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Checksum address by CIP-37


From object to CIP-37 address

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true
options.netName string true Net name
options.addressType string true Address Type
options.payload string true Base32 address payload
options.checksum string true Base32 address checksum
  • Returns


  • Examples
> ChecksumAddress.fromObject({
     netName: 'CFX',
     addressType: 'USER',
     checksum: '2DGPYFJP',


From simple address string to complete CIP-37 address

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
string string true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> ChecksumAddress.fromSimple('cfx:acc7uawf5ubtnmezvhu9dhc6sghea0403y2dgpyfjp')


From bytes20 address buffer to CIP-37 address

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
buffer Buffer true
netName string false 'CFX'
  • Returns


  • Examples
> ChecksumAddress.fromBuffer(Buffer.alloc(20))


From hex40 address to CIP-37 address

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
hex string true Hex 40 address
netName string false Net name
  • Returns


  • Examples
> ChecksumAddress.fromHex('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000')
> ChecksumAddress.fromHex('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'CFXTEST')
> ChecksumAddress.fromHex('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', 'NET8')


Checksum address by CIP-37

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
string string true CIP-37 address
  • Examples


Return address checksum is valid

  • Returns


  • Examples


Inverse operation of ChecksumAddress.fromObject

  • Returns


  • Examples
      netName: 'CFX',
      addressType: 'NULL',
      checksum: '0SFBNJM2',


Inverse operation of ChecksumAddress.fromSimple

  • Returns


  • Examples


Inverse operation of ChecksumAddress.fromBuffer

  • Returns


  • Examples
   <Buffer 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00>


Inverse operation of ChecksumAddress.fromHex

  • Returns


  • Examples


A sdk of conflux.


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object false Conflux and Provider constructor options.
options.defaultGasPrice string,number false The default gas price in drip to use for transactions.
options.url string false Url of Conflux node to connect.
options.timeout number false Request time out in ms
options.logger Object false Logger object with 'info' and 'error' method.
  • Examples
> const { Conflux } = require('js-conflux-sdk');
> const conflux = new Conflux({url:''});
> const conflux = new Conflux({
     url: 'http://localhost:8000',
     defaultGasPrice: 100,
     logger: console,



Provider for rpc call



Wallet for sendTransaction to get Account by from field



Default net name



Default gas price for following methods:

  • Conflux.sendTransaction


A shout cut for new Contract(options, conflux);

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true See Contract.constructor
  • Returns

Contract - A Contract instance


Create internal contract by default abi and address

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
name "AdminControl","SponsorWhitelistControl","Staking" true Internal contract name
  • Returns


  • Examples
> conflux.InternalContract('AdminControl')
    constructor: [Function: bound call],
    abi: ContractABI { * },
    address: '0x0888000000000000000000000000000000000000',
    destroy: [Function: bound call],
    getAdmin: [Function: bound call],
    setAdmin: [Function: bound call],
    'destroy(address)': [Function: bound call],
    '0x00f55d9d': [Function: bound call],
    'getAdmin(address)': [Function: bound call],
    '0x64efb22b': [Function: bound call],
    'setAdmin(address,address)': [Function: bound call],
    '0xc55b6bb7': [Function: bound call]


A shout cut for ChecksumAddress(string), ChecksumAddress.fromSimple(string) or ChecksumAddress.fromHex(string, conflux.netName)

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
string string true Hex, checksum address or simple checksum address
  • Returns


  • Examples
> conflux.ChecksumAddress('0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000');

   > conflux.ChecksumAddress('cfx:aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa0sfbnjm2');



close connection.

  • Examples
> conflux.close();


Get status

  • Returns

Promise.<object> Status information object

  • chainId number: Chain id
  • epochNumber number: Epoch number
  • blockNumber number: Block number
  • pendingTxNumber number: Pending transaction number
  • bestHash string: The block hash of best pivot block
  • Examples
> await conflux.getStatus()
      chainId: 1029,
      epochNumber: 1117476,
      blockNumber: 2230973,
      pendingTxNumber: 4531,
      bestHash: '0x8d581f13fa0548f2751450a7dabd871777875c9ccdf0d8bd629e07a7a5a7917a'


Returns the current price per gas in Drip.

  • Returns

Promise.<BigInt> Gas price in drip.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getGasPrice();


Get CFX total supply info

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<object> Supply info

  • Examples
> await conflux.getSupplyInfo();
    totalCirculating: 10000000061346204857053386048036690n,
    totalCollateral: 109158125000000000000000n,
    totalIssued: 10000005061346154857053386048036690n,
    totalStaking: 41923206238928855616779914n


Returns the interest rate of given parameter.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<BigInt> The interest rate of given parameter.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getInterestRate();


Returns the accumulate interest rate of given parameter.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<BigInt> The accumulate interest rate of given parameter.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getAccumulateInterestRate()


Return account related states of the given account

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true address to get account.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<object> Return the states of the given account:

  • balance BigInt: the balance of the account.
  • nonce BigInt: the nonce of the account's next transaction.
  • codeHash string: the code hash of the account.
  • stakingBalance BigInt: the staking balance of the account.
  • collateralForStorage BigInt: the collateral storage of the account.
  • accumulatedInterestReturn BigInt: accumulated unterest return of the account.
  • admin string: admin of the account.
  • Examples
> await conflux.getAccount('0x1c1e72f0c37968557b3d85a3f32747792798bbde');
      accumulatedInterestReturn: 0n,
      balance: 824812401057514588670n,
      collateralForStorage: 174187500000000000000n,
      nonce: 1449n,
      stakingBalance: 0n,
      codeHash: '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'


Returns the balance of the account of given address.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true The address to get the balance of.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<BigInt> The balance in Drip.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getBalance("0x1c1e72f0c37968557b3d85a3f32747792798bbde");


Returns the balance of the staking account of given address.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to check for staking balance.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<BigInt> The staking balance in Drip.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getStakingBalance('0x1c1e72f0c37968557b3d85a3f32747792798bbde', 'latest_state');


Returns the next nonce should be used by given address.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true The address to get the numbers of transactions from.
epochNumber string,number false See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<BigInt> The next nonce should be used by given address.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getNextNonce("0x1c1e72f0c37968557b3d85a3f32747792798bbde");


Returns the admin of given contract.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to contract.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<string> Address to admin, or null if the contract does not exist.

  • Examples
> conflux.getAdmin('0x8e2f2e68eb75bb8b18caafe9607242d4748f8d98')


Returns vote list of the given account.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to contract.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<Array.<object>> Vote list

  • array:
    • amount BigInt: This is the number of tokens should be locked before
    • unlockBlockNumber number: This is the timestamp when the vote right will be invalid, measured in, the number of past blocks.


Returns deposit list of the given account.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to contract.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<Array.<object>> Deposit list

  • array:
    • amount BigInt: the number of tokens deposited
    • accumulatedInterestRate: BigInt: the accumulated interest rate at the time of the deposit
    • depositTime number: the time of the deposit


Returns the epoch number of given parameter.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<number> integer of the current epoch number of given parameter.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getEpochNumber();


Returns information about a block by epoch number.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
epochNumber string,number true See format.epochNumber
detail boolean false false If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.
  • Returns

Promise.<(object|null)> See getBlockByHash

  • Examples
> await conflux.getBlockByEpochNumber('latest_mined', true);


Returns hashes of blocks located in some epoch.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
epochNumber string,number true See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<Array.<string>> Array of block hashes, sorted by execution(topological) order.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getBlocksByEpochNumber(0);


Returns the hash of best block.

  • Returns

Promise.<string> hash of the best block.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getBestBlockHash();


Returns information about a block by hash.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
blockHash string true hash of a block.
detail boolean false false If true it returns the full transaction objects, if false only the hashes of the transactions.
  • Returns

Promise.<(object|null)> A block object, or null when no block was found:

  • adaptive boolean: If true the weight of the block is adaptive under GHAST rule, if false otherwise.
  • blame number: If 0, then no blocks are blamed on its parent path, If greater than 0, then the nearest blamed block on the parent path is blame steps away.
  • deferredLogsBloomHash string: The bloom hash of deferred logs.
  • deferredReceiptsRoot string: The hash of the receipts of the block after deferred execution.
  • deferredStateRoot string: The root of the final state trie of the block after deferred execution.
  • difficulty string: Integer string of the difficulty for this block.
  • epochNumber number|null: The current block epoch number in the client's view. null when it's not in best block's past set and the epoch number is not determined.
  • gasLimit BigInt: The maximum gas allowed in this block.
  • hash string|null: Hash of the block. null when its pending block.
  • height number: The block heights. null when its pending block.
  • miner string: The address of the beneficiary to whom the mining rewards were given.
  • nonce string: Hash of the generated proof-of-work. null when its pending block.
  • parentHash string: Hash of the parent block.
  • powQuality string:Hash of the generated proof-of-work. null when its pending block.
  • refereeHashes string[]: Array of referee hashes.
  • size number: Integer the size of this block in bytes.
  • timestamp number: The unix timestamp for when the block was collated.
  • transactions string[]|object[]: Array of transaction objects, or 32 Bytes transaction hashes depending on the last given parameter.
  • transactionsRoot string: The hash of the transactions of the block.
  • Examples
> await conflux.getBlockByHash('0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390');
      epochNumber: 6,
      blame: 0,
      height: 6,
      size: 352,
      timestamp: 1603901780,
      gasLimit: 30000000n,
      gasUsed: 61118n,
      difficulty: 20000000000n,
      transactions: [
      adaptive: false,
      deferredLogsBloomHash: '0xd397b3b043d87fcd6fad1291ff0bfd16401c274896d8c63a923727f077b8e0b5',
      deferredReceiptsRoot: '0x09f8709ea9f344a810811a373b30861568f5686e649d6177fd92ea2db7477508',
      deferredStateRoot: '0x50c0fcbc5bafa7d1dba7b19c87629830106a6be8d0adf505cdc656bb43535d69',
      hash: '0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390',
      nonce: '0x17d86f2f6',
      parentHash: '0xc8a412b4b77b48d61f694975f032d109f26bb0f9fc02e4b221d67a382fab386b',
      powQuality: '0x5a0f86a6f4',
      refereeHashes: [
      transactionsRoot: '0xd2f08676484ba2a3738194f44542eb29fb290b8ed74bf007f132fe51d89b2e7c'


Get the risk of the block could be reverted. All block in one same epoch returned same risk number

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
blockHash string true Hash of a block
  • Returns

Promise.<(number|null)> Number >0 and <1

  • Examples
> await conflux.getConfirmationRiskByHash('0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390')


Get block trace

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
blockHash string true Hash of a block
  • Returns



Returns the information about a transaction requested by transaction hash.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
transactionHash string true hash of a transaction
  • Returns

Promise.<(object|null)> transaction object, or null when no transaction was found:

  • blockHash string: hash of the block where this transaction was in and got executed. null when its pending.
  • contractCreated string|null: address of created contract. null when it's not a contract creating transaction
  • data string: the data send along with the transaction.
  • epochHeight number: epoch height
  • from string: address of the sender.
  • gas BigInt: gas provided by the sender.
  • gasPrice number: gas price provided by the sender in Drip.
  • hash string: hash of the transaction.
  • nonce BigInt: the number of transactions made by the sender prior to this one.
  • r string: ECDSA signature r
  • s string: ECDSA signature s
  • status number: 0 for success, 1 for error occured, null when the transaction is skipped or not packed.
  • storageLimit BigInt: storage limit in bytes
  • chainId number: chain id
  • to string: address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.
  • transactionIndex number: integer of the transactions's index position in the block. null when its pending.
  • v string: ECDSA recovery id
  • value BigInt: value transferred in Drip.
  • Examples
> await conflux.getTransactionByHash('0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce');
      nonce: 0n,
      gasPrice: 10n,
      gas: 200000n,
      value: 0n,
      storageLimit: 1024n,
      epochHeight: 0,
      chainId: 1029,
      v: 1,
      status: 0,
      transactionIndex: 1,
      blockHash: '0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390',
      contractCreated: null,
      data: '0xfebe49090000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000162788589c8e386863f217faef78840919fb2854',
      hash: '0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce',
      r: '0x495da01ae9f445847022a8bc7df0198577ba75f88b26699f61afb435bb9c50bc',
      s: '0x2291051b1c53db1d6bfe2fb29be1bf512d063e726dc6b98aaf0f2259b7456be0',


Returns the information about a transaction receipt requested by transaction hash.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
transactionHash string true Hash of a transaction
  • Returns

Promise.<(object|null)> A transaction receipt object, or null when no transaction was found or the transaction was not executed yet:

  • transactionHash string: Hash of the given transaction.
  • index number: Transaction index within the block.
  • blockHash string: Hash of the block where this transaction was in and got executed.
  • epochNumber number: Epoch number of the block where this transaction was in and got executed.
  • from string: Address of the sender.
  • to string: Address of the receiver. null when its a contract creation transaction.
  • gasUsed number: Gas used the transaction.
  • contractCreated string|null: Address of created contract. null when it's not a contract creating transaction.
  • stateRoot string: Hash of the state root.
  • outcomeStatus number: the outcome status code, 0 was successful, 1 for an error occurred in the execution.
  • logsBloom string: Bloom filter for light clients to quickly retrieve related logs.
  • logs object[]: Array of log objects, which this transaction generated.
  • gasCoveredBySponsor boolean: true if this transaction's gas fee was covered by the sponsor.
  • storageCoveredBySponsor boolean: true if this transaction's storage collateral was covered by the sponsor.
  • storageCollateralized BigInt: the amount of storage collateral this transaction required.
  • storageReleased array: array of storage change objects, each specifying an address and the corresponding amount of storage collateral released
    • address string: address released
    • collaterals BigInt: corresponding amount of storage collateral released
  • Examples
> await conflux.getTransactionReceipt('0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce');
      index: 1,
      epochNumber: 6,
      outcomeStatus: 0,
      gasUsed: 30559n,
      gasFee: 1500000n,
      blockHash: '0xaf4136d04e9e2cc470703251ec46f5913ab7955d526feed43771705e89c77390',
      contractCreated: null,
      logs: [],
      logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000',
      stateRoot: '0xd6a7c2c14cb0d1233010acca98e114db5a10e0b94803d23b01a6777b7fd3b2fd',
      transactionHash: '0xbf7110474779ba2404433ef39a24cb5b277186ef1e6cb199b0b60907b029a1ce',
      txExecErrorMsg: null,
      gasCoveredBySponsor: false,
      storageCoveredBySponsor: false,
      storageCollateralized: 0n,
      storageReleased: [
        collaterals: 640n,


Creates new message call transaction or a contract creation for signed transactions.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
hex string,Buffer true The signed transaction data.
  • Returns

Promise.<PendingTransaction> The transaction hash, or the zero hash if the transaction is not yet available.

  • Examples
> await conflux.sendRawTransaction('0xf85f800382520894bbd9e9b...');


Sign and send transaction if from field in conflux.wallet, sign by local account and send raw transaction, else call cfx_sendTransaction and sign by remote wallet

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true See Transaction
password string false Password for remote node.
  • Returns

Promise.<PendingTransaction> The PendingTransaction object.

  • Examples
> txHash = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}); // send and get transaction hash
> packedTx = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).get(); // await till transaction packed
    "nonce": 8n,
    "value": 0n,
    "gasPrice": 1000000000n,
    "gas": 21000n,
    "v": 0,
    "transactionIndex": null,
    "status": null,
    "storageLimit": 0n,
    "chainId": 1,
    "epochHeight": 791394,
    "blockHash": null,
    "contractCreated": null,
    "data": "0x",
    "from": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b",
    "hash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88",
    "r": "0x245a1a86ae405eb72c1eaf98f5e22baa326fcf8262abad2c4a3e5bdcf2e912b5",
    "s": "0x4df8058887a4dd8aaf60208accb3e57292a50ff06a117df6e54f7f56176248c0",
    "to": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b"
> minedTx = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).mined(); // await till transaction mined
    "nonce": 8n,
    "value": 0n,
    "gasPrice": 1000000000n,
    "gas": 21000n,
    "v": 0,
    "transactionIndex": 0,
    "status": 0,
    "storageLimit": 0n,
    "chainId": 1,
    "epochHeight": 791394,
    "blockHash": "0xdb2d2d438dcdee8d61c6f495bd363b1afb68cb0fdff16582c08450a9ca487852",
    "contractCreated": null,
    "data": "0x",
    "from": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b",
    "hash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88",
    "r": "0x245a1a86ae405eb72c1eaf98f5e22baa326fcf8262abad2c4a3e5bdcf2e912b5",
    "s": "0x4df8058887a4dd8aaf60208accb3e57292a50ff06a117df6e54f7f56176248c0",
    "to": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b"
> executedReceipt = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).executed(); // await till transaction executed
    "index": 0,
    "epochNumber": 791402,
    "outcomeStatus": 0,
    "gasUsed": 21000n,
    "gasFee": 21000000000000n,
    "blockHash": "0xdb2d2d438dcdee8d61c6f495bd363b1afb68cb0fdff16582c08450a9ca487852",
    "contractCreated": null,
    "from": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b",
    "logs": [],
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "stateRoot": "0x510d680cdbf60d34bcd987b3bf9925449c0839a7381dc8fd8222d2c7ee96122d",
    "to": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b",
    "transactionHash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88"
> confirmedReceipt = await conflux.sendTransaction({from:account, to:address, value:0}).confirmed(); // await till risk coefficient < threshold (default 1e-8)
    "index": 0,
    "epochNumber": 791402,
    "outcomeStatus": 0,
    "gasUsed": 21000n,
    "gasFee": 21000000000000n,
    "blockHash": "0xdb2d2d438dcdee8d61c6f495bd363b1afb68cb0fdff16582c08450a9ca487852",
    "contractCreated": null,
    "from": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b",
    "logs": [],
    "logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
    "stateRoot": "0x510d680cdbf60d34bcd987b3bf9925449c0839a7381dc8fd8222d2c7ee96122d",
    "to": "0x1bd9e9be525ab967e633bcdaeac8bd5723ed4d6b",
    "transactionHash": "0xb2ba6cca35f0af99a9601d09ee19c1949d8130312550e3f5413c520c6d828f88"


Returns the code of given contract.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to contract.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<string> Byte code of contract, or 0x if the contract does not exist.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getCode('0xb385b84f08161f92a195953b980c8939679e906a');


Returns storage entries from a given contract.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to contract.
position string true The given position.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<(string|null)> Storage entry of given query, or null if the it does not exist.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getStorageAt('0x866aca87ff33a0ae05d2164b3d999a804f583222', '0x6661e9d6d8b923d5bbaab1b96e1dd51ff6ea2a93520fdc9eb75d059238b8c5e9')


Returns the storage root of a given contract.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to contract.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<object> A storage root object, or null if the contract does not exist

  • delta string: storage root in the delta trie.
  • intermediate string: storage root in the intermediate trie.
  • snapshot string: storage root in the snapshot.
  • Examples
> await conflux.getStorageRoot('0x866aca87ff33a0ae05d2164b3d999a804f583222')
      "delta": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
      "intermediate": "0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470",
      "snapshot": "0x7bb7d43152e56f529fbef709aab7371b0672f2332ae0fb4786da350f664df5b4"


Returns the sponsor info of given contract.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to contract.
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<object> A sponsor info object, if the contract doesn't have a sponsor, then the all fields in returned object will be 0:

  • sponsorBalanceForCollateral BigInt: the sponsored balance for storage.
  • sponsorBalanceForGas BigInt: the sponsored balance for gas.
  • sponsorGasBound BigInt: the max gas could be sponsored for one transaction.
  • sponsorForCollateral string: the address of the storage sponsor.
  • sponsorForGas string: the address of the gas sponsor.
  • Examples
> await conflux.getSponsorInfo('0x8e2f2e68eb75bb8b18caafe9607242d4748f8d98')
      sponsorBalanceForCollateral: 410625000000000000000n,
      sponsorBalanceForGas: 9999999993626232440n,
      sponsorGasBound: 10000000000n,
      sponsorForCollateral: '0x8d5adbcaf5714924830591586f05302bf87f74bd',
      sponsorForGas: '0x8d5adbcaf5714924830591586f05302bf87f74bd'


Returns the size of the collateral storage of given address, in Byte.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Address to check for collateral storage.
epochNumber false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<BigInt> - The collateral storage in Byte.

  • Examples
> await conflux.getCollateralForStorage('0x8e2f2e68eb75bb8b18caafe9607242d4748f8d98')

Virtually call a contract, return the output data.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true See Transaction
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<string> The output data.


Virtually call a contract, return the estimate gas used and storage collateralized.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true See Transaction
epochNumber string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber
  • Returns

Promise.<object> A estimate result object:

  • BigInt gasUsed: The gas used.
  • BigInt gasLimit: The gas limit.
  • BigInt storageCollateralized: The storage collateralized in Byte.


Returns logs matching the filter provided.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object false
options.fromEpoch string,number false 'latest_checkpoint' See format.epochNumber. Search will be applied from this epoch number.
options.toEpoch string,number false 'latest_state' See format.epochNumber. Search will be applied up until (and including) this epoch number.
options.blockHashes Array.<string> false Array of up to 128 block hashes that the search will be applied to. This will override from/to epoch fields if it's not null
options.address string,Array.<string> false Search contract addresses. If null, match all. If specified, log must be produced by one of these addresses.
options.topics array false Search topics. Logs can have 4 topics: the function signature and up to 3 indexed event arguments. The elements of topics match the corresponding log topics. Example: ["0xA", null, ["0xB", "0xC"], null] matches logs with "0xA" as the 1st topic AND ("0xB" OR "0xC") as the 3rd topic. If null, match all.
options.limit number false Return the last limit logs
  • Returns

Promise.<Array.<object>> Array of log, that the logs matching the filter provided:

  • address string: Address this event originated from.
  • topics string[]: Array of topics.
  • data string: The data containing non-indexed log parameter.
  • blockHash string: Hash of the block where the log in.
  • epochNumber number: Epoch number of the block where the log in.
  • transactionHash string: Hash of the transaction where the log in.
  • transactionIndex string: Transaction index in the block.
  • logIndex number: Log index in block.
  • transactionLogIndex number: Log index in transaction.
  • Examples
> await conflux.getLogs({
      address: '0x8e2f2e68eb75bb8b18caafe9607242d4748f8d98',
      fromEpoch: 39802,
      toEpoch: 39802,
      limit: 1,
      topics: ['0x2f8788117e7eff1d82e926ec794901d17c78024a50270940304540a733656f0d'],
      epochNumber: 39802,
      logIndex: 2,
      transactionIndex: 0,
      transactionLogIndex: 2,
      address: '0x8e2f2e68eb75bb8b18caafe9607242d4748f8d98',
      blockHash: '0xca00158a2a508170278d5bdc5ca258b6698306dd8c30fdba32266222c79e57e6',
      data: '0x',
      topics: [
      transactionHash: '0xeb75f47002720311f1709e36d7f7e9a91ee4aaa469a1de892839cb1ef66a9939'


Subscribe event by name and got id, and provider will emit event by id

Note: suggest use conflux.subscribeXXX to subscribe

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
name string true Subscription name
...args array true Subscription arguments
  • Returns

Promise.<string> Id of subscription

  • Examples
> conflux = new Conflux({url:'ws://'})
> id = await conflux.subscribe('epochs');
> conflux.provider.on(id, data=>console.log(data));
     epochHashesOrdered: [
     epochNumber: '0x8cb32'


The epochs topic streams consensus results: the total order of blocks, as expressed by a sequence of epochs. The returned series of epoch numbers is monotonically increasing with an increment of one. If you see the same epoch twice, this suggests a pivot chain reorg has happened (this might happen for recent epochs). For each epoch, the last hash in epochHashesOrdered is the hash of the pivot block.

  • Returns

Promise.<Subscription> EventEmitter instance with the follow events:

  • 'data':
    • epochNumber number: epoch number
    • epochHashesOrdered array: epoch block hash in order
      • string: block hash
  • Examples
> subscription = await conflux.subscribeEpochs()
> subscription.on('data', data=>console.log(data))
     epochNumber: 566031,
     epochHashesOrdered: [
     epochNumber: 566032,
     epochHashesOrdered: [


The newHeads topic streams all new block headers participating in the consensus.

  • Returns

Promise.<Subscription> EventEmitter instance with the follow events:

  • 'data': see getBlockByHash
  • Examples
> subscription = await conflux.subscribeNewHeads()
> subscription.on('data', data=>console.log(data))
      difficulty: 368178587115n,
      epochNumber: null,
      gasLimit: 30000000n,
      height: 1118247,
      timestamp: 1605005752,
      adaptive: false,
      blame: 0,
      deferredLogsBloomHash: '0xd397b3b043d87fcd6fad1291ff0bfd16401c274896d8c63a923727f077b8e0b5',
      deferredReceiptsRoot: '0x7ae0d5716513206755b6f7c95272b79dbc225759b6e17727e19c2f15c3166bda',
      deferredStateRoot: '0x3cf5deba77c8aa9072f1e972d6a97db487a0ce88455f371eb8ac8fa77321cb9d',
      hash: '0x194675173abbc5aab50326136008774eea1a289e6722c973dfed12b703ee5f2a',
      miner: '0x189121b8f0cdfef0b56eb22d9cb76c97b9c7cfbc',
      nonce: '0x799d35f695950fd6',
      parentHash: '0x4af3cf8cb358e75acad282ffa4b578b6211ea9eeb7cf87c282f120d8a1c809df',
      powQuality: '0xe7ac17feab',
      refereeHashes: [],
      transactionsRoot: '0xc5d2460186f7233c927e7db2dcc703c0e500b653ca82273b7bfad8045d85a470'


The logs topic streams all logs matching a certain filter, in order. In case of a pivot chain reorg (which might affect recent logs), a special revert message is sent. All logs received previously that belong to epochs larger than the one in this message should be considered invalid.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object false
options.address string,Array.<string> false Search contract addresses. If null, match all. If specified, log must be produced by one of these addresses.
options.topics array false Search topics. Logs can have 4 topics: the function signature and up to 3 indexed event arguments. The elements of topics match the corresponding log topics. Example: ["0xA", null, ["0xB", "0xC"], null] matches logs with "0xA" as the 1st topic AND ("0xB" OR "0xC") as the 3rd topic. If null, match all.
  • Returns

Promise.<Subscription> EventEmitter instance with the follow events:

  • 'data': see getLogs
  • 'revert':
    • revertTo 'number': epoch number
  • Examples
> subscription = await conflux.subscribeLogs()
> subscription.on('data', data=>console.log(data))
     epochNumber: 568224,
     logIndex: 0,
     transactionIndex: 0,
     transactionLogIndex: 0,
     address: '0x84ed30d7ddc5ff82ac271ae4e7add5a8b22a8d71',
     blockHash: '0xc02689eea6a507250838463c13e6b633479e2757dfb7e9b2593d5c31b54adb63',
     data: '0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001',
     topics: [
     transactionHash: '0x950ddec9ce3b42c4d8ca120722fa318ae64dc2e24553201f55f68c00bfd9cc4c'
> subscription.on('revert', data=>console.log(data))
   { revertTo: 568230 }
   { revertTo: 568231 }


Unsubscribe subscription.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
id string,Subscription true Subscription id
  • Returns

Promise.<boolean> Is success

  • Examples
> id = await conflux.subscribe('epochs');
> await conflux.unsubscribe(id);
> await conflux.unsubscribe(id);
> subscription = await conflux.subscribeLogs();
> await conflux.unsubscribe(subscription);


Conflux net name

others named NET${chainId}

  • CFXTEST 'CFX': conflux main-net
  • CFXTEST 'CFXTEST': conflux test-net


address type

  • null 'NULL': full zero address
  • builtin 'BUILTIN': starts with 0x0
  • user 'USER': starts with 0x1
  • contract 'CONTRACT': starts with 0x8


epochNumber label

  • LATEST_MINED 'latest_mined': latest epoch.
  • LATEST_STATE 'latest_state': latest state, about 5 epoch less then LATEST_MINED
  • LATEST_CONFIRMED 'latest_confirmed': latest epoch which confirmation risk less 1e-8.
  • LATEST_CHECKPOINT 'latest_checkpoint': latest check point epoch.
  • EARLIEST 'earliest': earliest epoch number, same as 0.



min gas price for transaction

  • Examples



gas use for pure transfer transaction

  • Examples



storage limit for pure transfer transaction


Contract with all its methods and events defined in its abi.


contract "code" definition:

| <-                     create contract transaction `data`                          -> |
| <- deploy code -> | <- runtime code -> | <- metadata -> | <- constructor arguments -> |
| <-                contract `bytecode`                -> |
                    | <-       code as `getCode`       -> |
  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true
options.abi array true The json interface for the contract to instantiate
options.address string false The address of the smart contract to call, can be added later using contract.address = '0x1234...'
options.bytecode string false The byte code of the contract, can be added later using contract.constructor.code = '0x1234...'
conflux Conflux true Conflux instance.
  • Returns


  • Examples
> const contract = conflux.Contract({ abi, bytecode, address });
      abi: ContractABI { contract: [Circular *1] },
      address: '0x8e2f2e68eb75bb8b18caafe9607242d4748f8d98',
      constructor: [Function: bound call],
      name: [Function: bound call],
      'name()': [Function: bound call],
      '0x06fdde03': [Function: bound call],
      balanceOf: [Function: bound call],
      'balanceOf(address)': [Function: bound call],
      '0x70a08231': [Function: bound call],
      send: [Function: bound call],
      'send(address,uint256,bytes)': [Function: bound call],
      '0x9bd9bbc6': [Function: bound call],
      Transfer: [Function: bound call],
      'Transfer(address,address,uint256)': [Function: bound call],
      '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef': [Function: bound call]
> contract.constructor.bytecode; // input code
> const contract = conflux.Contract({
   address: '0x8e2f2e68eb75bb8b18caafe9607242d4748f8d98',
   abi: [
        type: 'function',
        name: 'name',
        inputs: [],
        outputs: [{ type: 'string' }],
        type: 'function',
        name: 'balanceOf',
        inputs: [{ type: 'address' }],
        outputs: [{ type: 'uint256' }],
        name: 'send',
        type: 'function',
        inputs: [
          { type: 'address', name: 'recipient' },
          { type: 'uint256', name: 'amount' },
          { type: 'bytes', name: 'data' },
        outputs: [{ type: 'bool' }],
> contract.address
> await; // call a method without parameter, get decoded return value.
> await{ to: '0x8b8689c7f3014a4d86e4d1d0daaf74a47f5e0f27' }); // call a method with options
   "conflux USDT"
> await contract.balanceOf('0x19c742cec42b9e4eff3b84cdedcde2f58a36f44f'); // call a method with parameters, get decoded return value.
> transaction = await conflux.getTransactionByHash('0x2055f3287f1a6ce77d91f5dfdf7517a531b3a560fee1265f27dc1ff92314530b');
> contract.abi.decodeData(
      name: 'send',
      fullName: 'send(address recipient, uint256 amount, bytes data)',
      type: 'send(address,uint256,bytes)',
      signature: '0x9bd9bbc6',
      array: [
        <Buffer 1f 3c 6b 96 96 60 4c dc 3c e1 ca 27 7d 4c 69 a9 c2 77 0c 9f>
      object: {
        recipient: '0x80bb30efc5683758128b404fe5da03432eb16634',
        amount: 60000000000000000000n,
        data: <Buffer 1f 3c 6b 96 96 60 4c dc 3c e1 ca 27 7d 4c 69 a9 c2 77 0c 9f>
> receipt = await conflux.getTransactionReceipt('0x2055f3287f1a6ce77d91f5dfdf7517a531b3a560fee1265f27dc1ff92314530b');
> contract.abi.decodeLog(receipt.logs[1]);
      name: 'Transfer',
      fullName: 'Transfer(address indexed from, address indexed to, uint256 value)',
      type: 'Transfer(address,address,uint256)',
      signature: '0xddf252ad1be2c89b69c2b068fc378daa952ba7f163c4a11628f55a4df523b3ef',
      array: [
      object: {
        from: '0x1f3c6b9696604cdc3ce1ca277d4c69a9c2770c9f',
        to: '0x80bb30efc5683758128b404fe5da03432eb16634',
        value: 60000000000000000000n


Positive decimal integer string in Drip


Get Drip string from CFX

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
value string,number true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> Drip.fromCFX(3.14)
   [String (Drip): '3140000000000000000']
> Drip.fromCFX('0xab')
   [String (Drip): '171000000000000000000']


Get Drip string from GDrip

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
value string,number true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> Drip.fromGDrip(3.14)
   [String (Drip): '3140000000']
> Drip.fromGDrip('0xab')
   [String (Drip): '171000000000']


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
value number,string true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> Drip(1.00)
   [String (Drip): '1']
> Drip('0xab')
   [String (Drip): '171']


Get CFX number string

  • Returns


  • Examples
> Drip(1e9).toCFX()


Get GDrip number string

  • Returns


  • Examples
> Drip(1e9).toGDrip()



Signs the hash with the privateKey.

TODO support CIP 23

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey string,Buffer true
messageHash string,Buffer true
  • Returns

string The signature as hex string.

  • Examples
> Message.sign(
   '0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef', // privateKey


Recovers the signers publicKey from the signature.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
signature string,Buffer true
messageHash string,Buffer true
  • Returns

string The publicKey as hex string.

  • Examples
> Message.recover(


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
message string true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> msg = new Message('Hello World');
   Message {
      message: 'Hello World',
> msg.sign('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef');
   Message {
      message: 'Hello World',
      signature: '0x6e913e2b76459f19ebd269b82b51a70e912e909b2f5c002312efc27bcc280f3c29134d382aad0dbd3f0ccc9f0eb8f1dbe3f90141d81574ebb6504156b0d7b95f01'
> msg.signature
> msg.hash
> msg.from
> msg.r
> msg.s
> msg.v


Getter of message hash include signature.

Note: calculate every time.

  • Returns



Getter of sender address.

Note: calculate every time.

  • Returns

string,undefined If ECDSA recover success return address, else return undefined.


Sign message and set 'r','s','v' and 'hash'.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey string true Private key hex string.
  • Returns




  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object false
options.url string true Full json rpc http url
options.timeout number false 60*1000 Request time out in ms
options.logger object false Logger with info and error
  • Returns



Gen a random json rpc id. It is used in call method, overwrite it to gen your own id.

  • Returns


Call a json rpc method with params

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
method string true Json rpc method name.
...params array false Json rpc method params.
  • Returns

Promise.<*> Json rpc method return value.

  • Examples
> await'cfx_epochNumber');
> await'cfx_getBlockByHash', blockHash);


Batch call json rpc methods with params

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
array Array.<object> true Array of object with "method" and "params"
  • Returns


  • Examples
> await provider.batch([
  { method: 'cfx_epochNumber' },
  { method: 'cfx_getBalance', params: ['0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789'] },
  { method: 'InValidInput' },
   [ '0x3b734d', '0x22374d959c622f74728', RPCError: Method not found ]


Http protocol json rpc provider.


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true
options.url string true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> providerFactory()
 BaseProvider {
    url: undefined,
    timeout: 300000,
    logger: { info: [Function: info], error: [Function: error] }
> providerFactory({ url: 'http://localhost:12537' })
 HttpProvider {
    url: 'http://localhost:12537',
    timeout: 300000,
    logger: { info: [Function: info], error: [Function: error] }
> providerFactory({
    url: '',
    timeout: 60 * 60 * 1000,
    logger: console,
 HttpProvider {
    url: '',
    timeout: 3600000,
    logger: {...}


Websocket protocol json rpc provider.


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object false See W3CWebSocket
options.url string true Full json rpc http url
options.timeout number false 60*1000 Request time out in ms
options.logger object false Logger with info and error
options.protocols Array.<string> false See w3
options.origin string false
options.headers object false
options.requestOptions object false
options.clientConfig object false See websocket/lib/WebSocketClient
options.clientConfig.maxReceivedFrameSize number false 0x100000 1MiB max frame size.
options.clientConfig.maxReceivedMessageSize number false 0x800000 8MiB max message size, only applicable if assembleFragments is true
options.clientConfig.closeTimeout number false 5000 The number of milliseconds to wait after sending a close frame for an acknowledgement to come back before giving up and just closing the socket.
  • Returns



Subscription event emitter



Create a transaction.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true
options.from string false The sender address.
options.nonce string,number false This allows to overwrite your own pending transactions that use the same nonce.
options.gasPrice string,number false The price of gas for this transaction in drip.
options.gas string,number false The amount of gas to use for the transaction (unused gas is refunded). string false The destination address of the message, left undefined for a contract-creation transaction.
options.value string,number false The value transferred for the transaction in drip, also the endowment if it’s a contract-creation transaction.
options.storageLimit string,number false The storage limit specified by the sender.
options.epochHeight string,number false The epoch proposed by the sender. Note that this is NOT the epoch of the block containing this transaction.
options.chainId string,number false The chain ID specified by the sender. string,Buffer false Either a ABI byte string containing the data of the function call on a contract, or in the case of a contract-creation transaction the initialisation code.
options.r string,Buffer false ECDSA signature r
options.s string,Buffer false ECDSA signature s
options.v number false ECDSA recovery id
  • Returns



Getter of transaction hash include signature.

Note: calculate every time.

  • Returns

string,undefined If transaction has r,s,v return hex string, else return undefined.


Sign transaction and set 'r','s','v'.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey string true Private key hex string.
  • Returns



Recover public key from signed Transaction.

  • Returns



Encode rlp.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
includeSignature boolean false false Whether or not to include the signature.
  • Returns



Get the raw transaction hex string.

  • Returns

string Hex string


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg any true
  • Returns

any arg

  • Examples
> format.any(1)


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,BigInt,string,boolean true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.uInt(-3.14)
 Error("not match uint")
> format.uInt(null)
 Error("not match number")
> format.uInt('0')
> format.uInt(1)
> format.uInt(BigInt(100))
> format.uInt('0x10')
> format.uInt('')
> format.uInt(true)
> format.uInt(false)
> format.uInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1) // unsafe integer
 Error("not match uint")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,string,BigInt true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.bigInt(-3.14)
 Error("Cannot convert -3.14 to a BigInt")
> format.bigInt('0.0')
> format.bigInt('-1')
> format.bigInt(1)
> format.bigInt(BigInt(100))
> format.bigInt('0x10')
> format.bigInt(Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER + 1) // unsafe integer


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,string,BigInt true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.bigUInt('0.0')
> format.bigUInt('-1')
 Error("not match bigUInt")


When encoding QUANTITIES (integers, numbers): encode as hex, prefix with "0x", the most compact representation (slight exception: zero should be represented as "0x0")

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,string,BigInt true
  • Returns

string Hex string

  • Examples
> format.bigUIntHex(100)
> format.bigUIntHex('0x0a')
> format.bigUIntHex(-1))
 Error("not match uintHex")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,string,BigInt true
  • Returns

Big Big instance

  • Examples
> format.big('0b10').toString()
> format.big('0O10').toString()
> format.big('010').toString()
> format.big('0x10').toString()
> format.big(3.14).toString()
> format.big('-03.140').toString()
> format.big(null)
 Error('Invalid number')


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,number,BigInt,Big true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.fixed64('0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff')
> format.fixed64('0x7fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff')


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,string true number or label, See EPOCH_NUMBER
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.epochNumber(10)
> format.epochNumber(EPOCH_NUMBER.LATEST_STATE)
> format.epochNumber('latest_mined')


When encoding UNFORMATTED DATA (byte arrays, account addresses, hashes, bytecode arrays): encode as hex, prefix with "0x", two hex digits per byte.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,BigInt,string,Buffer,boolean,null true
  • Returns

string Hex string

  • Examples
> format.hex(null)
> format.hex(1)
> format.hex(256)
> format.hex(true)
> format.hex(Buffer.from([1,10,255]))
> format.hex("0x0a")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string true
  • Returns

string Checksum address

  • Examples
> format.checksumAddress('cfx:aar1c5cvhathreas1mx3xgwjuyj4k2t7bjtz1r2n2n')


Checks if a given string is a valid address. It will also check the checksum, if the address has upper and lowercase letters.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,Buffer true
  • Returns

string Hex string

  • Examples
> format.address('0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789')
> format.address('cfx:aar1c5cvhathreas1mx3xgwjuyj4k2t7bjtz1r2n2n')


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,Buffer true
  • Returns

string Hex string

  • Examples
> format.privateKey('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
> format.privateKey('0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789')
 Error("not match hex64")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,Buffer true
  • Returns

string Hex string

  • Examples
> format.privateKey('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
> format.privateKey('0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789')
 Error("not match hex64")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,Buffer true
  • Returns

string Hex string

  • Examples
> format.privateKey('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
> format.privateKey('0x0123456789012345678901234567890123456789')
 Error("not match hex64")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,Buffer true
  • Returns

string Hex string

  • Examples
> format.publicKey('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
> format.publicKey('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
 Error("not match publicKey")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg number,string,BigInt,Buffer,boolean,null true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.hexBuffer(Buffer.from([0, 1]))
 <Buffer 00 01>
> format.hexBuffer(null)
 <Buffer >
> format.hexBuffer(1024)
 <Buffer 04 00>
> format.hexBuffer('0x0a')
 <Buffer 0a>
> format.hexBuffer(true)
 <Buffer 01>
> format.hexBuffer(3.14)
 Error("not match hex")


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,Buffer,array true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.bytes('abcd')
 <Buffer 61 62 63 64>
> format.bytes([0, 1])
 <Buffer 00 01>
> format.bytes(Buffer.from([0, 1]))
 <Buffer 00 01>


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg boolean true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.boolean(true)
> format.boolean(false)


Compute the keccak256 cryptographic hash of a value, returned as a hex string.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
arg string,Buffer true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> format.keccak256('Transfer(address,address,uint256)')
> format.keccak256(Buffer.from([0x42]))
> format.keccak256(format.hexBuffer('0x42'))
> format.keccak256('0x42') // "0x42" as string and transfer to <Buffer 30 78 34 32> by ascii


convert inBits buffer to outBits uint array

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
buffer Buffer true
inBits number true
outBits number true
pad boolean false
  • Returns


  • Examples
> convertBit(Buffer.from([1, 1]), 8, 5, true)
[0, 4, 0, 16]


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
buffer Buffer true
  • Returns

BigInt > polyMod([]) 0n

polyMod([0,0]) 1025n


keccak 256

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
buffer Buffer true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> keccak256(Buffer.from(''))
 <Buffer c5 d2 46 01 86 f7 23 3c 92 7e 7d b2 dc c7 03 c0 e5 00 b6 53 ca 82 27 3b 7b fa d8 04 5d 85 a4 70>


gen a random buffer with size bytes.

Note: call crypto.randomBytes

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
size number true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> randomBuffer(0)
 <Buffer >
> randomBuffer(1)
 <Buffer 33>
> randomBuffer(1)
 <Buffer 5a>


Gen a random PrivateKey buffer.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
entropy Buffer true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> randomPrivateKey()
 <Buffer 23 fb 3b 2b 1f c9 36 8c a4 8e 5b dc c7 a9 e2 bd 67 81 43 3b f2 3a cc da da ff a9 dd dd b6 08 d4>
> randomPrivateKey()
 <Buffer e7 5b 68 fb f9 50 19 94 07 80 d5 13 2e 40 a7 f9 a1 b0 5d 72 c8 86 ca d1 c6 59 cd a6 bf 37 cb 73>
> entropy = randomBuffer(32)
> randomPrivateKey(entropy)
 <Buffer 57 90 e8 3d 16 10 02 b9 a4 33 87 e1 6b cd 40 7e f7 22 b1 d8 94 ae 98 bf 76 a4 56 fb b6 0c 4b 4a>
> randomPrivateKey(entropy) // same `entropy`
 <Buffer 89 44 ef 31 d4 9c d0 25 9f b0 de 61 99 12 4a 21 57 43 d4 4b af ae ef ae e1 3a ba 05 c3 e6 ad 21>


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey Buffer true
  • Returns



Get account address by public key.

Account address hex starts with '0x1'

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
publicKey Buffer true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> publicKeyToAddress(Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1]))
 <Buffer 4c 6f a3 22 12 5f a3 1a 42 cb dd a8 73 0d 4c f0 20 0d 72 db>


Get address by private key.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey Buffer true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> privateKeyToAddress(Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1]))
 <Buffer 0d b9 e0 02 85 67 52 28 8b ef 47 60 fa 67 94 ec 83 a8 53 b9>


Sign ecdsa

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
hash Buffer true
privateKey Buffer true
  • Returns

object ECDSA signature object.

  • r {Buffer}
  • s {Buffer}
  • v {number}
  • Examples
> privateKey = Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1]);
> buffer32 = Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31])
> ecdsaSign(buffer32, privateKey)
  r: <Buffer 21 ab b4 c3 fd 51 75 81 e6 c7 e7 e0 7f 40 4f a2 2c ba 8d 8f 71 27 0b 29 58 42 b8 3c 44 b5 a4 c6>,
  s: <Buffer 08 59 7b 69 8f 8f 3c c2 ba 0b 45 ee a7 7f 55 29 ad f9 5c a5 51 41 e7 9b 56 53 77 3d 00 5d 18 58>,
  v: 0


Recover ecdsa

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
hash Buffer true
options object true
options.r Buffer true
options.s Buffer true
options.v number true
  • Returns

Buffer publicKey

  • Examples
> privateKey = Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 1])
> buffer32 = Buffer.from([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31])
> privateKeyToAddress(privateKey)
 <Buffer 0d b9 e0 02 85 67 52 28 8b ef 47 60 fa 67 94 ec 83 a8 53 b9>
> publicKeyToAddress(ecdsaRecover(buffer32, ecdsaSign(buffer32, privateKey)))
 <Buffer 0d b9 e0 02 85 67 52 28 8b ef 47 60 fa 67 94 ec 83 a8 53 b9>


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey Buffer true
password string,Buffer true
  • Returns

object - keystoreV3 object

  • Examples
> encrypt(Buffer.from('0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef', 'hex'), 'password')
    version: 3,
    id: '0bb47ee0-aac3-a006-2717-03877afa15f0',
    address: '1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c',
    crypto: {
      ciphertext: 'a8ec41d2440311ce897bacb6f7942f3235113fa17c4ae6732e032336038a8f73',
      cipherparams: { iv: '85b5e092c1c32129e3d27df8c581514d' },
      cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
      kdf: 'scrypt',
      kdfparams: {
        dklen: 32,
        salt: 'b662f09bdf6751ac599219732609dceac430bc0629a7906eaa1451555f051ebc',
        n: 8192,
        r: 8,
        p: 1
      mac: 'cc89df7ef6c27d284526a65cabf8e5042cdf1ec1aa4ee36dcf65b965fa34843d'


Decrypt account encrypt info.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
keystoreV3 object true
password string,Buffer true
  • Returns

Buffer Buffer of private key

  • Examples
> decrypt({
    version: 3,
    id: '0bb47ee0-aac3-a006-2717-03877afa15f0',
    address: '1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c',
    crypto: {
      ciphertext: 'a8ec41d2440311ce897bacb6f7942f3235113fa17c4ae6732e032336038a8f73',
      cipherparams: { iv: '85b5e092c1c32129e3d27df8c581514d' },
      cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
      kdf: 'scrypt',
      kdfparams: {
        dklen: 32,
        salt: 'b662f09bdf6751ac599219732609dceac430bc0629a7906eaa1451555f051ebc',
        n: 8192,
        r: 8,
        p: 1
      mac: 'cc89df7ef6c27d284526a65cabf8e5042cdf1ec1aa4ee36dcf65b965fa34843d'
  }, 'password')
 <Buffer 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef 01 23 45 67 89 ab cd ef>



Create a new PrivateKeyAccount with random privateKey.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
entropy string,Buffer false Entropy of random account
  • Returns


  • Examples
> PrivateKeyAccount.random()
   PrivateKeyAccount {
      privateKey: '0xd28edbdb7bbe75787b84c5f525f47666a3274bb06561581f00839645f3c26f66',
      publicKey: '0xc42b53ae2ef95fee489948d33df391c4a9da31b7a3e29cf772c24eb42f74e94ab3bfe00bf29a239c17786a5b921853b7c5344d36694db43aa849e401f91566a5',
      address: '0x1cecb4a2922b7007e236daf0c797de6e55496e84'
> PrivateKeyAccount.random() // gen a different account from above
   PrivateKeyAccount {
      privateKey: '0x1b67150f56f49556ef7e3899024d83c125d84990d311ec08fa98aa1433bc0f53',
      publicKey: '0xd442207828ffd4dad918fea0d75d42dbea1fe5e3789c00a82e18ce8229714eae3f70b12f2f1abd795ad3e5c52a5a597289eb5096548438c233431f498b47b9a6',
      address: '0x16c25691aadc3363f5862d264072584f3ebf4613'
> PrivateKeyAccount.random('0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff');
   PrivateKeyAccount {
      privateKey: '0x1d41e006afd28ea339922d8ab4be93154a14d4f1b6d0ad4e7aabf807e7536a5f',
      publicKey: '0x4c07c75d3fdc5b1d6afef6ec374b0eaac86bcaa771a1d536bc4ce6f111b1c60e414b370e4cf31bf7770ae6818a3518c485398a43857d9053153f6eb4f5644a90',
      address: '0x113d49784c80d6f8fdbc0bef5a5ab0d9c9fee520'
> PrivateKeyAccount.random('0xffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff');
// gen a different account from above, even use same entropy
   PrivateKeyAccount {
      privateKey: '0x5a34ff3318674c33209ce856218890e9a6ee3811e8a51e3094ed1e6a94bf58ef',
      publicKey: '0xe530d77c3ed6115cb46ba79821085bf67d2a7a8c808c1d52dec03fd7a82e569c2136dba84b21d40f46d90484722b21a9d5a8038495adf93f2eed564ababa2422',
      address: '0x1f63fcef4aaa88c03cbb5c9fb34be69dee65d0a8'


Decrypt account encrypt info.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
keystore object true Keystore version 3 object.
password string,Buffer true Password for keystore to decrypt with.
  • Returns


  • Examples
> PrivateKeyAccount.decrypt({
    version: 3,
    id: '0bb47ee0-aac3-a006-2717-03877afa15f0',
    address: '1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c',
    crypto: {
      ciphertext: 'a8ec41d2440311ce897bacb6f7942f3235113fa17c4ae6732e032336038a8f73',
      cipherparams: { iv: '85b5e092c1c32129e3d27df8c581514d' },
      cipher: 'aes-128-ctr',
      kdf: 'scrypt',
      kdfparams: {
        dklen: 32,
        salt: 'b662f09bdf6751ac599219732609dceac430bc0629a7906eaa1451555f051ebc',
        n: 8192,
        r: 8,
        p: 1
      mac: 'cc89df7ef6c27d284526a65cabf8e5042cdf1ec1aa4ee36dcf65b965fa34843d'
  }, 'password');
   PrivateKeyAccount {
    address: '0x1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c',
    publicKey: '0x4646ae5047316b4230d0086c8acec687f00b1cd9d1dc634f6cb358ac0a9a8ffffe77b4dd0a4bfb95851f3b7355c781dd60f8418fc8a65d14907aff47c903a559',
    privateKey: '0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef'


Create a account by privateKey.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey string,Buffer true Private key of account
  • Returns


  • Examples
> new PrivateKeyAccount('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
   PrivateKeyAccount {
    address: '0x1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c',
    publicKey: '0x4646ae5047316b4230d0086c8acec687f00b1cd9d1dc634f6cb358ac0a9a8ffffe77b4dd0a4bfb95851f3b7355c781dd60f8418fc8a65d14907aff47c903a559',
    privateKey: '0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef'


Encrypt account privateKey to object.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
password string true
  • Returns

object - keystoreV3 object

  • Examples
> account = new PrivateKeyAccount('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
> account.encrypt('password')
   {version:3, id:..., address:..., crypto:...}


Sign a transaction.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options object true See Transaction
  • Returns


  • Examples
> account = new PrivateKeyAccount('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
> transaction = account.signTransaction({
      nonce: 0,
      gasPrice: 100,
      gas: 10000,
      storageLimit: 10000,
      epochHeight: 100,
      chainId: 0,

   Transaction {
      from: '0x1cad0b19bb29d4674531d6f115237e16afce377c',
      nonce: 0,
      gasPrice: 100,
      gas: 10000,
      to: undefined,
      value: undefined,
      storageLimit: 10000,
      epochHeight: 100,
      chainId: 0,
      data: undefined,
      v: 0,
      r: '0x096f4e00ac15f6bd6e09937e99f0e54aaa2dd0f4c6bd8421e1e81b0e8bd30723',
      s: '0x41e63a41ede0cbb8ccfaa827423c654dcdc09fb1aa1c3a7233566544aff4cd9a'


Sign a string.

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
options string true
  • Returns


  • Examples
> account = new PrivateKeyAccount('0x0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef0123456789abcdef')
> message = account.signMessage('Hello World')
   Message {
      message: 'Hello World',
      signature: '0x6e913e2b76459f19ebd269b82b51a70e912e909b2f5c002312efc27bcc280f3c29134d382aad0dbd3f0ccc9f0eb8f1dbe3f90141d81574ebb6504156b0d7b95f01'


Wallet to manager accounts.


Check if address exist

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true
  • Returns



Drop one account by address

  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true
  • Returns



Drop all account in wallet


  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true Key of account, usually is address
account Account true Account instance
  • Returns



  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
address string true
  • Returns



  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
privateKey string,Buffer true Private key of account
  • Returns



  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
entropy string,Buffer false Entropy of random account
  • Returns



  • Parameters
Name Type Required Default Description
keystore object true Keystore version 3 object.
password string,Buffer true Password for keystore to decrypt with.
  • Returns



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