This web application is built by python using 'Django' framework. It's a fully-fledged app with an admin panel to perform CRUD operations on the database and letting users sign up, update their profile, and create their own recipes.
Recipe Management: Create, edit, and organize your favorite recipes. Include detailed information such as ingredients, instructions, and estimated cooking time.
Search and Filters: Easily search for recipes based on keywords, ingredients, or categories. Apply filters to narrow down your recipe options and find the perfect dish.
Data Visualization: Visualize recipe data through interactive charts, allowing users to gain insights into cooking times, ingredient usage, and more.
To begin using the Recipe-App Management, follow these steps:
- Python 3.11.5
- Django 4.2.6
- Clone the project repository from GitHub to your local machine.
git clone cd recipe-app
- Install all required Python packages.
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Configure the database settings in the project's settings file.
- Apply necessary database migrations.
python migrate
- Launch the development server.
python runserver
- Clone the project repository from GitHub to your local machine.
Important Remarks: Sensitive data, such as the secret key, DB details, and debugging information, were stored in a .env file. The key that was visible in previous steps is a dummy.
- Python (3.11) - Link to Python
- Django (4.2.6) - Link to Django
- Other Python libraries (please review the requirements.txt file)
- Databases alternatives:
- The default SQLite
- To host in Pythonanywhere, it is suggested PostgreSQL for example.
- Database Migration Steps for PostgreSQL usage:
- Create a database either in the psql shell or AdminPg4.
- Install package psycopg2.
- Proceed with
py dumpdata > name_file
(ex. data.json) (can be python, depending on the OS you are using). - Check encoding, it needs to be changed from utf-16 to utf-8.
- Now you should change your
(Database portion). Example: From what you have to something similar:To:DATABASES = { 'default' : { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backend.sqlite3', 'NAME': BASE_DIR / 'db.sqlite3' } }
DATABASES = { 'default': { 'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2', 'NAME': config('DB_NAME'), 'USER': config('DB_USER'), 'PASSWORD': config('DB_PASSWORD'), 'HOST': config('DB_HOST'), 'PORT': config('DB_PORT') } }
- Sync the data:
py migrate --run-syncdb
- After synchronizing the data, delete the default data:
py shell >>> from django.contrib.contenttypes.models import ContentType >>> ContentType.objects.all().delete()
- Ship the data to PostgreSQL:
py loaddata data.json
- Frontend Frameworks:
- Bootstrap: Link to Bootstrap
- jQuery: Link to jQuery