Make sure you have install protoc and protoc go generator and run make
command inside root directory. It will create all necessary files, build up server and client application and copy them to the root directory. After this you can start ./server
and after this ./client
Server application will listen for incoming data from client, process data and send it back to the client. Client will do calculations, print the results and stop. Server will remain running and wait for another incoming data.
Make sure your pwd is root folder of repository and run build
docker build -t grpc-go-app .
Start docker image.
docker run -it -p 50005:50005 grpc-go-app
Show list of containers where you should see grpc-go-app running.
docker ps
If docker is running you can start ./client
directly in root folder or enter container and run it there.
Copy grpc-go-app container id and replace [container-id]
docker exec -it [container-id] bash
This command will exec bash in the container. To start client and process the data start ./client
Tests are checking in Makefile, and for manual testing run go test ./...
in root directory.