Zod + Generate = Zen
Converts Go structs with go-validator validations to Zod schemas.
Zen supports self-referential types and generic types. Other cyclic types (apart from self referential types) are not supported as they are not supported by zod itself.
type Post struct {
Title string `validate:"required"`
type User struct {
Name string `validate:"required"`
Nickname *string // pointers become optional
Age int `validate:"min=18"`
Height float64 `validate:"min=0,max=3"`
Tags []string `validate:"min=1"`
Favourites []struct { // nested structs are kept inline
Name string `validate:"required"`
Posts []Post // external structs are emitted as separate exports
// Self referential types are supported
type Tree struct {
Value int
Children []Tree
// We can also use create a converter and convert multiple types together
c := zen.NewConverter(nil)
// Generic types are also supported
type GenericPair[T any, U any] struct {
First T
Second U
type StringIntPair GenericPair[string, int]
// For non-defined types, the type arguments are appended to the generic type
// name to get the type name
c.AddType(GenericPair[int, bool]{})
// Even nested generic types are supported
type PairMap[K comparable, T any, U any] struct {
Items map[K]GenericPair[T, U] `json:"items"`
c.AddType(PairMap[string, int, bool]{})
// Now export the generated schemas. Duplicate schemas are skipped
export const PostSchema = z.object({
Title: z.string().min(1),
export type Post = z.infer<typeof PostSchema>
export const UserSchema = z.object({
Name: z.string().min(1),
Nickname: z.string().nullable(),
Age: z.number().gte(18),
Height: z.number().gte(0).lte(3),
Tags: z.string().array().min(1),
Favourites: z.object({
Name: z.string().min(1),
Posts: PostSchema.array().nullable(),
export type User = z.infer<typeof UserSchema>
export type Tree = {
Value: number,
Children: Tree[] | null,
export const TreeSchema: z.ZodType<Tree> = z.object({
Value: z.number(),
Children: z.lazy(() => TreeSchema).array().nullable(),
export const StringIntPairSchema = z.object({
First: z.string(),
Second: z.number(),
export type StringIntPair = z.infer<typeof StringIntPairSchema>
export const GenericPairIntBoolSchema = z.object({
First: z.number(),
Second: z.boolean(),
export type GenericPairIntBool = z.infer<typeof GenericPairIntBoolSchema>
export const PairMapStringIntBoolSchema = z.object({
items: z.record(z.string(), GenericPairIntBoolSchema).nullable(),
export type PairMapStringIntBool = z.infer<typeof PairMapStringIntBoolSchema>
- We have all the types declared in a single module
- Use
to find all the go files. - We extract all the struct names using string manipulation on the files contents.
- Then using go templates and passing these struct names as input, we generate go code that is later used to generate the zod schemas.
converter := zen.NewConverter(make(map[string]zen.CustomFn))
{{range .TypesToGenerate}}
schema := converter.Export()
We can pass type name mappings to custom conversion functions:
c := zen.NewConverter(map[string]zen.CustomFn{
"github.com/shopspring/decimal.Decimal": func (c *zen.Converter, t reflect.Type, v string, i int) string {
// Shopspring's decimal type serialises to a string.
return "z.string()"
Money decimal.Decimal
export const UserSchema = z.object({
Money: z.string(),
export type User = z.infer<typeof UserSchema>
There are some custom types with tests in the "custom" directory.
The function signature for custom type handlers is:
func(c *Converter, t reflect.Type, validate string, indent int) string
We can use c
to process nested types. Indent level is for passing to other converter APIs.
Tag | Description |
ip | Internet Protocol Address IP |
ip4_addr | Internet Protocol Address IPv4 |
ip6_addr | Internet Protocol Address IPv6 |
ip_addr | Internet Protocol Address IP |
ipv4 | Internet Protocol Address IPv4 |
ipv6 | Internet Protocol Address IPv6 |
url | URL String |
http_url | HTTP URL String |
url_encoded | URL Encoded |
Tag | Description |
alpha | Alpha Only |
alphanum | Alphanumeric |
alphanumunicode | Alphanumeric Unicode |
alphaunicode | Alpha Unicode |
ascii | ASCII |
boolean | Boolean |
contains | Contains |
endswith | Ends With |
lowercase | Lowercase |
number | Number |
numeric | Numeric |
startswith | Starts With |
uppercase | Uppercase |
Tag | Description |
base64 | Base64 String |
mongodb | MongoDB ObjectID |
datetime | Datetime |
E-mail String | |
hexadecimal | Hexadecimal String |
html_encoded | HTML Encoded |
json | JSON |
jwt | JSON Web Token (JWT) |
latitude | Latitude |
longitude | Longitude |
uuid | Universally Unique Identifier UUID |
uuid3 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v3 |
uuid3_rfc4122 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v3 RFC4122 |
uuid4 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v4 |
uuid4_rfc4122 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v4 RFC4122 |
uuid5 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v5 |
uuid5_rfc4122 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID v5 RFC4122 |
uuid_rfc4122 | Universally Unique Identifier UUID RFC4122 |
md4 | MD4 hash |
md5 | MD5 hash |
sha256 | SHA256 hash |
sha384 | SHA384 hash |
sha512 | SHA512 hash |
Tag | Description |
eq | Equals |
gt | Greater than |
gte | Greater than or equal |
lt | Less Than |
lte | Less Than or Equal |
ne | Not Equal |
- For strings & numbers, will ensure that the value is compared to the parameter given. For slices, arrays, and maps, validates the number of items.
- (time, duration and maps are not supported)
Tag | Description |
len | Length |
max | Maximum |
min | Minimum |
oneof | One Of |
required | Required |
- required checks that the value is not default, but we are not implementing this check for numbers and booleans
- Does not support cyclic types - it's a limitation of zod, but self-referential types are supported.
- Sometimes outputs in the wrong order - it really needs an intermediate DAG to solve this.
- Distributed under MIT License, please see license file within the code for more details.
- Inspired by supervillain
- Uses several regexes from validator