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Joe Wicentowski edited this page Nov 19, 2023 · 16 revisions


We publish EPUB and Mobi versions of each FRUS volume. This page explains how we generate and review eBooks before publication.


  1. A development system, fully up-to-date.
  2. Calibre and Parallel. Install these via Homebrew in Terminal: brew install calibre parallel. (For more on Terminal and Homebrew, see step 1.)
  3. Books for Mac (installed by default).
  4. Kindle for Mac (free from the Mac App Store).
  5. An internet connection (to access cover art, graphics on S3).


  1. Check that the cover images for the volumes are all in S3; visit hsg-publish at http://hsg-prod-backend1.hsg:8080/exist/apps/hsg-publish, select Browse S3 bucket, select your volume, and examine frus/{volume-id}/covers. Without these covers, the eBooks you generate below have a generic cover image, which is okay for proofing but not for publication.
  2. Validate each volume's TEI file (in frus/volumes) in oXygen. It's important to fix as many problems as possible before generating the eBook, since the eBook generating process takes time. Certain errors that the schema files find—particularly those related to missing images—will actually cause the eBook generator to fail.
  3. Similarly, ensure that the volume titles and other metadata for each volume (in frus/bibliography) is complete.

Generating eBooks

  1. Open the Release app at http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/release and select the link for "eBook Batch Helper"
  2. Paste in the desired volume IDs, one per line
  3. Select the desired output format(s): EPUB, Mobi-bound EPUB, or Both
  4. Select the Generate eBooks button. Note: The eBook Batch Helper can take 5-10 minutes to generate each eBook; particularly slow are page-based-cross-reference-type volumes of the pre-Johnson era. Since the eBook Batch Helper doesn't provide any feedback or progress indicators until it has completed all eBooks, the best way to monitor progress is by using the Monex Console: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/monex/console.html; the Console shows detailed progress messages. If you need to cancel the eBook Batch Helper, use the Monex Monitoring page: http://localhost:8080/exist/apps/monex/index.html, clicking the "X" beside the ebook-helper.xq query in the "Running Queries" window.
  5. When the eBook Batch Helper is done, it will produce a final report about the results of the conversion: errors are noted in red, successful conversions in green. Mobi conversion via Calibre is reported beneath this.
  6. The eBook Batch Helper saves eBooks to your home folder's Downloads folder inside a date-stamped folder called frus-ebooks-yyyy-mm-dd. Here, EPUB files are stored in the epub directory and Mobipocket files in the mobi directory. A third directory, mobi-bound, contains intermediate Mobi-bound EPUB-formatted files, which can be discarded once the final Mobi files have been generated. As the tool runs, you can open your Downloads/frus-ebooks-yyyy-mm-dd folder on your desktop, and watch as the contents are filled in: first, the epub and mobi-bound folders, then the mobi folders.
  7. You can re-run the tool to generate a new set; new eBook files will overwrite the existing ones.

Reviewing eBooks

  1. Drag a volume's EPUB file into oXygen (not the Mobi-bound EPUB or Mobi files). This opens a new Archive Browser pane, showing the contents of the EPUB file. Select the "Validate" button (red checkmark icon) in the Archive Browser pane. This runs the EpubCheck utility, which reports any structural problems with the eBook. Errors like element "ul" not allowed here can generally be ignored at present, but errors that we do try to fix include missing, not found, or fragment identifier not defined errors relating to links to pages and their fragments, and referenced resources like images.
  2. Make a copy of the EPUB and Mobi files, and open the copies of the EPUB files in iBooks and the Mobipocket files in Kindle. (Making these copies is necessary because opening an eBook file in an eBook reader often results in the eBook's filename, contents, and metadata being changed by the reader. We want to be sure to post only the originals, not the modified versions to our website.) Scan the contents of the volume to make sure the volume looks right, paying particular attention to any formatting that might be out of the ordinary. A good method for spot checking is to quickly flip through every page.

Uploading eBooks for Publication

  1. When preparing eBooks for upload, make sure to use the version of each eBook file generated directly by our tools. Using the version directly generated by our tools (making a copy of them first) ensures no unwanted modifications have been made to the files. Be sure each eBook's filename takes the form that our tool generates them in and that our website assumes: {volume-id}.epub and {volume-id}.mobi.
  2. Upload each volume's .epub and .mobi file to S3, using hsg-publish.
  • Visit hsg-publish at http://hsg-prod-backend1.hsg:8080/exist/apps/hsg-publish.
  • Select Upload files to S3.
  • Select your volume.
  • Select the Choose Files button for each category of files: EPUB and Mobi.
  • If you upload any wrong files by mistake, email Joe and ask him to delete them for you.
  1. When the eBooks are all added and you are ready to make them available for public release, use hsg-publish: