weather monitor for ArduiTouch MKR (Arduino MKR1010 + MKR ENV shield)
We got some of the brand new MKR ENV shields some days ago. These shields have several sensors (temperature, air pressure, humidity, UV.... ) on board - a good collection to create a simple weather station together with our ArduiTouch MKR kit. We've used an Arduino MKR 1010 with WiFi as main board to receive some weather information for a simple forecast by openweather
So the display of the ArduiTouch will show a simple forecast and outside temperature together with the measured indoor temperature, air pressure and humidity.
Install the following libraries through Arduino Library Manager
AdafruitGFX Library
AdafruitILI9341 Library
Arduino JSON Library 5.x
You can also download the library also directly as ZIP file and uncompress the folder under yourarduinosketchfolder/libraries/
After installing the Adafruit libraries, restart the Arduino IDE. Some changes in the source code are required for customisation:
WiFi: Please enter the SSID and password in the lines 63 and 64
char* ssid ="yourssid"; // SSID of local network char* password ="yourpassword"; // Password on network
Account for OpenWeatherMap:
To receive later data by the platform OpenWeatherMap you will need an own account. Sign uphere to get an API key:
Enter your API key in line 71:
String APIKEY = "your_api_key";
Your location:
Go to and search for a location. Go through the result set and select the entry closest to the actual location you want to display data for.It'll be a URL like The number at the end is what you assign to the constant below. Enter the number of your location in line 72
String CityID = "your_city_id";
Time: Please choose your timezone in line 73
intTimeZone = 1;
Please open this sample in the Arduino IDE. Compile and upload it.