This is a rewrite of the popular game friday night funkin for the wii
If you have any suggestions or questions or just want to say hi please add an issue on this page. I love hearing from other people.
Credits screen: 100% 🎉🎉 (may make a few adjustmants)
Menu Screen: 100% 🎉🎉
Week selection screen 10%
acutal weeks 0%
to compile this youll need
If theres something else not here that I forgot please add an issue on this page and ill be sure to fix it
to compile just type in "make" into your terminal youll most likely get tons of warnings(Which is ok and is whats suppose to happen) Once it compiles succefully congraulations you did it!! :)
Weather you stumbled up here wondering if something like this exists or if someone sent you this I want to thank you(Yes you) for checking this out. I may not finish this as Im busy with alot of stuff however I Will do it