Habr article (in Russian) describing for what it and how to use.
Why that plugin born you may find at the end of readme, but now lets look what it does and how to use it!
Said we have this object described in XSD:
<xs:complexType name="Customer">
<xs:element name="name" type="xs:string">
<xs:documentation>Фамилия и имя</xs:documentation>
We run xjc like:
xjc -npa -no-header -d src/main/generated-java/ -p xsd.generated scheme.xsd
And got class like (getters, setters and any annotations omitted for simplicity):
public class Customer {
@XmlElement(required = true)
protected String name;
But in my case I want known how to class and fields was named in source file! So it what this plugin do!
So you get:
@XsdInfo(name = "Пользователь", xsdElementPart = "<complexType name=\"Customer\">\n <complexContent>\n <restriction base=\"{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}anyType\">\n <sequence>\n <element name=\"name\" type=\"{http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema}string\"/>\n </sequence>\n </restriction>\n </complexContent>\n</complexType>")
public class Customer {
@XmlElement(required = true)
@XsdInfo(name = "Фамилия и имя")
protected String name;
If you want run it manually ensure jar class with plugin in run classpath and just add option -XPluginDescriptionAnnotation
. F.e.:
xjc -npa -no-header -d src/main/generated-java/ -p xsd.generated -XPluginDescriptionAnnotation scheme.xsd
,'-d', generatedClassesDir.absolutePath
,'-p', 'info.hubbitus.generated.test'
] as String[]
,new XJCListener() {...}
See test XJCPluginDescriptionAnnotationTest for example.
With gradle-xjc-plugin:
plugins {
id 'java'
id 'org.unbroken-dome.xjc' version '1.4.1' // https://github.com/unbroken-dome/gradle-xjc-plugin
dependencies {
xjcClasspath 'info.hubbitus:xjc-documentation-annotation-plugin:1.0'
// Results by default in `build/xjc/generated-sources`
xjcGenerate {
source = fileTree('src/main/resources') { include '*.xsd' }
packageLevelAnnotations = false
targetPackage = 'info.hubbitus.xjc.plugin.example'
extraArgs = [ '-XPluginDescriptionAnnotation' ]
Just run:
./gradlew xjcGenerate
Please look complete example in example-project-gradle directory - it have fully independent gradle project ot demonstrate how to use this plugin..
./gradlew jar
Run tests:
./gradlew test
For our integration we have task load big amount of XSD
files into MDM
software (proprietary Unidata).
is good tool for generate Java DTO
classes from XSD
specification. It was first part ow way.
Then I got excellent reflections library and travers generated classes.
Problem was I was not be able name my model items with original annotations! Despite XJC
place initial Javadoc which contains description and related part of XML
element it have several problems:
- That only for class, and absent fo fields.
- Even for class I can't use javadoc in runtime
First approach to parse XSD
for documentation on groovy works, but was very fragile and always require get updates and hacks.
I long time search way to bring such annotations into DTO
classes itself to do not do work twice (generate classes and again parse XSD
files manually).
I did not found solution. And it is the reason born of that plugin.