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TC Portal is the UID2 Transparency and Control Portal. It allows consumers to opt out of targeted advertising via UID2 and EUID.

The UID 2 Project is subject to Tech Lab IPR’s Policy and is managed by the IAB Tech Lab Addressability Working Group and Privacy & Rearc Commit Group. Please review the governance rules here

Developer guide


  • Node >=20.11
  • Yarn 1.x: npm install --global yarn
  • You will need to have UID2 Operator running somewhere in order to submit opt-outs. -- Operator runs on port 8080 by default. If you provide the port_offset environment variable, it will add that value to the port it uses (e.g. with port_offset=1200 it will run on port 9280).

IDE & i18n

For translation support, use VS Code with the i18n Ally extension by Lokalise (it should be recommended when you open the project).

The extension should generally update the right locale (EUID or UID2) when editing template files. Important Note: Refactorings in the TypeScript files will only update one locale (EUID or UID2) - the extension doesn't handle the two-locales-for-the-same-file situation we have. Use care when editing strings in TypeScript files.


Create a file called .env in this folder. Variables defined in this file will be passed to the web server at startup as environment variables. At a minimum, it should contain the following:


You should set the values to match your local test environment. The provided OPTOUT_ values are taken from the test values in /src/main/resources/com.uid2.core/test/clients/clients.json in the UID2 Operator repo. You will need the Operator and Optout services (in other repos) running for opt-out requests to work. If you use the port_offset variable to run Operator on a different port, make sure you use a matching port number in ENDPOINT_URL.

To get values for the RECAPTCHA_ settings, you will need to create your own keys. Visit the Google Recaptcha admin console and create a reCAPTCHA v3 site with domains set to localhost and

Running in developer mode

  1. Run yarn to install dependencies
  2. Run either yarn uid2 or yarn euid to launch the relevant site
  3. Visit localhost:3000.

There's no hot reload, but content should be served straight from the repo and so changes should be reflected as soon as you refresh your browser.

If port 3000 is in use and you need to use a different port, and a line to your .env file (where nnnn is the port you want to run on):


Confirming it works!

The actual deployment will use the two dockerfiles to build images for deployment. Before you request a merge, make sure it works in both! This is a production-like test - the dev experience won't be quite as good. From this folder:

docker build --pull --rm -f "Dockerfile_euid" -t euid-tcportal "."
docker run -dp 3000:3000 euid-tcportal

You should then be able to visit localhost:3000 to see the container running. Replace Dockerfile_euid with Dockerfile_uid2 and euid-tcportal with uid2-tcportal (both commands) to run UID2 instead.

If port 3000 is in use and you need to run it on a different port, replace the first 3000 in the docker run command with the port you want to use (ensure the second one is still 3000).

To shut down the Docker instance, run docker stop containedID where containerID is the ID returned by the docker run command when you launched it.