Database 2 course work, involving the creation of a web interface, using bootstrap and PHP, performing CRUD in MySQL using phpMyAdmin
Language used in the slide and text documents: PT/BR
The work consisted of creating a fullstack application, focusing on CRUD in MySQL, using the specific database elements: Triggers, functions/procedures and cursors, as well as user and rules. In my work it was chosen to use the web interface with the Bootstrap style framework, backend using PHP and connection to the BD using WampServer and phpMyAdmin.
The theme chosen by me was the online store, with all the logical part created (user registration and login, add/edit/delete product, add/edit/delete category, choose products for orders with adjustable quantity and after sale to correct insertion in the database and removal of the quantity sold in stock), using the specific elements.
Explaining about the folders:
-> explanation of the contents of the folder/subfolder
-> A more detailed description of what was said above about the project.
-> sql (tables) generated by phpMyADmin
-> code snippets about the use of specific elements in the project.
-> code snippets on the use of rules and users
F - Interface CRUD (PHP (usando POO) - MYSQL usando phpMyadMIN) (CRUD interface (PHP (using POO) - MYSQL using phpMyadMIN)
-> Contains all the web part -> explaining that I use WampServer64
-> Slide that was used on the day of the presentation of the work.