A hand tracking python script with finger movement & sign, you can control Your mouse And also draw in screen with many colors.
- Install Python 3.11 , newer version would not work
- Go to https://www.python.org/downloads/.
- This will give you pip as well.
- Download this project Virtual-Mouse-Paint.
- Go to the directory where you have this project.
- Open command prompt (cmd).
- Run this command
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Go to the directory where you have this project.
- Open command prompt (cmd).
- Run this command
python VMP.py
- (index finger move)
- (index and middle finger click while thumb is close)
- (double click is just simply do it twice)
- (index and middle finger click while thumb is open)
- (thumb is open and above other fingers)
- (thumb is open and below other fingers)
- (4 finger click other than thumb)
- (index finger move while thumb is open)
- (all fingers are opened)
- (screenshot will be saved on the same folder as project)
Supports all mouse function.
Draw directly on screen.
Taking Screenshots.
(Without even touching your computer)