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dysh is a Python spectral line data reduction and analysis program for singledish data with specific emphasis on data from the Green Bank Telescope. It is currently under development in collaboration between the Green Bank Observatory and the Laboratory for Millimeter-Wave Astronomy (LMA) at University of Maryland (UMD). It is intended to be an alternative to the GBO's current reduction package GBTIDL.


Note: if you are on the GBO network, dysh will already be installed; you do not need to do anything further! Other uses cases are outlined below.

Global Installation via pipx

Example use case: you want to quickly install and use dysh on a non-GBO computer

If you want to avoid managing a virtual environment, the easiest way is via pipx. After installing pipx, dysh can be installed via:

# Install dysh
$ pipx install dysh[nb]
# Launch dysh notebook
$ dysh-lab

Local Installation via pip

Example use case: you want to use dysh with a specific set of dependencies, or in conjunction with an existing project

Stable Version

dysh is most easily installed with pip, which will take care of any dependencies. The packaged code is hosted at the Python Packaging Index.

$ pip install dysh

Beta Version

Beta versions will also be published to PyPI, and can be installed via:

$ pip install dysh --pre

Development Version

Development versions can be installed from GitHub branches via:

$ pip install git+

For more options, see the pip VCS Support documentation.

Reporting Issues

If you find a bug or something you think is in error, please report it on the GitHub issue tracker. (You must have a GitHub account to submit an issue)


See the For Developers documentation for more detailed instructions on setting up a development environment.

Clone the Repo

$ git clone

Set Up Dysh Environment

Via Hatch

The recommended development workflow is to use hatch. After installing hatch, this will look something like:

$ hatch shell

Without Hatch

If you do not want to use Hatch, it is possible to develop using a "classic" workflow. From the root of the dysh repo:

$ # Create your virtual environment
$ python -m venv /path/to/venv
$ # Activate your virtual environment
$ source /path/to/venv/bin/activate
$ # Install dysh and its development dependencies
$ pip install -e .[all]


We use pytest for unit and integration testing. From the top-level dysh directory, run:

$ pytest