IDA Pro plugin that implements disassembly of PlayStation COP2 MIPS instructions.
Based on ida-emotionengine plugin by oct0xor:
Since there isn't good way to detect PS1 code/database, plugin is active on every little endian mips database (mipsl processor type in ida). This can cause some incompatibilities with non PS1 databases when cpu have implemented COP2/CP2 opcodes that collide with PS1 opcodes, specially for lwc2/ctc2/mtc2/etc. This do NOT affect r5900(PS2 EE), Allegrex(PSP), and VR4300(N64), because all of them use dedicated processor types. For now there is nothing i can do about it, you need to manually remove plugin. Changes are not stored in databases so opening different db with that plugin active doesn't gonna break that database assembly.