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Repository files navigation

Architecture description

The application is made of 3 modules following the clean architecture principles.

  • domain: the domain module, the lowest layer in the clean archicture diagram ( , contains the definition of the models and the repositories, as well as the interactors. The domain layer has no dependency on any component defined in the data or ui modules.
  • data: the data module contains the implementation of the repository defined in the domain and both local and remote data sources with their daos and dtos. The mapping between the data model and the domain model is done in the implementation of the repository.
  • app: the app module contains all the ui of the application, the Hilt modules necessary for the injection of dependencies, as well as utility classes such as the Application class necessary for the dependency injection, or the ApplicationGlideModule necessary to inject an okhttp client in the Glide instance. The UI is a single activity with a single fragment, and the presentation layer follows the MVVM design pattern.

Main technical choices and libraries

Album caching for offline usage:

Image loading

The image loading and caching is done with Glide for its good performances and its compatibility with okhttp.

Handling configuration changes and data restoration

The album list restoration after a configuration change or a process death is handled by letting the RecyclerView saving and restoring its own state in onSaveInstanceState, and simply reloading the albums from the database. The sort restoration is handled with a ViewModel SavedStateHandle ( . There is no need to save and restore the albums in an onSaveInstanceState bundle as they are already written in DB.

Presentation layer

The presentation layer follows the MVVM design pattern, as it makes it easy for the View to consume flows of data. It also reduces the possibilities for memory leaks compared to MVP.

Repository pattern

The album data can be accessed through the AlbumRepository defined in the domain module, and its implementation takes care of handling both local and remote sources.

Async with coroutines and flows

The asynchronous operations are performed with kotlin coroutines, which are light-weight thread that suspend instead of blocking a thread. Similarly to Rx Observables or Flowables, Kotlin Flows are used to handle streams of data, and rely on coroutines to operate.

Network response deserialization with Moshi

Moshi is more lightweight than Gson, and also more performant because it is able to generate adapters at build-time and doesn't need to rely on reflection.

Dependency injection

Hilt is an android dependency injection library based on Dagger2 that simplifies the Dagger setup in an android project and provides out-of-the-box android scoped Dagger Components such as ActivityComponent, FragmentComponent, SingletonComponent (formerly ApplicationComponent), ViewModelComponent etc. Hilt can also be used to inject dependencies in non-android objects by declaring EntryPoints.

Memory leak detection

I configured LeakCanary for debug builds to detect memory leaks during the development (more useful in a real world project).


I wrote tests in the data and app modules but none in the domain one, as the two interactors are simple pass-throughs.

Here are the libraries that I used for unit testing:

  • Robolectric: Robolectric allows to execute unit tests on Android dependent classes or components without the need of an Android emulator. Robolectric can also be used to execute ui tests written with espresso.
  • turbine: small utility library to unit-test kotlin Flows
  • coroutines-test: necessary to unit-test functions that launch coroutines
  • mockk: can be used to generate mocks and spies for writing unit-tests
  • junit: for the test assertions


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