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Do the right thing when encountering 0 width bitvectors in the What4 …
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Fixes the root cause of GaloisInc/saw-script#872
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robdockins committed Apr 15, 2021
1 parent ffed23f commit ea58738
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Showing 2 changed files with 31 additions and 23 deletions.
14 changes: 10 additions & 4 deletions saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -924,7 +924,7 @@ vAsFirstOrderType v =
_ -> Nothing

valueAsBaseType :: IsSymExprBuilder sym => TValue (What4 sym) -> Maybe (Some W.BaseTypeRepr)
valueAsBaseType v = fmap fotToBaseType $ vAsFirstOrderType v
valueAsBaseType v = fotToBaseType =<< vAsFirstOrderType v


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -973,6 +973,7 @@ myfun = fmap fst A.&&& fmap snd

data Labeler sym
= BaseLabel (TypedExpr sym)
| ZeroWidthBVLabel
| IntModLabel Natural (SymInteger sym)
| VecLabel (Vector (Labeler sym))
| TupleLabel (Vector (Labeler sym))
Expand All @@ -987,6 +988,9 @@ newVarFOT sym (FOTTuple ts) = do
args <- traverse (return . ready) (V.toList vals)
return (TupleLabel labels, vTuple args)

newVarFOT _sym (FOTVec 0 FOTBit)
= return (ZeroWidthBVLabel, VWord ZBV)

newVarFOT sym (FOTVec n tp)
| tp /= FOTBit
= do (labels,vals) <- V.unzip <$> V.replicateM (fromIntegral n) (newVarFOT sym tp)
Expand All @@ -1005,17 +1009,18 @@ newVarFOT sym (FOTIntMod n)
return (IntModLabel n si, VIntMod n si)

newVarFOT sym fot
| Some r <- fotToBaseType fot
| Just (Some r) <- fotToBaseType fot
= do nm <- nextId
te <- lift $ freshVar sym r nm
sv <- lift $ typedToSValue te
return (BaseLabel te, sv)

| otherwise
= fail ("Cannot create What4 variable of type: " ++ show fot)

typedToSValue :: (IsExpr (SymExpr sym)) => TypedExpr sym -> IO (SValue sym)
typedToSValue (TypedExpr ty expr) =
maybe (fail "Cannot handle") return $ symExprToValue ty expr
maybe (fail ("Cannot handle " ++ show ty)) return $ symExprToValue ty expr

getLabelValues ::
forall sym t.
Expand All @@ -1032,6 +1037,7 @@ getLabelValues f =
FOVRec <$> traverse (getLabelValues f) labels
IntModLabel n x ->
FOVIntMod n <$> groundEval f x
ZeroWidthBVLabel -> pure $ FOVWord 0 0
BaseLabel (TypedExpr ty bv) ->
do gv <- groundEval f bv
case (groundToFOV ty gv) of
Expand Down
40 changes: 21 additions & 19 deletions saw-core-what4/src/Verifier/SAW/Simulator/What4/FirstOrder.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -43,36 +43,38 @@ import What4.Expr.GroundEval

-- | Convert a type expression from SAW-core to What4
fotToBaseType :: FirstOrderType -> Some BaseTypeRepr
fotToBaseType :: FirstOrderType -> Maybe (Some BaseTypeRepr)
fotToBaseType FOTBit
= Some BaseBoolRepr
= Just (Some BaseBoolRepr)
fotToBaseType FOTInt
= Some BaseIntegerRepr
= Just (Some BaseIntegerRepr)
fotToBaseType (FOTIntMod _n)
= Some BaseIntegerRepr
= Just (Some BaseIntegerRepr)
fotToBaseType (FOTVec nat FOTBit)
| Just (Some (PosNat nr)) <- somePosNat nat
= Some (BaseBVRepr nr)
| otherwise -- 0-width bit vector is 0
= Some BaseIntegerRepr
= Just (Some (BaseBVRepr nr))
| otherwise = Nothing

fotToBaseType (FOTVec nat fot)
| Some assn <- listToAssn (replicate (fromIntegral nat) fot)
= Some (BaseStructRepr assn)
| Just (Some assn) <- listToAssn (replicate (fromIntegral nat) fot)
= Just (Some (BaseStructRepr assn))
fotToBaseType (FOTArray fot1 fot2)
| Some ty1 <- fotToBaseType fot1
, Some ty2 <- fotToBaseType fot2
= Some $ BaseArrayRepr (Empty :> ty1) ty2
| Just (Some ty1) <- fotToBaseType fot1
, Just (Some ty2) <- fotToBaseType fot2
= Just (Some (BaseArrayRepr (Empty :> ty1) ty2))
fotToBaseType (FOTTuple fots)
| Some assn <- listToAssn fots
= Some (BaseStructRepr assn)
fotToBaseType (FOTRec _)
= error "TODO: convert to What4 records ?!"
| Just (Some assn) <- listToAssn fots
= Just (Some (BaseStructRepr assn))

-- TODO: convert to What4 records ?!
fotToBaseType _ = Nothing

listToAssn :: [FirstOrderType] -> Some (Assignment BaseTypeRepr)
listToAssn [] = Some empty
listToAssn :: [FirstOrderType] -> Maybe (Some (Assignment BaseTypeRepr))
listToAssn [] = Just (Some empty)
listToAssn (fot:rest) =
case (fotToBaseType fot, listToAssn rest) of
(Some bt, Some assn) -> Some $ extend assn bt
(Just (Some bt), Just (Some assn)) -> Just (Some (extend assn bt))
_ -> Nothing

-- | Convert a type expression from What4 to SAW-core
Expand Down

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