This package scans charts for rhythm games like Clone Hero and produces useful metadata about them.
has been designed to produce the exact same result as Clone Hero.
This has been validated on 40,000 charts, including some that were deliberately designed to test parsing edge cases.
* Scans `files` as a chart folder, and returns a `ScannedChart` object.
function scanChartFolder(files: { fileName: string; data: Uint8Array }[]): ScannedChart
function parseChartFile(data: Uint8Array, format: 'chart' | 'mid', iniChartModifiers: IniChartModifiers): ParsedChart
function calculateTrackHash(parsedChart: ParsedChart, instrument: Instrument, difficulty: Difficulty): { hash: string, bchart: Uint8Array }
interface ScannedChart {
/** An MD5 hash of the names and binary contents of every file in the chart. */
md5: string
/** A blake3 hash of just the chart file and the .ini modifiers that impact chart parsing. If this changes, the in-game score is reset. */
chartHash: string
/** If the chart is able to be played in-game. This is `false` if `notesData` is `undefined`. */
playable: boolean
/** The song name. */
name?: string
/** The song artist. */
artist?: string
/** The song album. */
album?: string
/** The song genre. */
genre?: string
/** The song year. */
year?: string
/** The chart's charter(s). */
charter?: string
/** The length of the chart's audio, in milliseconds. If there are stems, this is the length of the longest stem. */
song_length?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the chart as a whole. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_band?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the lead guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_guitar?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the co-op guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_guitar_coop?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the rhythm guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_rhythm?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the bass guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_bass?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the drums chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_drums?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the Phase Shift "real drums" chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_drums_real?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the keys chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_keys?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the GHL (6-fret) lead guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_guitarghl?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the GHL (6-fret) co-op guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_guitar_coop_ghl?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the GHL (6-fret) rhythm guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_rhythm_ghl?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the GHL (6-fret) bass guitar chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_bassghl?: number
/** The difficulty rating of the vocals chart. Usually an integer between 0 and 6 (inclusive) */
diff_vocals?: number
/** The number of milliseconds into the song where the chart's audio preview should start playing. */
preview_start_time?: number
/** The name of the icon to be displayed on the chart. Usually represents a charter or setlist. */
icon?: string
/** A text phrase that will be displayed before the chart begins. */
loading_phrase?: string
/** The ordinal position of the song on the album. This is `undefined` if it's not on an album. */
album_track?: number
/** The ordinal position of the chart in its setlist. This is `undefined` if it's not on a setlist. */
playlist_track?: number
/** `true` if the chart is a modchart. This only affects how the chart is filtered and displayed, and doesn't impact gameplay. */
modchart?: boolean
/** The amount of time the game should delay the start of the track in milliseconds. */
delay?: number
/** The amount of time the game should delay the start of the track in seconds. */
chart_offset?: number
/** Overrides the default HOPO threshold with a specified value in ticks. Only applies to .mid charts. */
hopo_frequency?: number
/** Sets the HOPO threshold to be a 1/8th step. Only applies to .mid charts. */
eighthnote_hopo?: boolean
/** Overrides the .mid note number for Star Power on 5-Fret Guitar. Valid values are 103 and 116. Only applies to .mid charts. */
multiplier_note?: number
* For .mid charts, setting this causes any sustains not larger than the threshold (in number of ticks) to be reduced to length 0.
* By default, this happens to .mid sustains shorter than 1/12 step.
sustain_cutoff_threshold?: number
* Notes at or closer than this threshold (in number of ticks) will be merged into a chord.
* All note and modifier ticks are set to the tick of the earliest merged note.
* All note sustains are set to the length of the shortest merged note.
chord_snap_threshold?: number
* The amount of time that should be skipped from the beginning of the video background in milliseconds.
* A negative value will delay the start of the video by that many milliseconds.
video_start_time?: number
/** `true` if the "drums" track should be interpreted as 5-lane drums. */
five_lane_drums?: boolean
/** `true` if the "drums" track should be interpreted as 4-lane pro drums. */
pro_drums?: boolean
* `true` if the chart's end events should be used to end the chart early. Most games will ignore this,
* and instead use end events if and only if they are between the last note and the end of the audio.
end_events?: boolean
/** The chart's album art, or `null` if there is no album art. */
albumArt: AlbumArt | null
/** Data describing properties of the .chart or .mid file, or `null` if the .chart or .mid file doesn't exist or couldn't be parsed. */
notesData: NotesData | null
/** Issues with the chart files. */
folderIssues: { folderIssue: FolderIssueType; description: string }[]
/** Issues with the chart's metadata. */
metadataIssues: { metadataIssue: MetadataIssueType; description: string }[]
/** `true` if the chart has a video background. */
hasVideoBackground: boolean
interface AlbumArt {
/** The binary buffer of the album art image, in the .jpg format (quality 75%), resized to 512x512. */
data: Uint8Array
/** The MD5 hash of `data`. */
md5: string
interface interface NotesData {
/** The list of instruments that contain more than zero notes. */
instruments: Instrument[]
/** The type of drums that are charted. `null` if drums are not charted. */
drumType: DrumType | null
/** If a solo section event occurs in any track. */
hasSoloSections: boolean
/** If the chart contains any lyric events. */
hasLyrics: boolean
/** If the chart contains a "vocals" track. */
hasVocals: boolean
/** If a forced note event occurs in any track. */
hasForcedNotes: boolean
/** If a tap note event occurs in any track. */
hasTapNotes: boolean
/** If an open note event occurs in any track. */
hasOpenNotes: boolean
/** If a 2xKick event occurs in any "drums" track. */
has2xKick: boolean
/** If a single or double roll lane event occurs in any "drums" track, or a trill or tremolo lane event occurs in any 5-fret track. */
hasFlexLanes: boolean
/** Issues detected in the chart file. */
chartIssues: {
/** `null` if the issue applies to all instruments. */
instrument: Instrument | null
/** `null` if the issue applies to all difficulties. */
difficulty: Difficulty | null
noteIssue: ChartIssueType
description: string
/** The number of individual notes in the chart. Does not include star power, solo markers, or ativation lanes. */
noteCounts: {
instrument: Instrument
difficulty: Difficulty
count: number
/** The one-second region in each track where the notes-per-second is highest. */
maxNps: {
instrument: Instrument
difficulty: Difficulty
/** Time of the end of the high NPS region in milliseconds. Rounded to 3 decimal places. */
time: number
/** The notes-per-second in this region. */
nps: number
* Hashes of each track. This is specifically designed to change if and only if the chart changes in a way that impacts scoring or difficulty.
* This means it is useful for games to use this to determine which charts should share the same leaderboard.
* Detailed information on how this is calculated can be found here:
trackHashes: {
instrument: Instrument
difficulty: Difficulty
hash: string
/** MD5 hash of the chart's tempo map, including BPM markers and time signature markers. */
tempoMapHash: string
/** The number of BPM markers in the chart. */
tempoMarkerCount: number
* The amount of time between the chart's first and last notes in milliseconds. Rounded to 3 decimal places.
* If there are multiple tracks, the first note is the earliest first note across all the tracks,
* and the last note is the latest last note across all the tracks.
effectiveLength: number
type Instrument = (typeof instruments)[number]
const instruments = [
'guitar', // Lead Guitar
'guitarcoop', // Co-op Guitar
'rhythm', // Rhythm Guitar
'bass', // Bass Guitar
'drums', // Drums
'keys', // Keys
'guitarghl', // GHL (6-fret) Lead Guitar
'guitarcoopghl', // GHL (6-fret) Co-op Guitar
'rhythmghl', // GHL (6-fret) Rhythm Guitar
'bassghl', // GHL (6-fret) Bass Guitar
] as const
type InstrumentType = ObjectValues<typeof instrumentTypes>
const instrumentTypes = {
sixFret: 0,
fiveFret: 1,
drums: 2,
} as const
type DrumType = ObjectValues<typeof drumTypes>
const drumTypes = {
fourLane: 0,
fourLanePro: 1,
fiveLane: 2,
} as const
type Difficulty = (typeof difficulties)[number]
const difficulties = [
] as const
type ChartIssueType =
| 'misalignedTimeSignature' // This time signature marker doesn't appear at the start of a measure
| 'noNotes' // This chart has no notes
| 'noExpert' // One of this chart's instruments has Easy, Medium, or Hard charted but not Expert
| 'difficultyNotReduced' // The notes of this difficulty are identical to the notes of a higher difficulty
| 'isDefaultBPM' // This chart has only one 120 BPM marker and only one 4/4 time signature
| 'noSections' // This chart has no sections
| 'badEndEvent' // This end event is in an invalid location and will be ignored by most games
| 'smallLeadingSilence' // This track has a note that is less than 2000ms after the start of the track
| 'noStarPower' // This track has no star power (not included if there are fewer than 50 notes or the song is less than a minute)
| 'emptyStarPower' // This star power phrase does not apply to any notes
| 'badStarPower' // This star power is being ignored due to the .ini "multiplier_note" setting
| 'emptySoloSection' // This solo section does not contain any notes
| 'noDrumActivationLanes' // This track has no activation lanes (not included if there are fewer than 50 notes or the song is less than a minute)
| 'emptyFlexLane' // This flex lane does not apply to any notes
| 'difficultyForbiddenNote' // This is a note or drum lane that isn't allowed on the track's difficulty
| 'invalidChord' // The use of this type of chord is strongly discouraged
| 'brokenNote' // This note is so close to the previous note that this was likely a charting mistake
| 'badSustainGap' // This note is not far enough ahead of the previous sustain
| 'babySustain' // The sustain on this note is too short
type FolderIssueType =
| 'noMetadata' // This chart doesn't have "song.ini"
| 'invalidIni' // .ini file is not named "song.ini"
| 'invalidMetadata' // "song.ini" doesn't have a "[Song]" section
| 'badIniLine' // This line in "song.ini" couldn't be parsed
| 'multipleIniFiles' // This chart has multiple .ini files
| 'noAlbumArt' // This chart doesn't have album art
| 'albumArtSize' // This chart's album art is not 500x500 or 512x512
| 'badAlbumArt' // This chart's album art couldn't be parsed
| 'multipleAlbumArt' // This chart has multiple album art files
| 'noAudio' // This chart doesn't have an audio file
| 'invalidAudio' // Audio file is not a valid audio stem name
| 'badAudio' // This chart's audio couldn't be parsed
| 'multipleAudio' // This chart has multiple audio files of the same stem
| 'noChart' // This chart doesn't have "notes.chart"/"notes.mid"
| 'invalidChart' // .chart/.mid file is not named "notes.chart"/"notes.mid"
| 'badChart' // This chart's .chart/.mid file couldn't be parsed
| 'multipleChart' // This chart has multiple .chart/.mid files
| 'badVideo' // This chart has a video background that will not work on Linux
| 'multipleVideo' // This chart has multiple video background files
type MetadataIssueType =
| 'missingValue' // Metadata is missing a required value
| 'invalidValue' // Metadata property was set to an unsupported value
| 'extraValue' // Metadata contains a property that should not be included
interface NoteEvent {
/** Time of the event in milliseconds. Rounded to 3 decimal places. */
time: number
/** Length of the event in milliseconds. Rounded to 3 decimal places. Some events have a length of zero. */
length: number
type: NoteType
type NoteType =
// 5 fret
| 'starPower'
| 'tap'
| 'force'
| 'orange'
| 'blue'
| 'yellow'
| 'red'
| 'green'
| 'open'
| 'soloMarker'
// 6 fret
| 'black3'
| 'black2'
| 'black1'
| 'white3'
| 'white2'
| 'white1'
// Drums
| 'activationLane'
| 'kick'
| 'yellowTomOrCymbalMarker'
| 'blueTomOrCymbalMarker'
| 'greenTomOrCymbalMarker'
interface ParsedChart {
resolution: number
drumType: DrumType | null
metadata: {
name: string | undefined
artist: string | undefined
album: string | undefined
genre: string | undefined
year: string | undefined
charter: string | undefined
diff_guitar: number | undefined
delay: number | undefined
preview_start_time: number | undefined
hasLyrics: boolean
hasVocals: boolean
hasForcedNotes: boolean
endEvents: {
tick: number
msTime: number
msLength: number
tempos: {
tick: number
beatsPerMinute: number
msTime: number
timeSignatures: {
tick: number
numerator: number
denominator: number
msTime: number
msLength: number
sections: {
tick: number
name: string
msTime: number
msLength: number
trackData: {
noteEventGroups: NoteEvent[][]
instrument: Instrument
difficulty: Difficulty
starPowerSections: {
tick: number
length: number
msTime: number
msLength: number
rejectedStarPowerSections: {
tick: number
length: number
msTime: number
msLength: number
soloSections: {
tick: number
length: number
msTime: number
msLength: number
flexLanes: {
tick: number
length: number
isDouble: boolean
msTime: number
msLength: number
drumFreestyleSections: {
tick: number
length: number
isCoda: boolean
msTime: number
msLength: number
/** A single event in a chart's track. Note that more than one event can occur at the same time. */
interface NoteEvent {
/** The chart tick of this event. */
tick: number
msTime: number
/** Length of the event in ticks. Some events have a length of zero. */
length: number
msLength: number
type: NoteType
/** bitmask of `NoteFlag` */
flags: number
/** Note: specific values here are standardized; they are constants used in the track hash calculation. */
type NoteType = ObjectValues<typeof noteTypes>
const noteTypes = {
// 5 fret
open: 0,
green: 1,
red: 2,
yellow: 3,
blue: 4,
orange: 5,
// 6 fret
black1: 6,
black2: 7,
black3: 8,
white1: 9,
white2: 10,
white3: 11,
// Drums
kick: 12,
redDrum: 13,
yellowDrum: 14,
blueDrum: 15,
greenDrum: 16,
} as const
/** Note: specific values here are standardized; they are constants used in the track hash calculation. */
const noteFlags = {
none: 0,
strum: 1,
hopo: 2,
tap: 4,
doubleKick: 8,
tom: 16,
cymbal: 32,
discoNoflip: 64,
disco: 128,
flam: 256,
ghost: 512,
accent: 1024,
} as const
interface IniChartModifiers {
song_length: number // Default: 0
hopo_frequency: number // Default: 0
eighthnote_hopo: boolean // Default: false
multiplier_note: number // Default: 0
sustain_cutoff_threshold: number // Default: -1
chord_snap_threshold: number // Default: 0
five_lane_drums: boolean // Default: false
pro_drums: boolean // Default: false