Convert text prompts to sql for your postgres db.
Grabs database DDL to use in the GPT prompts, creating working queries.
To run:
go run aisql.go -K [openai auth key] -C '[postgres connection string]'
-> Give me all animals who's name starts with D
Response start=======
FROM animals
WHERE name LIKE 'D%' -- This query will return all animals whose name starts with the letter D. The LIKE operator is used to search for a pattern in a column. The '%' wildcard character is used to match any number of characters after the letter D.
Response finish======
Execute query? [y/N]
id | name | type | age | registered_at | image | owner_id
54 | Devon Rex | insect | 14 | 2021-06-18T20:40:34.991Z | | 17
104 | Devon Rex | cetacean | 4 | 2021-11-02T06:34:56.853Z | | 37
(2 rows)