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This reprository summarizes the content of the Coursera Programming with Google Go Specialization in an experienced programmer's perspective.

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This reprository summarizes the content of the Coursera "Programming with Google Go Specialization" in an experienced programmer's perspective. It highlights new concepts and key differences in Go that are new to programmers fluent in other languages (such as Typescript/C#).

Table of Contents

Why Go?

Runs fast

Machine language. Assembly language. High level language.

Compilation: Translation occurs once before execution. High level language must be translated into machine language.

Interpretation: translate on the fly.

Go is a good compromise between compiled vs interpreted.

Garbage collection

efficient, automatic garbage collection.

Simpler object

Weakly object oriented.

Go does not use class. Go uses structs with methods.

No inheritance, constructors, generics.

Efficient concurrency

Goroutines - thread

Channels - communication between tasks


Charactristics of Go

Workspace & packages

Directory hierarchy. src, pkg, bin.. (can be customized)

GOPATH: default workspace

Packages. Group of related source files.

​ 'package' defines the file it's in

​ 'import' includes other packages

​ building main package generates an executed program.

go tool

​ 'import' used to access other packages. it searches directories specified by GOROOT and GOPATH.

​ 'go build', 'go doc', 'go foramt', 'go get', 'go list', 'go run', 'go test'



var x int = 10

var a,b,c int

x := 100 // x not declared yet


define alias for a type

Uninitialized vars have a zero value. 0, "", etc


is an address to data in memory

& returns the address

* dereference. returns data at the address

var x *int = &y 

new() creates a variable and returns a pointer to the variable

Variable Scope

blocks - universe block, package block, file block, if/else

lexcial scoping. Bi >= Bj, if Bj is defined inside Bi.

Definition. Variable accessible from block Bj if

​ \1. Variable is declared in block Bi, and

​ \2. Bi >= Bj

Deallocating Memory

heap - is persistent.

stack - local variables in function. deallocated after function completes

hard to determine when a variable is no longer used. i.e. a function returning a pointer.

Garbage Collection

garbade collection runs in the background. (trade off with performance)

Compiler determines stack vs heap.


single line: //

block /* / /

Printing format strings

import from fmt package.

fmt.Printf("hi %s", "name");

fmt.Printf("my number %d", 12);

Type Conversions

 var x int32 = 1
 var y int16 = 2
 x = int32(y)


UTF-8. Unicode.

Code point is a term for a Unicode character. 2^32 code points.

In Go, a code point is a Rune.


String. Each byte is a Rune. Immutable.

Unicode Package.

IsDigit(r rune)
IsSpace(r rune)
IsLetter(r rune)
IsLower(r rune)
IsPunct(r rune)
ToUpper(r rune) // conversion
ToLower(r rune) // conversion

Strings Package

Compare(a, b)
Contains(a, b)
HasPrefix(s, prefix)
Index(s, substr)

TrimSpace(s) // return a new string.

Strconv Package



​ used when representing a property which has distinct possible values. Like enum.

​ Constants must be different but actual value is not important.

type Grades int
const (
  A Grades = iota     


Expression whose value is known at compile time. Type is inferred from righthand side.

Control flow

if, for loop, for i < 10 {}, for

switch (auto break at each case. no fall through.)

tagless switch. first true case is executed.

break, continue. same as c++.

Scan reads user input and is blocking.

Composite data types


fixed length.

elements indexed using [].

elements initialized to zero value.

var x [5]int = [5]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

... infers size of array

var x [5]int = [...]{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}

iterate through arrays. for loop.

for i, v range x {



A window on an underlying array

size can change

Pointer indicates the start of the slice

Length len()

Capacity is max number of elements. cap()

arr := [...]string{"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"}

s1 := arr[1:3] (includes 1, excludes 3)
s2 := arr[2:5]

len(s1) // 2
cap(s1) // 6

writing to a slice changes underlying array

Slice Literals - Creates the underlying array and creates a slice. Slice points to the start of the array, length is capacity.

sli := []int{1, 2, 3}

Variable Slices

make(). Create a slice (and array)

make() with 2 args: type, length/capacity

it initializes to zero values

sli = make([]int, 10)

make() with 3 args: type, length, capacity

append() adds elements to the end of a slice,

it inserts into underlying array

increases size of array if necessary

sli = make([]int, 0, 3)
sli = append(sli, 100) 


Hash Tables concepts same as other languages

Advantage: can use arbitrary key. i.e. slices, arrays

make() to create a map

  var idMap map[string][int] // key type, value type
  idMap = make(map[string]int)

Map literal

  idMap := map[string]int {
    "joe": 123
idMap["hayley"] // Accessing Maps. Returns zero if key is not present.
idMap["hayley"] = 4 // Adding a k,v pair
delete(idMap, "hayley") // Deleting a k,v pair
id, p := idMap["joe"]  // two-value assignment. id is value, p is presence boolean of key
len(idMap) // returns number of elements

// iterating through a map use a for loop
for key, val := range idMap {


Aggregate data type.

  type Person struct {
     name string
     address string
     phone string

  var hayley Person = "hayley z"
  x = hayley.address

  p1 := new(Person) // initialize fields to zero
	p1 := Person{name: "Hayley", address: "a st.", phone: "123"} // struct literal

Communication Protocols & Formats

Packages for RFCs

Functions with encode and decode protocol format

For example "net/http" "net"

JSON Marshalling & Unmarshalling

p1 := Person(name: "hayley", address: "home")
jsonObject, err := json.Marshal(p1) // jsonObject is a []byte
var p2 Person
err := json.Unmarshal(jsonObject, &p2) // 

Files. File access are linear access.

Basic Operations

1. Open - Get handle for access
2. Read - read bytes into []byte
3. Write - write []byte into file
4. Close - Release handle
5. Seek - move read/write head


dat, e := ioutil.ReadFile("test.txt")  // dat is []byte with contens of entire file
// Large files may cause a memory problem

err := ioutil.WriteFile("test.txt", "Hello", 0777) // Create, dump everything to file. 0777 is permission bytes for everyone


os.Open() // opens a file, returns a file descriptor
os.Close() // close a file
os.Read() // reads from a file into []byte, and fills the []byte. Control the amount read.
os.Write() // write

// Opening and reading
f, err := os.Open("dt.txt")
byteArray := make([]byte, 10)
numBytesRead, err := f.Read(byteArray) // returns number of bytes read, maybe less than []byte

// Create/Write

f, err := os.Create("outfile.txt")

byteArray := []byte{1, 2, 3}
nb, err := f.Write(byteArray)
nb, err := f.WriteString("hi Hayley")


main() is called immediately.

Parameters are defined in function declaration. Arguements are passed in function calls.

Multiple return values

func foo(x int) (int, int) {
  return x, x + 1;
a, b := foo(3)

Call by Value

Passed arguments are copied parameters.

  • Advantage: Data Encapsulation

  • Disadvantage: Large objects may take a long time to copy.

Call by Reference

func foo(x *int) {
	*x = *x + 1
x := 2
  • Advantage: Don't need to copy arguments.
  • Disadvantage: Data Encapsulation

Passing Arrays

Call by value - Array arguments are copied

Pass array pointers - (NOT the neat way in Go)

func foo(x *[3]int) {
	(*x)[0] = (*x)[0] + 1
x := [3]int{1,2,3}

Instead, pass Slices instead. Passing a slice copies the pointer.

func foo(sli int) int {
	sli[0] = sli[0] + 1
x := [3]int{1,2,3}

Function Types

First-Class Values

Functions are first-class. Can be treated like other types.

Can be created dynamically. Can be passed as arguments and returned as values.

Can be stored in data structures.

Declare a variable as a function

var funcVar func(int) int 
func incFn(x int) int {
	return x + 1
func main() {
	funcVar = incFn

Functions as Arguments

func applyIt(aFunc func (int) int, val int) {
	return aFunc(val)

Anonymout Functions

applyIt(func (x int) int {return x + 1}, 2)

Returning Functions

getFunc() func (x int) int {
	return func (x int) int {return x + 1}


When passing a function, the function and its environment are also passed. Just like Javascript.

Variable Argument Number

func getMax(vals int {  // vals is treated as a slice


Variadic Slice Argument

func main() {

Deferred Function Calls - Typically used for cleanup activities

Arguments of a deferred call are evaluated right away


Receiver Type

type MyInt int

// Method (Double) has a receiver type **(mi MyInt)** that it's associated with. 
func (mi MyInt) Double () int {
	return int(mi*2)

func main() {
  v := MyInt(3)
  v.Double() // v is passed by value as an argument to Double here

Implict Method Argument

Receiver Type is commonly a struct.

type Point struct {
  x float64
  y float64

func (p Point) DistToOrig() {
  t := math.Pow(p.x, 2) + main.Pow(p.y, 2)
  return math.Sqrt(t)

func main() {
  p1 := Point{3, 4}
  fmt.Println(p1.DistToOrig()) // p1 implicitly pass to the function


Controlling Package Access

public functions

// file 1
package data
var x int=1
func PrintX() {fmt.Println(x)}

// file 2
package main
import "data"
func main() {

Structs with public functions

package data

type Point struct {
  x float64  // hidden
  y float64  // hidden

func (p *Point) InitMe (xn, yn float64) {
  p.x = xn // no need to dereference p
  p.y = yn

Pointer Receivers

Because receivers are passed in by value, the actual value cannot by changed. Another problem is receivers could be large. We can pass a pointer to address both problems.

When using pointer receivers, no need to dereference inside the method, and no need to reference when calling the method.

Good practice. Either all methods use pointer receivers, or none of the methods use pointer receivers.

func main() {
  p := Point(x, y)
  p.InitMe(2,4) // no need to reference p


Identical at high level of abstraction.

Different at a low level of abstractions.

i.e. Area() for different object.

Go does not have inheritance


type Speaker interface {
	Name() string

type Dog struct {
  name string

func (d Dog) Speak() {

func main() {
  var s1 Speak
  var d1 Dog{"Brian"}
  s1 = d1 // because Dog satisfy the interface
  var d2 *Dog
  s1 = d1 // An interface can have a nil dynamic value

Handle Nil Dynamic Value

Can still call the Speak() method of s1.

Need to check inside the method.

func (d *Dog) Speak() {
	if d == nil {
	} else {

Can pass in interface as arguement.

Type Assertion

type Shape interface { ... }
type Rectangle struct { ... }
func DrawShape(s Shape) {
  rect, ok := s.(Rectangle)
  if ok {
    // s is a rectangle
  // or use a switch
  switch := sh := s.(type) {
  case Rectangle: 
    // do sth

Handling Errors

f, err := os.Open("file.txt")
if err != nil {
  fmt.Println(err) // err is an instance of Error interface that has function Error()


Concurrent vs Parallel

Two tasks:

Concurrent: Start and end times overlaps. May be executed on the same core.

Parallel: executes at exactly the same time

Process vs Threads

Threads share some context (virtual memory, file descriptors)

Switching between threads is much faster than between processes.


Multiple goroutinges running under a thread.

Go runtime scheduler. Schedules goroutines inside an OS thread.


go foo() // does not block

Exit. A goroutine exits when its code is complete.

When the main goroutine is completes, all other goroutines are forced to exit

Delayed Exit by adding a delay is bad.


Use global events to resrict bad interleavings. Global event is viewed by all tasks at the same time.

Sync package contains functions to synchronize between goroutines.

Sync WaitGroup Foces a gorouting to wait for other goroutines. It contains an internal counter. Increment counter for each goroutine to wait for. Decrement counter when each goroutine completes. Waiting goroutine cannot continue until counter is 0.

var wg sync.WaitGroup
wg.Add(1) // increments the counter
wg.Wait() // blocks until counter = 0 
wg.Done() // decrements the counter


func foo(wg *sync.WaitGroup) {
	// do sth first

func main() {
  var wg sync.WaitGroup
  go foo(&wg)
  // do sth later

Goroutine Communication


  • Transfer data between goroutines

  • Channels are typed

  • Use make() to create a channel

    c := make(chan int)
  • Use <- to send and receive data

  • Send data on a channel

    c <- 3
  • Receive data from a channel

    x := <- c


    func prod(v1 int, v2 int, c chan int) {
    	c <- v1 * v2
    func main() {
    	c := make(chan int)
    	go prod(1, 2, c)
    	go prod(3, 4, c)
    	a := <- c
    	b := <- c

Blocking Channel

Channel communication is synchronous

Blocking is built in.

Sending blocks until data is received.

Receiving blocks until data is sent.

Channel Capacity

Default size 0 (unbuffered). Unbuffered channels cannot hold data in transit.

c := make(chan int, 3)

Sending only blocks if buffer is full.

Receiving only blocks if buffer is empty

Use of Buffering. Sender and receive do not need to operate at exactly the same speed.

It's common to iteratively read from a channel, until the channel is closed

for i := range c { // infinite loop

// another gorouting - close the infinite loop

Receiving from Multiple Goroutines (Channels)

  • first come first served. wait on the first data from a set of channels

    select {
      case a = <- c1:
        // do sth with a
      case b = <- c2:
        // do sth with b

Select send or receive, whichever is first possible

select {
  case a = <- c1:
    // do sth with a
  case outchannel <- b:
   // sent b

Select with an Abort Channel.

for { // infinite loop until something is send in abort channel
  select {
 		case a <- c:
    // process a
    case <-abort:

Select with a default, non-blocking channel.

Mutual Exclusion


var mutex sync.Mutex
mutex.Lock()  // **blocks !**
mutex.Unlock() // a blocked Lock() can proceed

Initialization Once

var once sync.Once
once.Do(f) // f is called at multiple places and f is executed only one time
// all calls to once.Do() block until the first returns. to ensure that initialization executes first. For example, calling once.Do() in front of all files to setup something.


From synchronization depedencies, for example circular dependencies.

Go runtime auto detects when all goroutines are deadlocked

Cannot detect when a subset of goroutines are deadlocked.

Dining philosopher solution: Each philosopher picks up lowest numbered chopstick first.


This reprository summarizes the content of the Coursera Programming with Google Go Specialization in an experienced programmer's perspective.






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