- A linux host with cgroups v1 enabled (this is due to snekbox upstream not having switched to v2, it is however being worked on.). Cgroups v1 can be enabled on a machine if the default is v2 by setting a kernel parameter.
- docker
- docker-compose
- Clone the repository
- Adjust nginx port in docker-compose.yml file (defaults is 80)
- Run with
docker-compose up -d
. This will build the mudpy image and then run it alongside all other required containers.
The app frontend is divided into 4 parts.
Your code to solve puzzles goes here.
The clear button can be used to clear the editor content and the submit button to submit code for evaluation.
The Terminal is the core of the application and we navigate the game with help of it.
When we type help in terminal we can get the overview of available commands.
On the map we can see where we are currently, which rooms are where and which we completed, keys located in rooms and locked rooms.
Here we can see our score, how many characters are in our room and our current task.