This project runs trunk-recorder and trunk-player in a container with a link to a postgres container.
I have attempted to keep the image size down by:
- Building trunk-recorder in a different container.
- Copying over only the build artifacts
- Installing only the extra libraries that are dynamically linked
- Hopefully I can get static linking to work and it will further cut down the image size.
- trunk-recorder
- Should be 100%
- Encoding and uploading to:
- broadcastify
- icecast
- .wav files are deleted after being converted to .mp3
- .mp3 and .json files are not kept on container restart
- Had clock issues with liquidsoap sending to broadcastify, I setup a workaround so that only sends to icecast, then there is a liquidsoap stream that grabs from icecast and pushes to broadcastify.
- trunk-player
- Working:
- Initializes the postgres database
- Sets up the django superuser
- Exposes website on port 8000
- Starts redis-server
- Starts daphne
- Starts add_transmission_worker x2
- Starts runworker x2
- Serving local audio files
- Sending emails like at user signup
- Auto importing talk groups from the same csv file as recorder.
- Not working:
- No Social Logins yet
- Serving audio files with s3
- Might be added
- Working:
- Might split out the sdr container to 2 containers, 1 for the recorder and 1 for the player.
/app/config has example of config.json and talk_groups.csv for my system. the talk_groups.csv is just a copy paste from
- the csv has 2 extra columns, Priority(0-100), Streams List(Pipe separated list of stream names)
- Stream names that start with player will be sent to trunk-player. You also need to define the system_id in trunk-player. So a stream name of player0, goes to trunk-player on system 0.
- All other stream names go to liquidsoap
- the csv has 2 extra columns, Priority(0-100), Streams List(Pipe separated list of stream names)
The docker-compose.yml includes a postgres database that can be used, or comment out and use your own.
Copy docker-compose.template.yml to docker-compose.yml
Global variables:
- POSTGRES_USER: - Username for postgres database
- POSTGRES_PASSWORD: - Password for postgres database
- POSTGRES_DB: - DB name for postgres database
- POSTGRES_HOST: - Hostname for the db (Use postgres if using the link from the db service in docker-compose)
- POSTGRES_PORT: - Port number to use to connect to the postgres host.
- environment variables:
- ICECAST_ADMIN_USERNAME: - Admin username for the icecast web url
- ICECAST_ADMIN_PASSWORD: - Password for the admin
- ICECAST_SOURCE_PASSWORD: - Source password, used in the .liq files
- ICECAST_RELAY_PASSWORD: - Relay password, I am not using this
- ICECAST_HOSTNAME: - Hostname that goes in the icecast config
- ICECAST_PORT: - Port icecast listens on
- ICECAST_MAX_SOURCES: - Max number of sources
- environment variables:
- volumes:
- postgres_data - where the database files are saved
- volumes:
- volumes:
- config - should have config.json and talk_groups.csv in it
- liquidsoap - should have your stream names in it
- /dev/bus/usb:/dev/bus/usb - leave as is
- environment variables:
- ENCODING_LOGGING_LEVEL: - Log level of, either INFO or DEBUG
- volumes:
trunk-player options:
- volumes
- audio_files - Location of local audio files if being used
- environment variables:
- START_TRUNK_PLAYER - Should trunk_player be used, must be double quoted
- LOCAL_AUDIO_FILES: - Should trunk_player use local audio files, must be double quoted
- AUDIO_URL_BASE: - Location of audio files
- ALLOWED_HOSTS: - Django allowed hosts
- DJANGO_ADMIN: - Initial admin account
- DJANGO_PASS: - Initial admin account password
- DJANGO_EMAIL: - Initial admin account email
- SECRET_KEY: - Get key from must be double quoted
- SITE_TITLE: - Title of your side
- SITE_EMAIL: - Site email address
- DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL: - Default from address
- TZ: - Timezone
- ALLOW_GOOGLE_SIGNIN: - Should google signups/signins be allowed NOTE: Currently does not work
- DEBUG: - Should Django be ran in debug mode, do NOT set to True in a public site.
- EMAIL_HOST: - Email host to send email through
- EMAIL_PORT: - Email host port
- EMAIL_HOST_USER: - Email host user NOTE: Have not tested anonymous or no user/pass
- EMAIL_HOST_PASSWORD: - Email host password
- EMAIL_USE_TLS: - Should TLS or SSL be used when connecting to EMAIL_HOST
- volumes
- trunk-recorder from
- trunk-player from