This bot allows users to send tips (ZEN on EON) to other users after funding their tip account.
General process:
- Discord member requests a deposit address from the tip bot
- Member sends EON ZEN (eZEN) to the deposit address using Sphere or another method
- Member may tip another member using the tip bot. Help is available by DMing the bot with: !ezentip help
- When a member receives a tip, entries are created in the bot's database to track sender and receiver balances.
- The recipient may tip another member with the tip they received or add more funds.
- A member may withdraw funds in their tip account at any time.
Note: all funds are stored in the bot's EON address.
- Tip bot for eZEN. Responds to
. - Dynamic plugin loading with permission support.
- Send a tip to one other member with optional message
- Send a tip of random amount to one member with optional message
- Send a tip based on fiat currency or other cryptcurrency amount with optional message
- Multiple user support
- Send either a set amount or a random amount to a channel for the first 20 members who respond
- Admin commands
- Suspend scheduled background tasks. Usefull when using the payouts command
- Send one or more payouts to a member bypassing balance checks (runs more quickly)
- Check balance total of all users and the bot. Optional list all user balances.
- node > 18.19.0
- mongod > 5.0.2
Create a bot and get the bot's API Token:
Connect the bot to a discord server.
Make a copy of example.default.js and name it default.js
- EONBOT_CFGPATH environment variable may be used to specify the full file and path. Default is the config folder.
- enter the bot token and the server id.
- change the 'debug' and 'testnet' to false for production. 'debug' can be left true if logging is needed.
- enter the EON address and private key of the bot.
- update default max tip (number) and gas price (string) if needed. Note: gas and gas price is fixed so transfers and withdrawls include all funds.
- change the mongodb settings. No options are needed for the listed versions dependencies. The database is created when started.
- enter the moderation role and logchannel id.
- enter a list of admin ids.
Make sure you have mongod running, then run:
npm install
node bot/bot.js
or for production:
set the environment variable NODE_ENV=production
npm run prod
Based on the original work from filipnyquist
- Update URLs for api servers.
- Added optional env config file path.
- Updated init sequence to ensure db connection before sweeping funds.
- Updates to some logging to include more specific error causes
- Added return of unknown member account for admin rather than failing bot command
- New instance (rewrite and repo) of the tipbot for Zen on the EON sidechain. This version does not support Zen on the horizen mainchain.
- Added support for a username or tag as text in addition to a user object in some tip commands.
- Added a checkbals admin command that returns the total balance of all accounts and the current balance of the bot account.
- Skip responding to @everyone and @here mentions.
- Updated dependencies
version: "3"
restart: always
image: eontipbot:latest
container_name: ezenbot
stop_grace_period: 1m
- "/mnt/tipbot/eonbotconfig/:/config/"
- "EONBOT_CFGPATH=/config/default.js"
network_mode: "host"
- /run
- /tmp
driver: "json-file"
max-size: "512m"
max-file: "4"