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A completely random password generator for android. You can download the apk from the releases section or by just clicking here

The application supports English and Greek locales

What can this application offer to the user

  • The user can create a password of varying length (1-99)
  • The user can choose their password type from one of the available options or customize it to their liking. Expand the Available options tab for more info.
  • The user may enter whichever characters they want at the designated space and exclude them from their password
         For example similar characters like "il1L" or "o0O" can be excluded to avoid confusion.
  • The password can be easily copied to clipboard for easier transferability between applications
Available options      1. Alphanumerical (all upper and lower case letters and numbers)
     2. Digits (numbers only)
     3. All Letters (Upper and lower case letters)
     4. Lowercase Letters
     5. Uppercase Letters
     6. Symbols (!@#$%^&*-+(){}/|<>?_=)
     7. All (All of the above)
     8. Custom (Include or exclude multiple of the above options)

Future updates will include (in no particular order)

  • More application themes
  • Will either store the three latest passwords until the application is closed. Or will allow the user to select which passwords to store until the application is closed