This repository contains R programs for the article, “Array testing with multiplex assays,” by Peijie Hou and others. This article has been submitted to Biostatistics for publication. A Shiny application developed from these programs is available at
To run the code:
1. Download the files ArrayMultiplex.R, Array.cpp, and Hierarchical.cpp.
2. Open R (or Rstudio) and make sure that R (or Rstudio) can access the two cpp files.
3. Run ArrayMultiplex.R.
To reproduce the analysis (Tables 2-3, E.1, and Figure E.1) in the real data example of this article:
1. Download the files IowaSHLdata.csv (this is the data file), IowaSHLresults.R, Array.cpp, and Hierarchical.cpp.
2. Open R (or Rstudio) and make sure that R (or Rstudio) can access the two cpp files and the data file.
3. Run IowaSHLresults.R.