Some tools for Nitro Sound Data (SDAT)
- SymbTool - An extractor and packer for symb.bin filenames.
- InfoTool - An extractor and packer for info.bin track info.
- NitroFileLoader (With Structures) - Tools that allow you to load info and symb files to more editable formats, and convert them back correctly.
- Nitro Studio - GUI editor for sdats.
- SymbTool should work assuming there are no SeqArc placeholders. There usually is not.
- SymbTool will not work with NSMBDS, since it was coded badly.
- Nitro Studio is not complete!
- Eugene - Overall support and ideas for new features, a lot of Nitro Studio's conviences are because of him.
- Gericom - For generously allowing me to use some of his tools for SSEQ playback and IMA-ADPCM encoding. He also helped me understand how parts of the stream works.
- RoadrunnerWMC - For taking the time to answer some of my questions about the SDAT, giving me a pretty solid understanding of jow things work.
- Gota7 - Coder of everything.
- Gericom - NitroLib and SSEQ players.
- Bloom - Beta Testing, Suggestions.
- Crystal - SDAT Research.
- loveemu - SDAT Research.
- Nintendon - SDAT Research.
- DJ Bouche - SDAT Research.
- VGMTrans - SDAT Research.