Analyse data for ph3 experiments.
You will need to have the cp-utils-hmv toolkit to use the notebook:
pip install cp-utils-hmv
- This assumes an acquisition of data with 4 channels in the slide scanner at 20x.
- Make sure the name of the .czi files is 'Animal-X-Y-Z_Experimental-Procedure_slide-X.czi
- The underscores are very important. Don't have spaces. The last part (e.g. '..._slide-1') is also crucial.
Use in Fiji to export slices. (Using channel 4 and 10um/px)
Register using ABBA and save transformation field and atlas annotations:
- Create a folder called 'QuPath' inside the 'Registration' folder just created by the previous script
- Open QuPath, and drag the folder to create a new project. Add the images created by the script, selecting BioFormats-builder. Close QuPath.
- Open ABBA in Fiji and import the QuPath project.
- Flip the axis as the ABBA atlas is the other way around
- Set slice thickness to 1 micrometer!
- Register once with affine, using channel 1 of the atlas (autofluorescence). Set the proper background value!
- Register with spline with 10 landmarks, also correcting background and correct registration
- Export regions to file, and export atlas coordinates to imageJ.
- Save inside the same folder as the original images
Use to generate the ROIs, loading the region of interest (e.g. Caudoputamen)
Use '' in, which transforms the images into 8-bit and normalizes the intensities by channel and by animal
Use 'ImageSequence_Downsampler.ijm' in the Fiji_Custom repo to make a copy of both the DARPP-32 channels and the tdTomato (d2) channels in different directories (needed for cellpose). Do not downsample as we are acquiring at 20x.
- Alternatively, just copy both channels to separate folders so you don't have to duplicate data
Run cellpose ( on both directories: e.g. python -m cellpose --dir /home/hernandom/data/Microscopy_Data/Plasticity/PH3_inmuno/Processed_data/PH308/ROIs--Gce_processed--downsized-1_fileend-2.tif/ --save_tif --no_npy --diameter 38 --pretrained_model cyto --chan 0 --use_gpu
Run Inmuno_4channels_XXXXXX.cpproj ( in CellProfiler. Modify saving paths accordingly.
Run the notebook PH3_Analysis.ipynb, for each mouse.
TODO: Create a google colab notebook for testing.