这个项目是对文章《Distributionally Robust Optimization》的中文翻译,原文由 Daniel Kuhn、Soroosh Shafiee 和 Wolfram Wiesemann 撰写,并于2024年11月4日提交至数学领域的优化与控制学科(Mathematics > Optimization and Control)上。本文旨在提供分布鲁棒优化(DRO)领域的综述,解释其核心概念、方法以及在不同领域的应用。
This project is a Chinese translation of the paper "Distributionally Robust Optimization," authored by Daniel Kuhn, Soroosh Shafiee, and Wolfram Wiesemann, and submitted on November 4, 2024, to the Mathematics > Optimization and Control section. The paper aims to provide an overview of the field of Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO), explaining its key concepts, methods, and applications across various fields.
Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO) studies decision problems under uncertainty where the probability distribution governing the uncertain problem parameters is itself uncertain. A key component of any DRO model is its ambiguity set, which is a family of probability distributions consistent with any available structural or statistical information. DRO seeks decisions that perform best under the worst distribution in the ambiguity set. This worst-case criterion is supported by findings in psychology and neuroscience, indicating that many decision-makers have a low tolerance for distributional ambiguity. DRO is rooted in statistics, operations research, and control theory, and recent research has uncovered its deep connections to regularization techniques and adversarial training in machine learning. This survey presents the key findings of the field in a unified and self-contained manner.
文章信息 (Paper Information)
- 论文标题 (Title): Distributionally Robust Optimization
- 发表日期 (Submission Date): 2024年11月4日
- 作者 (Authors): Daniel Kuhn, Soroosh Shafiee, Wolfram Wiesemann
- 领域 (Subjects): 优化与控制 (math.OC), 机器学习 (cs.LG, stat.ML)
- DOI: 10.48550/arXiv.2411.02549
- 论文链接 (Paper Link): arXiv:2411.02549
The purpose of this project is to translate the core content of this paper into Chinese, making it easier for Chinese-speaking readers to understand and apply the concepts and methods related to Distributionally Robust Optimization (DRO). The translated content will be organized in Markdown format, making it easy for readers to read, share, and modify.
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We welcome contributions to this translation project! If you notice any issues or have suggestions for improvement, feel free to submit Pull Requests. Here’s how to contribute:
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:项目概述和参与说明 (Project Overview and Contribution Guidelines)DRO_Translation.md
:翻译的正文内容 (Main Translated Content)figures/
:如有插图或表格,可以存放在此文件夹中 (Folder for Figures or Tables, if applicable)
- 1. 引言 (Introduction) (First Section Translated: Completed)
- 2. 模糊集 (Ambiguity Sets) (Second Section Translated: Completed)
- 3. 模糊集的拓扑性质 (Topological Properties of Ambiguity Sets) (Third Section Translated: Completed)
- 4. 最坏期望问题的对偶理论 (Duality Theory for Worst-Case Expectation Problems) (Fourth Section Translated: Completed)
- 5. 最坏风险问题的对偶理论 (Duality Theory for Worst-Case Risk Problems) (Fifth Section Translated: Completed)
- 6. 自然子问题的解析解 (Analytical Solutions of Nature’s Subproblem) (Sixth Section Translated: Completed)
- 7. 自然子问题的有限凸重构 (Finite Convex Reformulations of Nature’s Subproblem) (Seventh Section Translated: Completed)
- 8. 通过鲁棒化进行正则化 (Regularization by Robustification) (Eighth Section Translated: Completed)
- 9. DRO问题的数值求解方法 (Numerical Solution Methods for DRO Problems) (Ninth Section Translated: Completed)
- 10. 统计保证 (Statistical Guarantees) (Tenth Section Translated: Completed)
- 参考文献 (References) (References Translated: Completed)
此项目基于原文进行翻译,所有权归原作者所有。原文链接:Distributionally Robust Optimization。翻译仅用于学术交流,非商业用途。
This project is a translation based on the original work, with all rights reserved by the original authors. Original paper link: Distributionally Robust Optimization. The translation is for academic exchange only and is not for commercial use.
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If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to communicate with us through GitHub Issues.