I'm @Gravelbones an old timer, who got hes first computer back in 1981, an ZX spectrum with 48K ram. A big machine.
Already then I got started with assembler, basic and other languages on the school computers.
So I have worked with and got educated in:
- ZX Spectrum - Basic and Machine code.
- RC Partner - Comal and Pascal on CP/M
- Butler - Comal and Pascal on CP/M
- Amiga - MC680x0 assembler and C
- Rovsing - CCP/M - Cobol and Pascal
- Sperry Univac - Assembler (no stack) and Cobol (No recursion due to no stack)
- RC8000 - Custom OS - Algol
- PC - DOS - Turbo Pascal/Borland C++
- PC - Minix - C
- RC900 - Unix - C
- Various - Solaris - Cobol and C
- Various (Virtual machines) - Linux - Perl and Ruby on Rails
Right now I have started looking into Ghidra, because I remember my old dos games and still like some of them.