This is a dataset of inter-shaft bearing based on the vibration signal of rotors and casings, which comes from a aero-engine test with inter-shaft bearing fault.
If using this dataset,please cite the following paper:
Hou, L., H. Yi, Y. Jin, M. Gui, L. Sui, J. Zhang, and Y. Chen. “Inter-Shaft Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Aero-Engine System: A Benchmarking Dataset Study”. Journal of Dynamics, Monitoring and Diagnostics, vol. 2, no. 4, Aug. 2023, pp. 228-42, doi:10.37965/jdmd.2023.314.
Here, we upload the data for "Channel 1" as an example. 'xtrain_1, xtrain_2, xtrain_3, xtrain_4' represents the training set (due to file size limitations, they need to be concatenated in order when used), 'xtest' is the test set, 'ytrain_1, ytrain_2, ytrain_3, ytrain_4' is the training set labels, and 'ytest' is the test set labels.
Due to the large size of the dataset file, we uploaded the whole dataset to Google Drive with the link as: