Logmet appender for node-log4js
npm i log4js-logmet-appender --save
Set the following environment variables:
export log4js_logmet_enabled=true
export log4js_logmet_component=otc-api-local-test
export log4js_logmet_logging_token=<secureToken>
export log4js_logmet_space_id=<yourSpaceId>
export log4js_logmet_logging_host=logs.stage1.opvis.bluemix.net
export log4js_logmet_logging_port=9091
To get the secure token and space id see the instructions here: https://pages.github.ibm.com/alchemy-logmet/getting-started/authentication.html
You must be using log4js-node 3.x or 4.x, and must call log4js.configure('/path/to/log4js.json')
somewhere in your code.
You must add the following to the list of appenders in your log4js.json
"appenders": {
"logmet": {
"type": "log4js-logmet-appender",
"categories": {
"default": { "appenders": [ "logmet" ], "level": "info" },
The appender supports custom layouts, the default layout function used is:
let layout = (logEvent) => {
let instanceId = process.env.CF_INSTANCE_INDEX || require('os').hostname().replace(/^.*-([a-zA-Z0-9]+-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/g,'$1');
let logmetEvent = {
'component': process.env.log4js_logmet_component || config.component,
'host-ip': process.env.CF_INSTANCE_IP,
'instance-id': instanceId,
'loglevel': logEvent.level.levelStr,
'msg_timestamp': logEvent.startTime.toISOString(),
'message': logEvent.data.join(' | '),
'type': logEvent.categoryName
return logmetEvent;
Each key will mapped to a field name in Logmet.
No automated tests currently
Contributions are welcome via Pull Requests. Please submit your very first Pull Request against the Developer's Certificate of Origin, adding a line like the following to the end of the file... using your name and email address of course!
Signed-off-by: John Doe <john.doe@example.org>