) $
errorMessage schema_rng "Repeated parameters."
errorMessage schema_rng ["Repeated parameters."]
let kindMap = Map.fromList vs
lkp v = case Map.lookup (thing v) kindMap of
Just (k,tp) -> pure (k,tp)
Nothing ->
(srcRange v)
("Undefined parameter: " ++ show (pp (thing v)))
["Undefined parameter: " ++ show (pp (thing v))]
(as',ins) <- unzip <$> mapM lkp xs
unless (length vs == length xs) $
errorMessage schema_rng "All parameters should appear in the type."
errorMessage schema_rng ["All parameters should appear in the type."]

let ki = finK { thing = foldr KFun (thing finK) ins }

Expand All @@ -565,7 +565,7 @@ mkPrimTypeDecl mbDoc (Forall as qs st ~(Just schema_rng)) finK =

Nothing -> errorMessage schema_rng "Invalid primitive signature"
Nothing -> errorMessage schema_rng ["Invalid primitive signature"]

splitT r ty = case ty of
Expand All @@ -592,7 +592,7 @@ mkPrimTypeDecl mbDoc (Forall as qs st ~(Just schema_rng)) finK =
Just k -> pure (tpName tp, (tp,k))
Nothing ->
case tpRange tp of
Just r -> errorMessage r "Parameters need a kind annotation"
Just r -> errorMessage r ["Parameters need a kind annotation"]
Nothing -> panic "mkPrimTypeDecl"
[ "Missing range on schema parameter." ]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -671,7 +671,7 @@ mkProp ty =
TTyApp{} -> err

err = errorMessage r "Invalid constraint"
err = errorMessage r ["Invalid constraint"]

-- | Make an ordinary module
mkModule :: Located ModName ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ ufToNamed (UpdField h ls e) =
(UpdSet, [l]) | RecordSel i Nothing <- thing l ->
pure Named { name = l { thing = i }, value = e }
_ -> errorMessage (srcRange (head ls))
"Invalid record field. Perhaps you meant to update a record?"
["Invalid record field. Perhaps you meant to update a record?"]

exprToFieldPath :: Expr PName -> ParseM [Located Selector]
exprToFieldPath e0 = reverse <$> go noLoc e0
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -744,7 +744,7 @@ exprToFieldPath e0 = reverse <$> go noLoc e0

_ -> errorMessage loc "Invalid label in record update."
_ -> errorMessage loc ["Invalid label in record update."]

mkSelector :: Token -> Selector
Expand Down
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions tests/issues/issue975.icry
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
[ 0, -1 .. 0 ]
[ 10 .. () ]
[ \x -> x .. 42 ]
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions tests/issues/issue975.icry.stdout
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
Loading module Cryptol

Parse error at issue975.icry:1:6--1:8
The boundaries of .. sequences should be valid numeric types.
The expression `-1` is not.

Parse error at issue975.icry:2:9--2:11
The boundaries of .. sequences should be valid numeric types.
The expression `()` is not.

Parse error at issue975.icry:3:3--3:10
The boundaries of .. sequences should be valid numeric types.
The expression `\x -> x` is not.

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