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Rearrange so that each functor parameter can be "backtick" instantiat…
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XXX: The order in which parameters should be added is very
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yav committed Dec 13, 2022
1 parent 02a5e80 commit e0d0135
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Showing 6 changed files with 117 additions and 55 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion src/Cryptol/ModuleSystem/Base.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -468,7 +468,6 @@ findDeps' m =
DefaultInstArg a -> loadInstArg a
DefaultInstAnonArg ds -> mconcat (map depsOfDecl ds)
NamedInstArgs args -> mconcat (map loadNamedInstArg args)
BacktickInstance -> mempty
in fds <> ads
InterfaceModule s -> mconcat (map loadImpD (sigImports s))
Expand Down
7 changes: 3 additions & 4 deletions src/Cryptol/ModuleSystem/Renamer.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -292,7 +292,6 @@ checkFunctorArgs args =
panic "checkFunctorArgs" ["Nested DefaultInstAnonArg"]
DefaultInstArg l -> checkArg l
NamedInstArgs as -> mapM_ checkNamedArg as
BacktickInstance -> pure ()
checkNamedArg (ModuleInstanceNamedArg _ l) = checkArg l

Expand All @@ -302,6 +301,7 @@ checkFunctorArgs args =
| isFakeName m -> pure ()
| otherwise -> checkIsModule (srcRange l) m AModule
ParameterArg {} -> pure () -- we check these in the type checker
AddParams -> pure ()

mkInstMap :: Maybe Range -> Map Name Name -> ImpName Name -> ImpName Name ->
RenameM (Map Name Name)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -481,10 +481,10 @@ renameTopDecls' ds =
DefaultInstArg arg -> depsOfArg arg
NamedInstArgs args -> concatMap depsOfNamedArg args
DefaultInstAnonArg {} -> []
BacktickInstance -> []

where depsOfNamedArg (ModuleInstanceNamedArg _ a) = depsOfArg a
depsOfArg a = case thing a of
AddParams -> []
ModuleArg {} -> []
ParameterArg p ->
case Map.lookup p localParams of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -795,7 +795,6 @@ instance Rename ModuleInstanceArgs where
DefaultInstArg a -> DefaultInstArg <$> rnLocated rename a
NamedInstArgs xs -> NamedInstArgs <$> traverse rename xs
DefaultInstAnonArg {} -> panic "rename" ["DefaultInstAnonArg"]
BacktickInstance -> pure BacktickInstance

instance Rename ModuleInstanceNamedArg where
rename (ModuleInstanceNamedArg x m) =
Expand All @@ -806,7 +805,7 @@ instance Rename ModuleInstanceArg where
case arg of
ModuleArg m -> ModuleArg <$> rename m
ParameterArg a -> pure (ParameterArg a)

AddParams -> pure AddParams

instance Rename NestedModule where
rename (NestedModule m) =
Expand Down
10 changes: 4 additions & 6 deletions src/Cryptol/Parser/AST.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -282,9 +282,6 @@ data ModuleInstanceArgs name =

| NamedInstArgs [ModuleInstanceNamedArg name]

| BacktickInstance
-- ^ The module instance is computed by adding the functor arguments
-- as explicit parameters to all declarations.
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

-- | A named argument in a functor instantiation
Expand All @@ -296,6 +293,8 @@ data ModuleInstanceNamedArg name =
data ModuleInstanceArg name =
ModuleArg (ImpName name) -- ^ An argument that is a module
| ParameterArg Ident -- ^ An argument that is a parameter
| AddParams -- ^ Arguments adds extra parameters to decls.
-- ("backtick" import)
deriving (Show, Generic, NFData)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -867,7 +866,6 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModuleInstanceArgs name) where
DefaultInstArg x -> braces (pp (thing x))
DefaultInstAnonArg ds -> "where" $$ indent 2 (vcat (map pp ds))
NamedInstArgs xs -> braces (commaSep (map pp xs))
BacktickInstance -> "{}"

instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModuleInstanceNamedArg name) where
ppPrec _ (ModuleInstanceNamedArg x y) = pp (thing x) <+> "=" <+> pp (thing y)
Expand All @@ -876,8 +874,9 @@ instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModuleInstanceNamedArg name) where
instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (ModuleInstanceArg name) where
ppPrec _ arg =
case arg of
ModuleArg x -> pp x
ModuleArg x -> pp x
ParameterArg i -> "parameter" <+> pp i
AddParams -> "{}"

instance (Show name, PPName name) => PP (Program name) where
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1363,7 +1362,6 @@ instance NoPos (ModuleInstanceArgs name) where
DefaultInstArg a -> DefaultInstArg (noPos a)
DefaultInstAnonArg ds -> DefaultInstAnonArg (noPos ds)
NamedInstArgs xs -> NamedInstArgs (noPos xs)
BacktickInstance -> BacktickInstance

instance NoPos (ModuleInstanceNamedArg name) where
noPos (ModuleInstanceNamedArg x y) =
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Error.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -155,6 +155,8 @@ data Error = KindMismatch (Maybe TypeSource) Kind Kind
| FunctorInstanceMissingArgument Ident
| FunctorInstanceBadArgument Ident
| FunctorInstanceMissingName Namespace Ident
| FunctorInstanceBadBacktickArgument Ident Ident
-- ^ Name of functor argument, name of bad value

| UnsupportedFFIKind TypeSource TParam Kind
-- ^ Kind is not supported for FFI
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,6 +193,7 @@ errorImportance err =
MissingModParam {} -> 10
FunctorInstanceBadArgument {} -> 10
FunctorInstanceMissingName {} -> 9
FunctorInstanceBadBacktickArgument {} -> 9

KindMismatch {} -> 10
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -297,6 +300,7 @@ instance TVars Error where
FunctorInstanceMissingArgument {} -> err
FunctorInstanceBadArgument {} -> err
FunctorInstanceMissingName {} -> err
FunctorInstanceBadBacktickArgument {} -> err

UnsupportedFFIKind {} -> err
UnsupportedFFIType src e -> UnsupportedFFIType src !$ apSubst su e
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -345,6 +349,7 @@ instance FVS Error where
FunctorInstanceMissingArgument {} -> Set.empty
FunctorInstanceBadArgument {} -> Set.empty
FunctorInstanceMissingName {} -> Set.empty
FunctorInstanceBadBacktickArgument {} -> Set.empty

UnsupportedFFIKind {} -> Set.empty
UnsupportedFFIType _ t -> fvs t
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -562,6 +567,15 @@ instance PP (WithNames Error) where
NSType -> "type"
NSModule -> "module"

FunctorInstanceBadBacktickArgument i x ->
nested "Value parameter may not have a polymorphic type:" $
[ "Module parameter:" <+> pp i
, "Value parameter:" <+> pp x
, "When instantiatiating a functor using parameterization,"
, "the value parameters need to have a simple type."

UnsupportedFFIKind src param k ->
nested "Kind of type variable unsupported for FFI: " $
Expand Down
127 changes: 88 additions & 39 deletions src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/Module.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
{-# Language BlockArguments, ImplicitParams #-}
module Cryptol.TypeCheck.Module (doFunctorInst) where

import Data.List(partition)
import Data.Text(Text)
import Data.Map(Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Control.Monad(unless,forM_)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,25 +42,34 @@ doFunctorInst m f as inst doc =
inRange (srcRange m)
do mf <- lookupFunctor (thing f)
argIs <- checkArity (srcRange f) mf as
m2 <- case argIs of
UseArgs ais ->
do (tySus,decls) <- unzip <$> mapM checkArg ais
let ?tSu = mergeDistinctSubst tySus
?vSu = inst
let m1 = moduleInstance mf
m2 = m1 { mName = m
, mDoc = Nothing
, mParamTypes = mempty
, mParamFuns = mempty
, mParamConstraints = mempty
, mParams = mempty
, mDecls = map NonRecursive (concat decls) ++
mDecls m1
newGoals CtModuleInstance (map thing (mParamConstraints m1))
pure m2

AddParamsToDecls -> doBacktickInstance m mf inst
m2 <- do as2 <- mapM checkArg argIs
let (tySus,decls) = unzip [ (su,ds) | DefinedInst su ds <- as2 ]
let ?tSu = mergeDistinctSubst tySus
?vSu = inst
let m1 = moduleInstance mf
m2 = m1 { mName = m
, mDoc = Nothing
, mParamTypes = mempty
, mParamFuns = mempty
, mParamConstraints = mempty
, mParams = mempty
, mDecls = map NonRecursive (concat decls) ++
mDecls m1
let (tps,tcs,vps) =
unzip3 [ (xs,cs,fs) | ParamInst xs cs fs <- as2 ]
tpSet = Set.unions tps
emit p = Set.null (freeParams p `Set.intersection` tpSet)

(emitPs,delayPs) =
partition emit (map thing (mParamConstraints m1))

newGoals CtModuleInstance emitPs

doBacktickInstance (Set.toList tpSet)
(delayPs ++ concat tcs)
(Map.unions vps)

case thing m of
P.ImpTop mn -> newModuleScope mn (mExports m2)
Expand All @@ -77,14 +88,11 @@ doFunctorInst m f as inst doc =
P.ImpNested {} -> endSubmodule >> pure Nothing

data ActualArg =
UseParameter ModParam -- ^ Instantiate using this parameter
| UseModule (IfaceG ()) -- ^ Instantiate using this module
| AddDeclParams -- ^ Instantiate by adding parameters

data ActualArgs =
UseArgs [(Range, ModParam, ActualArg)]
| AddParamsToDecls

Expand All @@ -99,7 +107,7 @@ checkArity ::
Range {- ^ Location for reporting errors -} ->
ModuleG () {- ^ The functor being instantiated -} ->
P.ModuleInstanceArgs Name {- ^ The arguments -} ->
InferM ActualArgs
InferM [(Range, ModParam, ActualArg)]
{- ^ Associates functor parameters with the interfaces of the
instantiating modules -}
checkArity r mf args =
Expand All @@ -113,8 +121,6 @@ checkArity r mf args =

P.NamedInstArgs as -> checkArgs [] ps0 as

P.BacktickInstance -> pure AddParamsToDecls

P.DefaultInstAnonArg {} -> panic "checkArity" [ "DefaultInstAnonArg" ]
ps0 = mParams mf
Expand All @@ -124,7 +130,7 @@ checkArity r mf args =

[] -> do forM_ (Map.keys ps) \p ->
recordErrorLoc (Just r) (FunctorInstanceMissingArgument p)
pure (UseArgs done)
pure done

P.ModuleInstanceNamedArg ll lm : more ->
case Map.lookup (thing ll) ps of
Expand All @@ -139,6 +145,7 @@ checkArity r mf args =
(recordError (MissingModParam p))
pure Nothing
Just a -> pure (Just (UseParameter a))
P.AddParams -> pure (Just AddDeclParams)
let next = case arg of
Nothing -> done
Just a -> (srcRange lm, i, a) : done
Expand All @@ -150,6 +157,13 @@ checkArity r mf args =
checkArgs done ps more

data ArgInst = DefinedInst Subst [Decl] -- ^ Argument that defines the params
| ParamInst (Set TParam) [Prop] (Map Name Type)
-- ^ Argument that add parameters
-- The type parameters are in their module type parameter
-- form (i.e., tpFlav is TPModParam)

{- | Check the argument to a functor parameter.
Expand All @@ -158,31 +172,45 @@ Returns:
* Some declarations that define the parameters in terms of the provided
* XXX: Extra parameters for instantiation by adding params
checkArg ::
(Range, ModParam, ActualArg) -> InferM (Subst, [Decl])
(Range, ModParam, ActualArg) -> InferM ArgInst
checkArg (r,expect,actual') =
do tRens <- mapM (checkParamType r tyMap) (Map.toList (mpnTypes params))
let renSu = listParamSubst (concat tRens)
case actual' of
AddDeclParams -> paramInst
UseParameter {} -> definedInst
UseModule {} -> definedInst

{- Note: the constraints from the signature are already added to the
constraints for the functor and they are checked all at once in
doFunctorInst -}
paramInst =
do let as = Set.fromList (map mtpParam (Map.elems (mpnTypes params)))
cs = map thing (mpnConstraints params)
check = checkSimpleParameterValue r (mpName expect)
fs <- Map.mapMaybeWithKey (\_ v -> v) <$> mapM check (mpnFuns params)
pure (ParamInst as cs fs)

definedInst =
do tRens <- mapM (checkParamType r tyMap) (Map.toList (mpnTypes params))
let renSu = listParamSubst (concat tRens)

vDecls <- concat <$>
mapM (checkParamValue r vMap)
[ s { mvpType = apSubst renSu (mvpType s) }
| s <- Map.elems (mpnFuns params) ]
{- Note: the constraints from the signature are already added to the
constraints for the functor and they are checked all at once in
doFunctorInst -}

pure (renSu, vDecls)

vDecls <- concat <$>
mapM (checkParamValue r vMap)
[ s { mvpType = apSubst renSu (mvpType s) }
| s <- Map.elems (mpnFuns params) ]

pure (DefinedInst renSu vDecls)

params = mpParameters expect

-- Things provided by the argument module
tyMap :: Map Ident (Kind, Type)
vMap :: Map Ident (Name, Schema)
(tyMap,vMap) =
Expand All @@ -209,13 +237,16 @@ checkArg (r,expect,actual') =
localNames = ifsPublic (ifNames actual)
isLocal x = x `Set.member` localNames

-- Things defined by the argument module
decls = filterIfaceDecls isLocal (ifDefines actual)

fromD d = (ifDeclName d, ifDeclSig d)
fromTS ts = (kindOf ts, tsDef ts)
fromNewtype nt = (kindOf nt, TNewtype nt [])
fromPrimT pt = (kindOf pt, TCon (abstractTypeTC pt) [])

AddDeclParams -> panic "checkArg" ["AddDeclParams"]

nameMapToIdentMap :: (a -> b) -> Map Name a -> Map Ident b
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -273,6 +304,24 @@ checkParamValue r vMap mp =

pure [d]

checkSimpleParameterValue ::
Range {- ^ Location for error reporting -} ->
Ident {- ^ Name of functor parameter -} ->
ModVParam {- ^ Module parameter -} ->
InferM (Maybe Type) {- ^ Type to add to things, `Nothing` on err -}
checkSimpleParameterValue r i mp =
case (sVars sch, sProps sch) of
([],[]) -> pure (Just (sType sch))
_ ->
do recordErrorLoc (Just r)
(FunctorInstanceBadBacktickArgument i (nameIdent (mvpName mp)))
pure Nothing
sch = mvpType mp

{- | Make an "adaptor" that instantiates the paramter into the form expected
by the functor. If the actual type is:
Expand Down
13 changes: 8 additions & 5 deletions src/Cryptol/TypeCheck/ModuleBacktickInstance.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ import qualified Cryptol.Parser.AST as P
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.AST
import Cryptol.TypeCheck.Monad

-- | Rewrite declarations to add the given module parameters.
-- Assumes the renaming due to the instantiation has already happened.
doBacktickInstance ::
Located (P.ImpName Name) {- ^ Name for the new module -} ->
ModuleG () {- ^ The functor -} ->
Map Name Name {- ^ The instantiation: functor name -> instance name -} ->
InferM (ModuleG (Located (P.ImpName Name)))
doBacktickInstance m mf inst = undefined
[TParam] ->
[Prop] ->
Map Name Type ->
ModuleG name ->
InferM (ModuleG name)
doBacktickInstance = undefined

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