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Getting Started

Kostiantyn Kostiuk edited this page Jul 10, 2024 · 6 revisions

Getting Started

There are not so few steps needed to install and set up AutoHCK, First of all, clone AutoHCK and follow the instruction below:

Automatic installation

See AutoHCK Installer for more details

Manual installation

  1. Build QEMU from source or install using your package manager.

  2. git clone - AutoHCK will use it as a dependency for image creation.

  3. git clone - AutoHCK will use it as a dependency for image creation.

  4. git clone - AutoHCK will use it as a dependency for HLK automation in Guest OS.

  5. Install Ruby version 3.1.0 or 3.3.0. Using RVM or your package manager.

  6. cd AutoHCK, bundler install - AutoHCK ruby dependencies.

  7. Install slirp4netns v0.4.0 or newer.

  8. git clone - Filters are fixes for problematic tests.

  9. git clone - To run HLK tests with the latest Microsoft compatibility playlist.

  10. Update configuration files


There are two way to configure AutoHCK:

  1. Create override.json based on override.json.example (preferred)
  2. Edit each configurations JSON files:
    • config.json is the general configuration file which holds the paths to the dependencies stated above.
    • lib/engines/hcktest/hcktest.json is the specific configuration file for the test engine.
    • lib/engines/hcktest/platforms/<platform>.json are set of file with operations systems images configuration.
    • lib/engines/hcktest/drivers/<driver>.json are set of file of drivers information for testing.
    • lib/engines/hckinstall/iso.json list of ISO with information for unattended VM installation.
    • lib/engines/hckinstall/hckinstall.json is the specific configuration file for the install engine.
    • lib/engines/hckinstall/kit.json list of HCK/HLK kits.

Additional information

Microsoft HCK filters

Filters are fixes for problematic tests, read more at: Microsoft HLK Filters To run tests with applied filters automatically, get a copy of UpdateFilters.sql from HCK-CI/hckfilters and place them inside AutoHCK at filters/UpdateFilters.sql .

Microsoft HLK playlists

To run HLK tests with the latest Microsoft compatibility playlist clone HLK Playlists inside AutoHCK and rename the directory to playlists, once it's there AutoHCK will look for the right XML playlist file and apply it to the tests.

Images installation

See ImageInstallation for more details

Result uploading

AutoHCK supports uploading the results of the tests, (logs, test results and the hckx\hlkx package file), using the supported uploaders by configuring the array field "result_uploader" in the config.json file to the desired uploaders for AutoHCK to use, for example, to use dropbox:

    "studio_username": "Administrator",
    "studio_password": "your_password",
 -> "result_uploaders": [ "dropbox" ]

Supported result uploaders

1. Dropbox

To use dropbox result uploading capabilities you will need to create an auth2 token

  1. go to and click on 'Create app'.
  2. select 'Dropbox API', 'Full Dropbox' access type and give it a unique name.
  3. copy the Client ID and Client Secret and use them as environment variables with export AUTOHCK_DROPBOX_CLIENT_ID=<id> and export AUTOHCK_DROPBOX_CLIENT_SECRET=<secret>.
  4. run ruby ./bin/auto_hck config, navigate to URL and give access rights to proper Dropbox account.

2. (Other result uploaders are in working progress)

Github integration

When specifying a pull request AutoHCK can mark test results on GitHub and link to the dropbox logs folder. to do that you will need to create a personal access token.

  1. go to and click on 'Generate new token'
  2. give it a name, select: repo:status, and click 'Generate token'
  3. set the new environment variable for your username and token with export AUTOHCK_GITHUB_LOGIN=<LOGIN> and export AUTOHCK_GITHUB_TOKEN=<TOKEN>