Releases: HemantKArya/BloomeeTunes
Releases · HemantKArya/BloomeeTunes
Bug fixes 🐛
- yt streams speed ups
- yt high/low quality fully supported now for streaming.
- db bug fixes.
Full Changelog: v2.10.10+154...v2.10.11+155
YT api bug fixes
- Youtube Home Api fixed.
- link refresh now in separate isolate
- DB and YT service modified.
- yt link refresh speed ups.
Full Changelog: v2.10.9+152...v2.10.10+154
Lyrics caching and setting implemented 🎉
- Lyrics Caching Implemented a06ab27
- Saavn song formatting api fix 3d3b70d
- Saavn playlist bug fix 350b91d
- Lyrics menu enhancement.
Full Changelog: v2.10.8+151...v2.10.9+152
Enhancements and Bug Fixes
- jio saavn bug fixes for album loading 7922fe0
- android manifest update for intent filter 616aea8
- volume scroll now work in desktop using mouse scrolling over cover art 368a375
- chart plugins test implt. c4cd22f
- backup dir fixed for windows 2667133
Full Changelog: v2.10.7+150...v2.10.8+151
- Jio Saavn search fixs.
You can keep the old version this release is just bug fix for JiSaavn
🐜Youtube API upgrade, miniplayer gesture for next and previous, etc.
- Gesture for swiping to next and previous on miniplayer. 03360bb
- Link corrected for Pre-release view btn. ee7e379
- Code conditioned for android only [receive sharing intent, and downloader] 80dace0 80dace0
- Some code cleanups.
- Youtube Explode upgrade.
Full Changelog: v2.10.5+148...v2.10.6+149
🥂Last.FM based music Scrobbler implemented.
- Last.FM based music scrobbler (need to put your own api key in settings and sign-in with your account.) 90b3330
- Bluetooth tethering enabled as internet. 68a19bb
- Mini player bug fixes. e47e9cf
- Player UI image bug fixes. 87c9f61
- android notification seeks enabled. d9a06f2
Full Changelog: v2.9.13+142...v2.10.4+147
- Bug fixe for Youtube Songs not playing.
- pubspec.lock uploaded for f-droid compliance
- .env removed from project directory.
- some minor improvements
🎉Same version for light weight APKs
- Desktop shortcuts are now working more stable than before.
- Can copy the original link of song from song info by clicking on it.
- All ABIs have now same build number. (NOTE: All android ABIs now have same build number or say version number so if you have installed from APK other than universal APK before then installing the new Non-universal APK will not work now you should take backup and reinstall with Non-Universal APK).
- Bug fixes related to import section, create playlist panel and others.