Lazymux is a tool that helps you to install and use multiple penetration testing and hacking tools on Android system with ease. It allows users to easily install and use a variety of popular tools such as Nmap, SQLMap, and Metasploit. The tool is simple to use, as you only need to type a command to install and use any of the tools. Lazymux is an open-source project and can be a very helpful tool for penetration testing and ethical hacking tasks.
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- Tool Installation
Install Single Tool
lzmx > set_install 1
Install Multi Tool
lzmx > set_install 1 2 3 4
Install All Tool
lzmx > set_install @
- Default Dir Install
replace symbol ~ with directory you want
Example: lazymux.conf
HOME = /sdcard
• Python 3.x
apt install python git
git clone
cd Lazymux