HTTP-server to execute shell commands. Designed for development, prototyping or remote control. Settings through two command line arguments, path and shell command. By default bind to :8080. with shell2udp it runs with minimal latency.
shell2http [-h] [-form] [-no-index] [-add-exit] [-output] [-sse] [-p PORT] ["shell command" for /] /path "shell command" /path2 "shell command2" ...
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-form parse query into environment vars
-no-index do not generate index page
-add-exit add /exit command
-output send back output
-sse use Server Sent Events
-p PORT, --port PORT
pip install shell2http
stop http server with Ctrl
+ Pause/Break
shell2http "shutdown -s -t 0"
shell2http "shutdown -s -t 0" /beep "powershell -c echo `a"
shell2http --port 3306 /beep "powershell -command [Console]::Beep(440,2000)"
shell2http -output -form /form 'echo %v_from%, %v_to%'
shell2http 'notify-send Hello root'
shell2http -p3000 'notify-send Hello root' /path 'canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-login'
shell2http -p3000 /path 'canberra-gtk-play -i desktop-login'
shell2http -output /info 'uname -a'
shell2http -output -sse /ping 'ping -c4'
shell2http -add-exit pwd
shell2http -output -form /form 'echo $v_from, $v_to'
html sufix to endpoint will change header to "text/html":
# Ability to have server events and server simple html pages as clients
shell2http -output -sse /serve_files_as.html "cat LICENSE|sed 's/.*/<pre>&<\/pre>/'"