- India
(UTC +05:30)
christmas-website Public
This is a simple website project created using vanilla JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and SCSS. The project showcases a clean and responsive design, making it easy to understand and customize.
SCSS UpdatedDec 25, 2023 -
GitSourabh7 Public
This project is all about building a modern GitHub readme profile which will display all your projects, tech stacks, contact details, git stats etc.
UpdatedDec 17, 2023 -
Portfolio Public
Forked from jayesh2906/google-portfolioPersonal portfolio site
JavaScript UpdatedDec 27, 2022 -
robofriends Public
This is fake friendlist app built using React, Javascript.
JavaScript UpdatedNov 23, 2022 -
Moshify Public
This is my first completely responsive website which I've worked. I tried to build copy of moshified.com site.
HTML UpdatedNov 21, 2022 -
UI_Navbar Public
This navigation bar project with custom cursor design.
GitHub-metrics Public
Forked from lowlighter/metrics📊 An infographics generator with 30+ plugins and 200+ options to display stats about your GitHub account and render them as SVG, Markdown, PDF or JSON!
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedNov 7, 2022 -
react-course-curriculum Public
Forked from uidotdev/react-course-curriculumCurriculum for ui.dev's React course.
UpdatedJul 9, 2020