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Newsreader App

Simple two-page SPA application for news browsing using Guardian API.


  • Main page:

    • Display news cards.
    • Search for news by keyword.
    • Sort news by relevance and date.
    • Customize the number of displayed news items on the page.
    • Infinite scrolling (loading news when reaching the end of the page).
    • Storing the page state in Redux.
    • Loading data from backend via Redux async thunk.

Main page

  • News page:
    • Display full news text with correct formatting (headings, paragraphs, lists, quotes, images).
    • Display news date, illustration (if available), link to original article and back button.
    • Server Side Rendering.

News page


  • Frontend: Next.js, TypeScript, Redux Toolkit, CSS Modules

  • Backend: Guardian API: REST API for news content.

Layout Requirements:

  • Adaptive layout (up to 320px).

How it works:

  1. Main page:

    • When the page loads, the app makes a request to the Guardian API using the search, sort, news count and page number parameters stored in the Redux store.
    • The resulting data is stored in the Redux store and displayed as news cards.
    • Scrolling down the page triggers a handler that makes a request for the next chunk of data, if available.
    • The user can interact with UI elements (search, sorting, number of news items) by changing the state of the Redux store, which causes the component to re-render and update the data.
  2. News page:

    • When navigating to the news page, Next.js pre-requests server-side news data using the news id from the URL.
    • The resulting data is used to render the page on the server, making it load faster and improving SEO.
    • The page displays the full text of the news, formatted with HTML tags and CSS styles.