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Commit Message Format

Ryan Johnson edited this page Oct 21, 2019 · 3 revisions

The following rules are based on Conventional Commits.

Single-Line Message

<type>[(<scope>)][!]: <summary>
  1. <type>
    • type of commit (see below)
  2. (<scope>) (optional)
    • scope of changes, wrapped in parentheses
    • Do not leave parentheses empty!
  3. exclamation point ("!") (optional)
    • indicates a breaking change (semver MAJOR)
  4. colon (":")
  5. single space (" ")
  6. <summary>
    • description of changes

Multi-line Message

Expands on Single-Line message rules with the addition of an optional <body> and <footers>.

<type>[(<scope>)][!]: <summary>



If the commit includes breaking changes, always add the exclamation point "!" to the header in addition to providing a BREAKING CHANGE footer to add more details about the breaking changes. This allows for quick scanning of git log output for commits that introduce breaking changes, in addition to providing details in the multi-line message.

Commit Types

  • build
    • update/modify build system and/or dependencies
  • chore
    • any change that does not fit into any other type
  • docs
    • changes to documentation content
  • feat (semver MINOR)
    • add new functionality
  • fix (semver PATCH)
    • patch bug/error
  • perf
    • code changes that improve performance of consumed assets
  • publish
    • Do not use!
    • Reserved for build processes.
  • refactor
    • code changes that neither fix a bug nor add a feature
  • saas
    • changes to SAAS (Software as a Service) configurations
  • style
    • code changes that do not modify algorithms
    • e.g., white space changes, linting corrections, etc.
  • test
    • add missing tests or update existing tests

Commit Summary

  • Use imperative, present tense
    • e.g., "change" instead of "changed" or "changes"
  • do not capitalize first letter
  • do not end with period

Commit Body

  • Same as the subject, use imperative, present tense.
  • Include motivation for the change and contrasts with previous functionality.

Commit Footers

The footer is optional. Use the footer to record any of the following:


chore: deprecate hx-thingamabob

DEPRECATED: `<hx-thingamabob>`, use `<hx-thingamajig>` instead

Breaking Changes

chore!: remove hx-thingamabob

BREAKING CHANGE: Remove deprecated `<hx-thingamabob>`

Issue References

fix(css): issue 5678

Fixes #5678
feat: add requested feature

Closes #1234

User Story References

build: update dependencies

Closes JIRA-910
  • Do not include full URL to user story. The identifier is what matters.