- To create an app that informs users as to whom they almost bumped in to on the previous day
To write a programme that:
- Gets users location data at a fine enough granularity. We did this using the Moves App API.
- Can compare two users' location data to ascertain as to whether they almost bumped in to each other.
- Allows users to sign in and out of their accounts.
- Only allows users to see their own bulletins
- Sends a daily bulleting to users informing them of their friends that they almost bumped in to
- Allows users to add and remove friends. Users' data should only be compared against that of their friends
- Is deployed to Heroku
- Ruby
- Ruby on Rails
- Postgresql
- RSpec
- Capybara
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- APIs: Moves
- Omniauth strategies: Facebook and Moves
- Heroku
- Download the Moves App on your phone
- Sign in to our app at just-mist.herokuapp.com, first through Facebook, and then by entering in the Moves PIN code in your Moves App.
- Search for friends who are also using Team Mist's app and add them.
- On the next day, check out the bulletins page to see whether you had any near misses.
- I paired with Michiel Stigter and Thomas Beeley to work out how to take the data from the Moves App and integrate it into our Rails app
- I paired with Michiel Stigter on integrating the various omniauth strategies into our app. We had two omniauth logins - first through Facebook and then through Moves.
- I paired with Charlie Redwood to create a social network, where users could follow other users.
- I paired with Edward Andress to test-drive and write the timeline comparison algorithms.
I focussed on the timeline comparison algorithm with Charlie Redwood and Edward Andress. I followed it through from exploring how to compare the data, to the final TDD'd and nice version in this rails app. A finer explanation of the algorithm and the challenges we faced is on the README in the exploratory code.
- Use the Heroku add-on Scheduler to allow data to be fetched once every 24 hours
- Incorporate the Twilio API to send a text message to the user at 9am every morning with the bulletins informing them of their near misses
- Add a 'connect' feature, so that users can get in easily send a message to the friends who appear on their bulletin.