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gratheon / web-app

Web app for beehive management and analytics


  • manage beehives
  • manage of apiaries (groups of beehives)
    • display weather apiary is at
    • display local plants apiary is near to
  • manage beehive boxes (for vertical types)
  • manage box frames
  • manage frame sides, including image upload
    • frame side image processing to detect resource distribution
    • resource distribution visualization
  • video stream beehive entrance
  • analyze collected metrics in grafana and time-series DB

See all features in Notion


Running web-app as a frontend in development mode is easy. To run, you need nvm and just:

just start
open http://localhost:8080/

By default, web-app will attempt to contact production backend. So login with your credentials from, assuming you have registered. In this mode you will not be able to change graphql schema as flexibly.

Developing with local backend


env url
local http://localhost:8080/



Core services and routing

flowchart LR
	web-app --"read/write data \n on client side via dexie"--> indexed-db[(indexed-db)]
	web-app("<a href=''>web-app</a>\n:8080") --> graphql-router
	web-app --"subscribe to events\n over websockets"--> event-stream-filter("<a href=''>event-stream-filter</a>\n:8300\n:8350") --"listen to events"--> redis

	some-product-service --"publish events"--> redis
	graphql-router --"read service schemas"--> graphql-schema-registry("<a href=''>graphql-schema-registry</a>\n<a href='http://localhost:6001/'>:6001</a>\n")
	graphql-router -.-> some-product-service --"read/write data"--> mysql
	some-product-service --"update schema"--> graphql-schema-registry

Product services & image processing

flowchart LR
	graphql-router("<a href=''>graphql-router</a>\n :6100") --> swarm-api("<a href=''>swarm-api</a>\n:8100") --> mysql[(mysql\n:5100)]
	graphql-router --> swarm-api --> redis[("<a href=''>redis pub-sub</a>\n:6379")]

	graphql-router --> image-splitter("<a href=''>image-splitter</a>\n:8800") --> mysql

	web-app --"upload frames"--> image-splitter --> aws-s3
	image-splitter --"inference"--> models-bee-detector("<a href=''>models-bee-detector</a>\n:8700")
	image-splitter --"inference"--> models-frame-resources("<a href=''>models-frame-resources</a>\n:8540")
	graphql-router --> user-cycle("<a href=''>user-cycle</a>\n:4000") --> mysql
	graphql-router --> user-cycle --> stripe
	graphql-router --> plantnet("<a href=''>plantnet</a>\n:8090") --> mysql

	graphql-router --> weather("<a href=''>weather</a>\n:8070")


Video processing, playback and analytics

flowchart LR
	web-app("<a href=''>web-app</a>\n:8080") --"fetch video streams"--> graphql-router("<a href=''>graphql-router</a>") --"list video stream URLs"--> gate-video-stream -- "get data for playback" --> mysql

	web-app --"record & upload \n 10s webcam video"--> gate-video-stream("<a href=''>gate-video-stream</a>\n:8900") --"inference video"--> models-gate-tracker("<a href=''>models-gate-tracker</a>")

	gate-video-stream --"store video re-training with 1 month TTL"--> aws-s3
	gate-video-stream --"store results long-term" --> mysql

	beehive-entrance-video-processor("<a href=''>beehive-entrance-video-processor</a>") --"record & upload 10s video chunks\nsend edge-computed telemetry"--> gate-video-stream

	beehive-entrance-video-processor -."send detected bees \n timeseries counts".-> telemetry-api("<a href=''>telemetry-api</a>")

	web-app --"include analytics page"--> grafana("<a href=''>grafana</a>\n:9000") --"read bee traffic over time"--> influxdb("influxdb:5300")

Tech stack

dependency why
typescript for reliability via strict types
preact (builder) for performance
vite CLI builder and hot reload
react for modularity and compatibility with other UI components
react-router for navigation
urql for performant graphql data loading
dexie for storing data to index-db on the client for offline mode


We don't have any tests atm :(

UI tests

We use playwright. Tests are not automated, meaning not running in CI, but you can run them locally.

just test-ui-headless

To create new test use:


Frontend storage

We use dexie to store data on the client side. This is useful for offline mode, caching and fine-grained control over data.

flowchart TD

react-component --query--> urql-client --cache results--> offlineIndexDbExchange --> writeHooks --> upsertEntity --> dexie --> indexed-db

react-component --"fetch cached data"--> liveQuery --> dexie --> indexed-db

urql-client -."fetch data".-> graphql-router
