- Attempt to clone some of functionalities of Instagram
- Frontend in React.js
- Python
- Django
- Django Rest Framework
- PostgreSQL Database
- Web Sockets
- Django Channels
- Redis Server
- Cronjob for Scheduling
- pip
- virtual env
- PyCharm
- User Management
- Post Management
- Request-Follow-Unfollow
- Like, Comment
- Realtime Chat
- Real time Notifications
- Story for 24 hours
- Archived Stories,Posts
- You should have PostgreSQL and Redis-Server running on your machine
- For setting up Database and Password, run following commands in terminal
psql -U postgres -[ For Windows ] sudo -u postgres psql -[ For Linux ] postgres=# CREATE USER instagram WITH SUPERUSER CREATEDB CREATEROLE PASSWORD 'instagram'; postgres=# CREATE DATABASE instagram OWNER instagram;
- Create Virtual Environment
- Install Following Dependencies using pip
- django, pillow, channels, channels_redis, djangorestframework, python-decouple, psycopg2 or psycopg2-binary
- Configure Database, Username and Password in .env File
- If you need to change server urls then you can change it in
Instagram > settings.py
- If you need to change server urls then you can change it in
- Run following Commands
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
- Chrome Browser
- Postman
- WebSocket King
This project is licensed under the MIT License - Copyright (c) 2020 Hemang Nakarani