To do list for the current milestone :
finalize scripts
profile checking, consistency of the ontology, and warnings ;
automatic deploying of the ontology ;
test scripts ;
script for the automatic generation of the documentation (?) -
adding the ontologies to LOV https://lov.linkeddata.es/
creating a dataset instantiating the newly released ontologies …
To do list for the current milestone :
finalize scripts
profile checking, consistency of the ontology, and warnings ;
automatic deploying of the ontology ;
test scripts ;
script for the automatic generation of the documentation (?) -
adding the ontologies to LOV https://lov.linkeddata.es/
creating a dataset instantiating the newly released ontologies to describe scenario 1 for instance i.e. having a first dataset populating the ontologies
finalizing and documenting the use of ACIMOV in Hyperagents and on GiHub in general and considering the creation of a repository template from our structure and scripts to support the work on (new) other ontologies
ending the discussions on :
interaction (what terms would we like to integrate now for the next milestone ?);
organization (can it be finish for the next milestone?) ;
integrating terms into organization for regulation .
The deadline of this milestone corresponds to two weeks after the plenary meeting in Paris and before Xmas holidays.