Let's See --> Who Can Make It
This project is a Streamlit-based web application that predicts whether a passenger would survive the Titanic disaster based on various input features. The app allows users to explore the Titanic dataset and make predictions using a trained machine learning model.
: The main file that runs the Streamlit app. It includes options to either explore the dataset or make survival predictions.deploy.py
: Handles the prediction functionality. Loads the pre-trained machine learning model and processes user inputs to predict the survival of a Titanic passenger.explore.py
: Contains the code to visualize various aspects of the Titanic dataset, providing insights into factors that influenced survival rates.Titanic_Survival.ipynb
: A Jupyter Notebook containing the steps involved in data cleaning, exploration, feature engineering, and model training.models/
: A directory where the pre-trained models and transformers are stored for making predictions.column_transformer.pkl
: The ColumnTransformer used for processing the dataset.standard_scaler.pkl
: The StandardScaler used to standardize the features.classifier.pkl
: The Logistic Regression model trained to predict survival.
Clone the Repository:
git clone https://github.com/Ganesh2409/Titanic_Survival_Prediction.git cd Titanic_Survival_Prediction
Install Dependencies: Make sure you have Python installed, then install the required packages:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the App: To start the Streamlit app, run the following command:
streamlit run app.py
Interact with the App:
- Navigate to the "Explore" page to visualize the dataset.
- Use the "Predict" page to input passenger details and predict their survival.
The dataset used in this project is the famous Titanic dataset, which contains information about the passengers aboard the Titanic. Key features include:
- Pclass: Passenger class (1st, 2nd, 3rd)
- Sex: Gender of the passenger
- Age: Age of the passenger
- SibSp: Number of siblings/spouses aboard the Titanic
- Parch: Number of parents/children aboard the Titanic
- Fare: Fare paid for the ticket
- Embarked: Port of Embarkation (C=Cherbourg; Q=Queenstown; S=Southampton)
The model used in this project is a Logistic Regression model trained on the processed Titanic dataset. The pipeline involves:
- Data Cleaning: Handling missing values, dropping unnecessary columns.
- Feature Engineering: Applying transformations to categorical and numerical features.
- Model Training: Training a Logistic Regression model using Scikit-learn.
The model achieves a reasonable accuracy on the test set, and the app provides users with real-time predictions based on their input.
- Enhance the model's accuracy by experimenting with other algorithms like RandomForest or XGBoost.
- Incorporate additional data preprocessing steps to handle outliers and imbalanced data.
- Deploy the app on a cloud platform for wider accessibility.
For any questions or feedback, please co ntact:
- Name - Ganesh Chowdhary P
- Email - pinnamaneniganesh24@gmail.com
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