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Fragmentation exists in the FRAG:: namespace. To use fragmentation functions and objects:
namespace FRAG {
// return size of smallest partition with at least threshold % shared entropy with feature
// a value of -1 indicates that no partition contains atleast threshold shared entropy relitive to feature
// predictor: vector of states containing the source data (i.e. what is used to make prediction)
// source and fettures must be the same size AND each element of source must be the same size AND each element of features must be the same size
// feature: vector of states containing the data we are want to predict (i.e. we will ask how well source predicts features)
// threshold: the first partition of source that has atleast this amount of shared entropy with feature as compaired with features total entropy will trigger a return
// compairTo: If "feature", function works as decribed. If "shared", threshold comparison is made agaist max shared entropy as aposed to feature entropy (i.e. it will always succed unless feature entropy is 0)
// maxPartitionSize: max size of partitions of source to consider, if -1 (defaut) consider all partitions
int getFragmentation(const TS::intTimeSeries& feature, const TS::intTimeSeries& Predictor, double threshold = 1.0, const std::string& compareTo = "feature", int maxPartitionSize = -1);
// given a vector of features (TimeSeriess) and predictor (intTimeSeries) return a list of fragmentation for each feature
// uses getFragmentation
std::vector<int> getFragmentationSet(const std::vector<TS::intTimeSeries>& features, const TS::intTimeSeries& predictor, double threshold = 1.0, const std::string& compareTo = "feature", int maxPartitionSize = -1);
// given a feature(intTimeSeries) and predictor (intTimeSeries) return a list of fragmentation for each element of feature
// this uses deconstructTimeSeries to convert features into a vector of TimeSeriess and then calls the alternet version of getFragmentionSet
std::vector<int> getFragmentationSet(const TS::intTimeSeries& features, const TS::intTimeSeries& predictor, double threshold = 1.0, const std::string& compareTo = "feature", int maxPartitionSize = -1);
// this function takes features (vector<TimeSeriess>) and predictor (intTimeSeries) and calculates how much each partition of predictor "knows" about each feature.
// first create a power set of index lists for all partitions of predictor (excluding the empty set)
// next determin the shared entropy between each partition of predictor and each feature
// return a pair where the first element is the list of partition indeces, and the second element is matrix of shared entropies
// each row of the matrix is the values for each parition relitive to one feautre
// the parameter compareTo can be set to:
// "none" - show mutual entropy of feature and partition
// "feature" = show mutual entropy... / feature entropy
// "shared" = show mutual entropy... / mutual entropy of feature and whole predictor
// in addtion, the last two columns and last row of the matrix provide additional information
// column[-2] = entropy of feature
// column[-1] = entropy mutual entropy of feature and whole predictor (i.e. largest partition)
// row[-1] = the entropy of each partition (last two elements are set to 0)
std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<int>>, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> getFragmentationMatrix(const std::vector<TS::intTimeSeries>& features, const TS::intTimeSeries& predictor, const std::string& compareTo = "feature", int maxPartitionSize = -1);
// wrapper for getFragmentationMatrix which takes feature as a intTimeSeries rather then vector<intTimeSeries>
// this uses deconstructTimeSeries to convert features into a vector of TimeSeriess and then calls the alternet version of getFragmentationMatrix
std::pair<std::vector<std::vector<int>>, std::vector<std::vector<double>>> getFragmentationMatrix(const TS::intTimeSeries& features, const TS::intTimeSeries& predictor, const std::string& compareTo = "feature", int maxPartitionSize = -1);
// save a collection of flowMatrixs derived from a set of time ranges
void saveFragMatrixSet(const TS::intTimeSeries& features, const TS::intTimeSeries& predictor, const std::vector<int>& lifeTimes, const std::vector<std::pair<double, double>>& flowRanges, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& compareTo = "feature", int maxPartitionSize = -1);
// save a single flowMatrix
void saveFragMatrix(const TS::intTimeSeries& features, const TS::intTimeSeries& predictor, const std::string& fileName, const std::string& compareTo = "feature", int maxPartitionSize = -1);
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Markov Brain
Neuron Gate
Wire Brain
Human Brain
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Artificial Neural Networks
Brains Structure and Connectome
Circular Genome
Multi Genome
Genome Handlers
Genome Value Conversions
Lexicase Optimizer
Berry World
ComplexiPhi World
MultiThreadTemplate World
Parameters Name Space
Adding Parameters to Code
sequence function
Population Loading
Information Theory Tools
Brain States and Life Times
Entropy Functions
State to State
Brain Infomation Tools