This project is/will be outdated as soon as wicked 1.0.0 is released; wicked 1.0.0 contains a default authorization server which is able to perform any task this project could do (plus some more, e.g. SAML).
See also:
This is a sample implementation of an Authorization Server which uses a node.js Passport for authenticating a user, and authorizing the user to create access tokens for use with the OAuth 2.0 implicit grant, e.g. for SPAs.
Please note: This implementation is intended as either a stub for your own implementation, or as a study object. Before using this in production, you should check thoroughly that it matches your requirements.
Things to consider before using this component:
- This Authorization Server does not do any kind of Authorization (scopes are not supported),
- The Authentication with any IdP supported by this component is considered enough to authorize the use of the API
supports the following types of identity providers:
- GitHub
(More to come, pull requests are welcome, it's fairly straight forward, ADFS is next on list).
For testing purposes, there is a pre-built docker image with this repository you may use.
Incorporate a container with the image haufelexware/wicked.auth-passport
in your container setup. If you are using docker-compose
, you will need an additional service:
version: '2'
# ...
env_file: variables.env
image: haufelexware/wicked.auth-passport:dev
- portal-api
- portal-kong-adapter
command: "npm start"
restart: unless-stopped
In case you are using different deployment methods of your API Portal, this may differ for your setup (e.g. docker swarm
In order to make the authorization server work, you will need to register it using the Google Developer portal.
This is exactly the same procedure as described for using Google Login for the portal itself, which is described here:
The only thing which really differs (except for names and descriptions) is the callback URI, which has to point to the Authorization Server's callback end point, instead of to the end point of the portal itself.
If you use the standard setup described below, your callback URL will be: https://<your api host>/auth-passport/google/callback
Example: Your portal lives at
, and the API Gateway at
, then the Authorization Server's callback URL will be
Add the following file called auth-server.json
in your configuration's static/auth-servers
"id": "auth-passport",
"name": "auth-passport",
"desc": "Authorization Server based on Social Login",
"url": "https://${PORTAL_NETWORK_APIHOST}/auth-server/<idp>/api/{{apiId}}?client_id=(your app's client id)&response_type=token&redirect_uri=<your app's redirect uri>[&state=<client state>]",
"config": {
"api": {
"name": "auth-passport",
"upstream_url": "http://auth-passport:3010",
"request_path": "/auth-server"
"plugins": [
"config": {
"header_name": "Correlation-Id",
"generator": "uuid"
"name": "correlation-id"
"urlDescription": "In case you need an access token, call the above link with your `client_id` (for the subscribed API) substituted in the link. In case the authentication with Google is successful, you will get called back at your registered `redirect_uri` with the access token attached in the fragment of the URI. Specify the desired `<idp>`, must be one of `google`, `github`, `twitter` or `facebook` (change to match what you need). Any `state` you pass in will get passed back with the access token, as an additional query parameter `&state=<...>`.",
"google": {
"clientId": "<insert google client ID here>",
"clientSecret": "<insert google client secret here>",
"callbackUrl": "https://${PORTAL_NETWORK_APIHOST}/auth-server/google/callback"
This code will expose the authorization server via Kong, at https://<your api host>/auth-server
, as an API. The upstream URL is defined as http://auth-passport:3010
, which is implemented by the below compose file entry.
It is advisable to introduce environment variables for clientId
and clientSecret
, to (1) be able to have different settings for different environments, and (2) to encrypt (at least) the client secret in your configuration. Use the kickstarter to do this, e.g. by changing the JSON to
"google": {
"clientId": "${GOOGLE_AUTH_CLIENTID}",
"clientSecret": "${GOOGLE_AUTH_CLIENTSECRET}",
"callbackUrl": "https://${PORTAL_NETWORK_APIHOST}/auth-server/google/callback"
Then go to the "Environments" and fill in the correct values for the different environments. If you are using a standard setup, the callbackUrl
will work automatically for all environments if you use the setting above.
Extend the auth-passport.json
file with the following property:
"github": {
"clientId": "${GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENTID}",
"clientSecret": "${GITHUB_AUTH_CLIENTSECRET}",
"callbackUrl": "https://${PORTAL_NETWORK_APIHOST}/auth-server/github/callback"
Then fill in the environment variables per environment. Obtain client ID and secret from your Github settings. The callback URL resides at https://<your api host>/auth-server/github/callback
Extend the auth-passport.json
file with the following property:
"twitter": {
"callbackUrl": "https://${PORTAL_NETWORK_APIHOST}/auth-server/twitter/callback"
Then fill in the environment variables per environment. Obtain consumer key and secret and register the callback URL in your Twitter developer portal. The callback URL is https://<your api host>/auth-server/github/callback
Extend the auth-passport.json
file with the following property:
"facebook": {
"callbackUrl": "https://${PORTAL_NETWORK_APIHOST}/auth-server/facebook/callback"
Then fill in the environment variables per environment. Obtain consumer key and secret and register the callback URL in your Twitter developer portal. The callback URL is https://<your api host>/auth-server/github/callback
. Facebook accepts multiple callback URLs, so here you may use the same credentials for multiple environments.
The end point /auth-server/profile
will deliver the generic user profile for the authenticated user (if any); you can use this end point to retrieve data on the user from the browser via an AJAX CORS-enabled call.
The end point will return the following type of JSON structure:
"id": "<idp>:<user-id>",
"sub": "<idp>:<user-id>",
"username": "<username, if present, otherwise name>",
"preferred_username": "<alias for username>",
"name": "Dan Developer",
"given_name": "Dan",
"family_name": "Developer",
"email": "",
"email_verified": true,
"raw_profile": { /*...*/ }
Please note the following restrictions which apply:
- Twitter will NOT allow retrieval of email addresses via the API without manual checking of your application by Twitter
- Facebook also allows user creation without an email addresses (for kids, you know, who just have a phone number), so you can't rely on
being filled - Github allows user creation without an actual name; in that case, the username will be returned as both full name and family name, and given name is left blank
- The same applies to Twitter
This information can be used to pre-fill a registration form in your SPA, but should be allowed to change.
IMPORTANT: This end point may be removed in favor of an OpenID Connect type of end point (/userinfo
) in the future. Currently, some restrictions of the underlying API Gateway does not allow an implementation of OpenID Connect reliably.
The base request path of the authorization server defaults to /auth-server
. By setting the environment variable AUTH_SERVER_BASEPATH
at startup of the authorization server, you can change this, e.g.
The server ID used for retrieving the settings (here we have used auth-passport.json
, i.e. auth-passport
as ID) can be changed by setting the environment variable AUTH_SERVER_NAME
at startup.
$ export AUTH_SERVER_NAME=social-auth
In the example above, the authorization server will search for its setting using the /auth-servers/social-auth
endpoint of the wicked Portal API.
The session timeout defaults to 60 minutes. This can be changed by overriding the environment variable AUTH_SERVER_SESSION_MINUTES
If you have plans to use this component in production, it is (currently) advisable to fork your own version of the code and build your own docker image. This image is built directly off the master
branch and does not run through any particular integration tests (in contrast to the core components).
Right now, we have no plans on actually releasing a latest
(aka stable) version of this component.
This container will continuously check for the configuration hash (via the /confighash
end point of the wicked API), which is done automatically by the wicked SDK. In case a configuration change is detected, the container will quit, in the hope that the orchestration layer will restart it automatically.