A list/directory of awesome/helpful Looker and LookML work.
Currently the criteria to be "awesome" is to be public on Github or Gitlab, or on Looker's discourse or Looker.com, maintained, and not deprecated. Individual LookML project repos do not qualify but specific file(s) highlighting cool design patterns or code hacks may be featured.
The following tags are included throughout the page to make it easy to search.
- Languages and Frameworks #python | #CICD | #PHP | #json | #node | #react
- Creator #fromlooker | #frompipeline | #fromheap | #fromsegment | #fromsnowplow | #fromgdxanalytics | #frombrechtv | #fromheyjobs | #fromdatarobot | #fromleighajarett | #fromcaura
- Database Dialect #dialectredshift | #dialectsnowflake | #dialecctbigquery
- Misc #EAV | #OJOF | #mediumpost | #discoursepost | #examples
- Environment #GCP
- Forks are indicated with (fork).
- Order indicates order found not any preferences, seniority, quality.
- Blocks by Data Source
- Custom Visualizations
- Integrations
- Internal Applications
- External Applications
- Dev Tools
- GDX Analytics Looker AWS Cost and Usage The GDX Analytics LookML project to monitor cost and usage of AWS #fromgdxanalytics
- AWS DataLake Quickstart Looker ISV integration AWS data Lake Quick Start - ISV partner Looker Integration
- pipeline-looker-blocks/facebooksads LookML files for a Facebook block compatible with Pipeline's schema #frompipeline
- google adwords (fork) #fromheyjobs
- looker_user_journey_map lookML block for user journeys based on events #fromheap
- heap-looker-block-merchandising #fromheap
- heap-looker-block-overview #fromheap
- heap-looker-user-journey-map #fromheap
- Mixpanel block #fromcaura
- Looker_SystemStats Lookml definition for System Stats retrieval from Redshift. #dialectredshift
- GDX Analytics Looker Redshift Admin by AWS The GDX Analytics LookML project for Redshift Admin by AWS #fromgdxanalytics #dialectredshift
- blocks_redshift_admin (fork) #fromheyjobs #dialectredshift
- blocks_redshift_admin (fork) #fromlooker #dialectredshift
- blockwork-redshift-admin #fromlooker #dialectredshift
- Salesforce by Segment A LookML block for Salesforce data ETL'd by Segment #fromsegment
- pipeline-looker-blocks/salesforce LookML files for a Salesforce block compatible with Pipeline's schema #frompipeline
- causa salesforce generic LookML model for salesforce dataset #fromcaura
- Salesforce block Salesforce Block Converted to New LookML and for BigQuery #dialectbigquery
- Zero to Snowflake Code repository for Zero to Snowflake events
- snowplow-looker-demo LookML for the Snowplow Looker demo #fromsnowplow
- snowplow-basic-demo-lookml LookML for the basic Snowplow Looker demo #fromsnowplow
- snowplow-full-demo-lookml #fromsnowplow
- GDX Analytics Looker Snowplow Web Block The GDX Analytics LookML project for Snowplow derived analytics #fromgdxanalytics
- snowplow-web-data-model SQL data model for working with Snowplow web data. Supports Redshift and Looker. Snowflake and BigQuery coming soon #dialectredshift
- Stripe LookML files for a Stripe block compatible with Pipeline's schema #frompipeline
- zendesk LookML files for a Zendesk block compatible with Pipeline's schema #frompipeline
- looker_custom_viz Custom visualizations for Looker
- Dashboard Filter Widget A Looker Custom Viz that creates a Dashboard Filter Widget #fromlooker
- d3 Looker API example Example of pulling data from Looker via XHR to visualize in d3 #fromlooker
- LookerVizBuilder.com
- Data Dictionary Extension This repository serves as a template for creating a new Looker Extension. #fromlooker
- lookerbot Lookerbot lets you access all your Looker data from Slack! Super fun! https://looker.com/lookerbot #fromlooker
- LookML Python Data Dictionary This repo has the Python and LookML code for generating a data dictionary in your Looker Instance #python #fromleighajarett
- Looker > lookml This is a pythonic api for creating LookML objects. #python #fromlooker
- pylooker A Python interface to Looker API
- looker google sheets Custom Google Spreadsheet functions using the Looker API #frombrechtv
- Looker Components - components.looker.com #fromlooker
- Extension Template in React This repository serves as a template for creating a new Looker Extension. #react
- Gazetteer Looker Dependency Graphs: getting around business queries as easily as your backyard. #dialect-snowflake
- LookML Dependencies Tracer Contains a Python3 Jupyter Notebook which uses the LookerAPI to parse through the specified LookML model and results in a relational CSV file. #python #fromleighajarett
- lookml-tools Tools to handle best practices for LookML dev. Contains three tools: LookML updater, linter, and grapher #python
- lookmllint Linting tool for LookML #python
- look-at-me-sideways (LAMS) A judgmental little LookML linter >_> #fromlooker
- Introducing LAMS, a LookML style guide and linter #fromlooker #lookerdiscoursepost
- looker-data-actions Set of Looker Data Actions to perform tasks in other tools from directly within Looker.
- Action Hub fork A public fork of the official Looker Action Hub. (fork) #fromdatarobot
- Sample Looker Action A sample/mock Looker Action that can be deployed to Google Cloud Functions (or mocked locally) #GCP
- lookml-gen Generate LookML with Python code #python
- lookmlscript LookML Generator for Python #python #fromlooker
- lookmlphp Write LookML with PHP #PHP
- JSON to LookML This script creates a LookML view file, and pushes it to production, that parses JSON fields into separate dimensions #python #json #fromleighajarett
- j2v Creates Looker Views and Explore based on provided JSON(s). #python #json
- Blockwork A tool for working with Looker blocks. #node
- OJOF transformer #OJOF
- LookML Parameter Option Generator Use a scheduled look to provide parameter option values to a Google Cloud Function, which will automatically maintain corresponding parameter option values specified in a LookML file. #python
- Build outer-join-on-false explores Build outer-join-on-false explores #fromlooker
- dbtdocs-to-lookml [WIP) A script to add descriptions from dbt schema files to your lookml project #python
- looker_map_layers Looker map_layers base model containing multiple topojson map layers #frombrechtv
- lkml A speedy LookML parser & serializer implemented in pure Python. #python
- JSON to LookML This script creates a LookML view file, and pushes it to production, that parses JSON fields into separate dimensions #python #json #fromleighajarett
- j2v Creates Looker Views and Explore based on provided JSON(s). #python #json
- Look4j Look4j is LookML parser that relies on ANTLR4 and Java.
- LookMLParser Looker is a great tool for BI, but it has quite limited tooling.
- Looker Architecture Helper WIP Looker Architecture Helper WIP
- lkmlprsr PEG grammar for lookML, in Python #python
- Javascript SDK #node #fromlooker
- Python SDK - sdk coegen #python
- Python SDK - PyPi #python
- SDK Examples #examples
- SSO Embed Tool Test SSO link creation #fromlooker
- Looker SSO Tool One page app that allows you to quickly build and embed an SSO iframe #fromlooker
- Node Embed SDK #node #SDK
- lookml-style-guide A style guide for LookML wranglers
- lkml.vim A LookML syntax for vim.
- vscode-looker A Visual Studio Code extension to assist with developing LookML.
- lookml-test-runner An experimental test runner for LookML models. #CICD #fromlooker
- spectacles A continuous integration tool for Looker and LookML. https://spectacles.dev #CICD
- node-lookml-parser Parse LookML in Node #node
- GDX Analytics GDX-Analytics working space: microservices, tests, POCs, and other scripts #fromgdxanalytics
- lookml-eav-transformer LookML EAV transformer #fromlooker #EAV
- eav-builder Build LookML models for EAV schema
- Looker Script Runner Page to run scripts against a Looker instance leveraging Google Cloud Functions #GCP
- Custom Application Starter #fromlooker
- Custom Application Starter (fork) #node #fromlooker
- lookEntityRelationship Visualize entities based on Looker model API requests #fromlooker
- Automating Frequently Changing Schemas with AWS Lambda #lookerdiscoursepost