Hifumi is a multifunctional Discord bot developed by Underforest#1284 and it’s based on NEW GAME!’s character. The main focus of the bot is providing fun and useful tools for your Discord server and for me to learn more Javascript programming. Written in JavaScript Node.JS, using the discordie library and music resources are forked from WildBeats.
- Simple but enjoyable games like 8ball, dice, coinflip, etc.
- Search for gifs, urban dictionary, twitch channels, weather and even Google
- Advices for you and facts (including cat facts)
- Moderation commands, toggle NSFW, ban and kick users or clean chat
- Set levels! Choose who can use Hifumi commands
- Customize Hifumi for your server
- Music jukebox: listen to your favorite songs with Hifumi
- Talk with Cleverbot
- Create tags, manage them or take a look on them
- And so much more to come!
##Installing See the official wiki for more information!
Check out our Discord server in case of any problem or update!